How is it white genocide when nobody is killing you or preventing you from fucking?

How is it white genocide when nobody is killing you or preventing you from fucking?

Attached: white genocide.png (1186x676, 131K)

I’m gonna have kids and I’m gonna live frugal so I can have a large family. But that is not the cultural norm in any white country.

Because that would be too overt it has to be subliminal and carefully executed over many generations. This is the fruition of many years of planning. We can throw a monkey wrench in it if we march on DC but we've been literally and culturally neutered so it'll have to go so far as to scar this and the next generation for life before we will do that.

>when nobody is killing you
Hundreds of whites are killed every year by nonwhite criminals
Tens of thousands are killed by kike pharma companies
Discrimination against whites is legal and subsidized by the state (white taxpayers)
And having children doesn't negate the >1 million shitskins flooding in every year

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>inb4 shit thread 404’s

it's a plan to eradicate an entire race of people that is being carried out by way of policy. The violent bit will come at the end when there are few enough of us to make it low risk, before that our numbers need to be drastically reduced and that is what we are seeing.

>Tens of thousands are killed by kike pharma companies
you know people take these drugs by choice right?

The irony of a nigger criticizing another group for not taking responsibility.

Populations organically rise and fall in response to their environment.

Artificially flooding countries with a mass of immigrants prevents the cost of living and other factors from falling, therefore preventing a rebound in birth rates from natives. There are many other unspoken consequences of mass-immigration.

Just because it's not overt genocide, doesn't mean that it's not genocide by public policy. And that's the plan, really.

On the advice of doctors, after the pharma companies lie about their addictiveness, and from that point on the addict's judgement is compromised. Yes.

>hundreds killed by no whites
Lmao, western countries are extremely safe, a hundred deaths yearly is hardly a genocide
This is a factor, but whites aren’t forced to pop pain pills like candy. So no still not a genocide
>Housing discrimination, immigration
The ones making these decisions, US politicians and bureaucrats, are still mostly white. So more like white suicide than white genocide

Exactly. It's not genocide. Mankind is cyclical. Races come and go, Whites are nearing their end.

How is Jigsaw actually a serial killer when he technically never killed anybody? He just puts them in a situation where they can't escape and are forced to kill themselves *smug liberal face*

this explains the anti-gun narrative and push for gun grabbing from the EU to NZ

>are still mostly white. So more like white suicide than white genocide
Jews are not white

Attached: 1553786410892.jpg (600x375, 50K)

>bring hordes of immigrants that just fuck and have a shit ton of kids while getting handouts
>once they become a majority in a town, the town literally turns into a violent shithohle and whites leave
>South Africa.

And whats keeping people from doing their due diligence and reading the label?

More like white suicide. The white race is the most cucked. Always bending over to no whites.

High cost of living in 1st world white countries that prevents whites from having more then 1 kid is genocidal. Idiot.

how is police violence on niggas real?
like just stop being violent niggers who steal rob and fight at the first chance lmao

This is a bullshit argument.
Let's say you want to shift a population towards authoritarian power.
For starters the government puts onerous taxes on people. Smart people realise they can only put the effort required to raise a functional human and work a job by only having one or two children.
At the same time the government give poverty level payments for each child born. Retards aren't good at long term goal setting so keep spewing out skids to keep government welfare at an acceptable level.
Phase one compete. You now have retards out breeding the intelligent and rapidly expanding the slave class dependent on government power.
This works but still no matter how docile and retarded white people get they still carry human genes and latent genius emerging is a very real threat. So you decide to import people who are prone to authoritarianism (mudslimes) and low iq niggers.
Niggers and muds do what they're designed to do. Both the vestiges of the smart whites and the mutt white slaves too demoralised to fight back, ask Govermment to intervine.
Government responds by limiting personal freedoms and only the uses this power against the native population.
Government demonise natives as racist and move to support invaders with more welfare and rights.
Same smart now overly stretched productive portion of the population now makes intelligent decision to have even fewer children.
Eventually this collapses and from there to assume total mastery over a retarded and broken populace and can do as you want.
Congratulations you can now purge the remains of whatever you want and spend the next 1000 years convincing the next civilisation that we're descended from a transvestite frog god. All while you enjoy the fruits of science and technology harvested from the last cycle.
Its not the first time a reset has happened. It won't be the last.

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Bringing in hordes of non-white immigrants that steal labor from and outbreed whites is genocide by the UN’s own definition

>still mostly white
And they serve their Jewish masters.

Isn’t it just white liberals willing to fuck their race(metaphorically and literally) into extinction? Not our fault whites can’t control the lemmings of their race.

It's not. White genocide = 9/10 white Stacies not wanting to fuck 2/10 neetcels

>import millions of Han Chinese to Uighur regions
>encourage intermarriage
>undermine native culture
How is it genocide tho

Who runs the media conglomerates?

