My psychologist just told me that she was raped but doesn't want to tell me how many dudes she slept with...

my psychologist just told me that she was raped but doesn't want to tell me how many dudes she slept with. what am I supposed to think about this? It's strange that she finds rape less intimate than her bodycount

Attached: truth about relationships with women.jpg (923x633, 208K)

here's your reply

Attached: tenor (1).gif (300x164, 2.57M)

It's rape.
Sex is enjoyable. Rape is rape.
Rape is forceful and degrading. Sex is fun.
Sex is a way to know a person better, Rape is a strange body inside you.
Sex is a choice. Rape is rape.

I don't know how I can be more clear than this.

Go back to Facebook.

sperg more newfag

Why is your psychologist telling you her problems?

She said that it's more like coaching than therapy in the first place. she tells me a lot about herself. I asked her about this because she was suggesting it earlier but didn't told me this directly. It looks like she already got over it.


70% sure she is making stuff up. We do it all the time with patients.

Why do guys go to female psychologist? stupid

>70% sure she is making stuff up. We do it all the time with patients.
didn't seemed like it. She didn't had a reason to

Personally, i would NEVER go to a male psychologist.

Because we’re socially conditioned to only go to females for emotional support and validation.

>emotional support
this isn't how it works mate

>lying so hard for (you)

Given the context of the thread, I’m assuming “psychologist” means therapist here, so how is in inaccurate to describe therapy as emotional support?

Because effective therapy isn't emotional support at all, it's cognitive support. The therapist is an intelligent professional who helps you understand your problems better so you can come up with a plan to make things better, not just another shoulder to cry on.

Why keep it a secret then

Because it isn't really something you'd like to share all that much.

Think about it. You are walking home from buying groceries. A dude twice your size grabs you by the arm, shoves you into a dark corner, takes off your clothes on the fastest and painful way possible only to then do the business, wrecking your insides like you are scrapping the inside of a jelly jar, only difference being that the jelly comes in and not out. Oh yeah, and the seed of a complete stranger is now making it's way to your insides.

"Mommy, daddy, guess what happened today?"

But that's the OP's whole point you dingus. Rape is the *only* thing she shared, not the thing she's tight-lipped about.

Because one of those she has to overcome, the other on is just something she did for fun.

Why would she have to talk about something she did for fun and, therefore, doesn't need to overcome? Plus it's more intimate than rape because the last thing you think while raping or getting raped is that you are opening yourself to the person (emotionally).

So both are intimate, but for different reasons. One because it's something pertaining to your personal life and the other because you got traumatized. Only one of those two has any benefit from opening up about.

She tells you about the rape to establish some trust and connection so you will be inclined to be more open with her about your issues.

Her love life is none of your business.

>Her love life is none of your business.
She already told me about her bf and ex-bf

Hardly a professional.

She seems experienced. On last sessions she admitted that I know much more than her ordinary client, and that she treats more like coaching than psychoanalysis. I feel that I am special in some way to her. what's so bad in that?


Women enjoy being raped. Why do you think they orgasm from it?

>The therapist is an intelligent professional who helps you understand your problems better
Pretty sure they are just drug dealers that listen to your life story.

that's psychiatry