Reminder that if you haven't read this at least twice, you are pleb-tier and cannot post here.
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Is it better than Ride the Tiger? I found that one hard to get in to.
Reminder that this is the most relevant book on current policital situation and you should have read it.
>Have read it twice
Phew i get to post in here
It's way better and should be read first, lots of ppl me including make the mistake of starting with Ride The Tiger.
Give me a solid reason why should I bother with Julius Evola. What will I get out of reading him that I won't by reading every philosopher before him?
tbqh its kind of harder to get into revolt than ride the tiger because all you need to read to get into ride the tiger is nietzsche
in revolt he actually gets sort of larpy with polygamy shit, "hyperborean" autism etc
You will get a completely revamped worldview, and you will understand what it means that this is the Kali Yuga. And you will learn a lot about the future that awaits the world.
I will have to pick it up then. I have burned through a majority of the pol recommended books already. One that I find is overlooked because it is fiction is Starship Troopers. It's more about the authors political ideology than space marines fighting insects.
The "Hyperborean autism" stuff is the most interesting once you have gone deep into the rabbithole. Also check out this pic. Mystery of the Grail is mandatory reading and the redpill will hit you hard
actually i kind of found men among the ruins the easiest one to get into without much of previous introduction to his philosophy
I did this too lol. Almost done with Men Among the Ruins, and I plan to reread Ride the Tiger.
Revolt is basically an esoteric/Traditionalist history book with commentary of the same manner. MATR continues this line of thought while basically declaring "The damage has already been done, this is the nightmare-hell-world of the prophecies n sheeit".
Ride the Tiger is about aligning your mindset and behavior in the context of what the last 2 books have discussed.
I agree that Men Among the Ruins is easier for the man of Jow Forums to get into. It is a great book. It has less mystic subjects and more hands-on political approach. But you must also dive into the Mystic part of Evola to reach a higher level of understanding of the problems that plague our current clown world. Again, i have to recommend the Mystery of the Grail, i am completely changed after reading this tome of wisdom.
just came in the mail yesterday
my resume:
>ride the tiger
>the hermetic tradition
>introduction to magic
getting revolt soon
Found Ride the Tiger immensely easy to get into. Finished it over the course of a weekend and it really resonated with me. It was as if I was reading a religious text and it was describing my life and my surroundings in precisely the way I imagine it.
Revolt Against the Modern World was a good one. The second half of the book is where it really takes off and he expands upon the framework he establishes in the first half of the book.
What were his thoughts on Monarchy?
Julius Evola was the richard spencer of his time user, if you take a trust fund advice seriously, then go ahead.
care to elaborate, Pablo?
The real red pill is reading the books that the great men of Europe read.
Or, as Mosley said "if you're going in for action, study the masters."
>[Marlborough] was the Englishman
>who alone in the company of Chatham could match the two great Latins, Caesar and
>Napoleon, or the Teutonic genius of the two Fredericks, Hohenstaufen and
>Hohenzollem, on the dusty plain of action.
Evola is too esoteric for an "intro"
Ive read it once, 3 years ago. Perhaps time to read again, but I'm reading Plato and Homer so not much time.
Ride the tiger isn't nearly as good.
Forget about Hoppe and skip straight to Moldbug, he covers all of Hoppes good points, often more throughly and in more detail and without all the anarchist bullshit.