Attached: TimeAgenda.jpg (1024x671, 160K)

That said, I've never seen as many interracial couples anywhere as I've seen on Jow Forums. This is Jow Forums's biggest fetish and simultaneously allows you to self-victimize and have a convenient excuse why you wasted your life on vidya, cartoons and other hedonism instead of becoming a home-owner with a family.

social egineering by promoting reaction formation, and employing a kind of reverse psychology.
white nationalism, and whit guilt are goading white women to breeding with non white men.
more so the anti white male sentiment, and white males getting angry at this or capitulating makes the white males unattractive to pretty much any females.

we all fell into a trap.
and the only way to escape now is to kill the trapper.

The vast majority of people who are murdered are black or Hispanic.

We don't have money to raise children and pour tax dollars go to welfare for irresponsible people and illegal aliens kys

Ashkenazi Jews are white.

Genocide can refer to attempts to break up an ethnic group, like every bitched about china doing to tibet.

Population replacement is genocide. It’s even in the Geneva convention. Why are you not ashamed of how stupid you are?

>random white women liked this
wow, get out there and breed then fucking whores

Or we could just stop importing/subsidizing niggers.

Its white suicide, you memflag kike pedo.

Poor choice with that memeflag, shill. You should know if you were a libertarian.

>And whats keeping people from doing their due diligence and reading the label?

you cant be serious can you
first of all the label tells you fuck all other than certain side affects.
you need a medication desk reference, and need to read the paper from the actual box, not the bottle, then you need to brush up and teach yourself how to read experimental results from drug trials.

get off this site
you're either too young or too privileged

Chinks are literally dragging their minorities out of their homes, killing men, raping women, good old Armenia genocide style. Get back when this starts happening to you.

The toughest redpill to swallow is that white genocide exists because white people are letting it exist. Basically white men are losers not because society make them such but because they adopt a loser mentality and allow themselves to be treated as such and thus they're allowing foreigners to erode everything from their history to their genes. Because it's easier to masturbate in video games and circle jerk on forums like Jow Forums instead of doing something other than complaining. That's how the white race ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.

Jews aren’t white, kikel

We all agree with this?

Fuck you nigger.

Attached: LynchedNiggerFaggots.jpg (755x575, 319K)

Where have all the native Americans gone?

We need another war to cull our weak

The United Nations has a program called Replacement Migration. The whole project is intrinsically genocidal.
>White European populations getting older.
>They must be replaced because they must be replaced. Fuck your cohesive and homogenous societies, evil racists. We need diversity! The economy is weaponized against the native peoples.
>Any ideas of nationalism are branded racist, fascist, bigoted, xenophobic, nazi, etc. by the globalist establishment. The mere idea of protecting European nations and cultures is considered unacceptable. Dissent is heavily repressed.
>Here comes Replacement Migration.
>Roll forward the decades: European populations have been replaced by third-worlders. Natives get discriminated in their home countries while globalists sit pretty. There is no diversity, but rather, every European country is a variation of the same multiculturalist consumerist globalist goo.

Culled by the Anglo

The trouble is the weak scrape through, it's the strong and the brave that line up to get blown to pieces, as proved by the two world wars, it is known that the genetic quality of Europe fell dramatically after those events, perhaps to a point from which no recovery is possible.

The lies you caucasians have to tell yourselves to justify being inherently evil is staggering.


>white people are too retarded to live.

Sounds like a genocide is in order

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>it is known that the genetic quality of Europe fell dramatically after those events

Forcing white children to attend school with nonwhites is a genocidal action under example 4 of the un definition of genocide

The government takes resources from whites (making it harder to have kids), and gives it to the races that want whites dead (making it easier for them to have kids). The government also forces whites to live around poc by criminalizing freedom of association.

This is covered in article 2 or the UN convention on genocide

>(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
>(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

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quickly get rid of non white immigration into this country and I will agree with you

>citing a blog

We went around systematically murdering them? No, we did not. After the initial pushback, is was all quite amicable. Just people immigrating, minding their own business.

Now they are relegated to some small irrelevant reservations on the fringes, and even then most of them are half breeds.

>inb4 because you share some blood with the people that moved away from your country you deserve for it to happen to you
My ancestors didn't go anywhere, and by that logic niggers are responsible for it all seeing as we apparently all came from Africa.

White middle class families can't afford to have kids in this country anymore. Poor people shit out kids and don't care about hospital Bill's, illegals do it on taxpayer dollars.

If I wanna have a kid? That will be $8000 plesse.

We've been priced out.

It all came from government data. Go back to faceberg you repugnant tranny shit-fucker.

> amicable
Is that why all the Injuns died cleanly north of the Mexican border? Everything below is still full of them, despite Spaniards and the Portuguese mass migrating

But a reliable source would know that economics aren't that simple.

When the state forces you to pay taxes for other people's kids and you dont want to be a irresponsible nigger having kids you cannot afford but you already knew that you nigger.

I never said there was no conflict. The Indians did at least initially try to fight their "we're just coming here for a better life. Why all the hate? :(" conquerors. After that though and up to the modern day, they mostly just let it happen as there was little they could do about it.

>t. Urban retard

>fuck exclusively other men and traps
>don't make children
>have some weird guilt complex about it

That's how the "white genocide" meme works. As Gorky said, "exterminate all homosexuals and fascism will vanish".

Whites can't afford babies while they're paying for all the niglets already.

And why would they?

Kek 100% this

White women still LOVE white men. I really can't see this changing. And I love them too

The Pill.
Young white women are functionally sterile.

We know how much each citizen pays in taxes and extracts in benefits, as well as what race they are. Yes, it's that simple.

- Abortions
- No marriage or Unofficial relationship = the day they're informed of incoming baby is a day of cataclysm instead of joy = Abortion
- Condom = Abortion
- Couple decide of the date of birth = condomery = Abortion
- jews propaganda onhow any sexual relation without condom could results in aids = terror = condoms everytime
- If a white woman successfully get a baby, she get punished by episiotomy (cut from anus to vagina) = terror = no second baby = abortion
- not a single word in education to support marriage = unofficial relationships = abortion
- vasectomy propaganda pushed by hollywood stars = no baby ever
- chemical castration through food additives / drugs

there is more, but mainly there is jews

Attached: article-1046582-04CEBEB80000044D-157_468x286.jpg (468x286, 20K)

Immigration and then dilution of white populations worldwide were, to my knowledge, universally imposed against the will of the populations.

Evidence of intent to replace whites used to be speculative but now they just gloat because theyve already won

To the definition:
Mass slaughter is not inherently genocide. Indisciminantly killing a random population is not genocide. So the intent that manifests genocide must be related to an eradication of [an expression] that the subject group expresses. Forcefully or subversively destroying a people by exterminating their future as a people is a genocide regardless of how many deaths there are. The effect is the same.

LMAO blegs luv da poo dick. Peep da aids stats.

Niggers really are incapable of complex thought.

>just make white babies
You shouldn't have to breed like rabbits to avoid becoming a minority in your country.
The japanese aren't in any danger of losing their majority status

Attached: immigrants.png (850x1013, 768K)

immigrant = white genocide

>how is it possible to eradicate a race without killing them??

almost like forced immigration and racemixing propaganda constitute genocide under the UN Genocide Convention

well they're not hebrews or semetic so yeah in the sense that they are merely eastern european larpers they're white.

From Wikipedia:

The CPPCG was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 9 December 1948[2] and came into effect on 12 January 1951 (Resolution 260 (III)). It contains an internationally recognized definition of genocide which has been incorporated into the national criminal legislation of many countries, and was also adopted by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which established the International Criminal Court (ICC). Article II of the Convention defines genocide as:

... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily harm, or harm to mental health, to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Welp there it is

Actually, no they arent.
They are distinct and separate.

Look up the un resolutions on indigenous rights and genocide. It explains everything. Replacement is slow-motion genocide.

How were there genocides in Africa if there are still Africans lel? Whites just moved to New Zealand, they were just immigrants. The Maori are still here lel. Same shit with native americans. Why are the left so anti immigrant?

>Replacement is slow-motion genocide.
At the end, it won't just be replacement.
They need to make sure that Whites are vastly outnumbered by their pet minorities.
Than a more violent genocide can take place.

>pic related
>U.N. definition of "genocide"
>"mental harm"/"mental element"
>look around you

Attached: u.n.-definition-genocide.png (1110x1096, 127K)

Whites were just enriching the Maoiri.
They added some diversity to their otherwise bland and homogenous societies.

Jews and muslims united against whitey

Attached: jewmus54.png (1587x773, 705K)

i fucking hate my girlfriends annoying ass yappy ass piece of shit dog i just want to punt this fucker across the room.

>haha just have a few kids
>never mind the 2 million immigrants we just imported that have 8 kids on average

How is it "muh systemic raycissums" if no one is stopping you from getting a job? Just go and get a job, lazy niggers

This guy

What kind of dog?
You should try playing with it

And they let them have multiple teenaged wives so they can have more babies on the taxpayers dole

And they all smell fucking awful together

What a nice long list of excuses for not having kids.

Keyword: subversive.

I'm gonna have 3 kids. Is that enough?

8 kids?
Are you fucking retarded?
Hispanics are at 2.1!
Do you niggers ever run out of excuses?

Good for you, user!
Encourage other whites to do the same.