Speaking geopolitically, and how do you feel they will?
Some examples for yes: >Will the Chinese economic status quo put it leagues above the USA to the point where America cannot compete, and becomes weaker than China on all fronts? >Will Trump burn american chances to the ground? >Will shifting demographics in the USA make it fail?
Examples for no:
>Will the leftover problems of the One Child Policy demographically cripple China? >Will China end up not being able to "innovate" outside of trade theft? >Will the American's take more serious military means to strangle China's economy?
china has several advantages >1. no kike bankers >2. no private banks of any kind >3. economic planning actually works with real tie inventory tracking in the digital age and they proved it >4. free market madness is just kike global degeneracy they don't bother with >5. their citizens do whatever they're told
they also have a lot of disadvantages >1. they're chinks >2. so they're not popular, they have no allies >3. they have no jew media propaganda equivalent >4. they're at least 30 years of heavy military spending away from really challenging uncle sam >5. lots of internal groups like tibetans and uyghurs fucking hate their guts
Ayden Myers
asking this in 2019 means you're either retarded or 15 years old
anyone believing the USA will still exist in 50 years is clinically braindead and shouldn't be allowed to vote
Ethan Torres
The disadvantages seem to be more damning, and we do see China open little bits, but changes her mind regularly. Why do you say this?
Mason Carter
i'm not sure. people talk a lot about potential political instability in china. and there's real potential there. but i think they downplay political instability in the west. how many decades are the majority of western citizens going to tolerate declining living standards, deteriorating infrastructure, an influx of foreign labor and capital, and doing israel's foreign policy dirty work? i think odds are about as even that some really fucking radical change happens in the west. as burgerland goes, europoors will follow.
Brayden Peterson
because it's all just statistics now, there is literally no way the USA can keep up with China, because of population numbers alone
The only way the USA could've survived the shift from West to the East was to form strong trade agreements, stay allied to Europe and stop showing the world how less retarded and degenerate China is in every way compared to the US
And they have done the exact opposite, making it harder to trade with them, alienating the rest of the world and pissing everyone off for radicals like Israeli and Saudi interests
Now it's just a matter of time before petrodollar crashes, US dollar crashes, Saudis bomb the US again and Jews fly off to Mars, and then it will be USA alone with an impotent economy, degenerate workfroce, and racial. political and class struggles on scales seen nowhere else in the world
Meanwhile China is the exact opposite of the USA, forming alliances, building trade routes and investing overseas, while leaving the USA to suffocate itself
Sure seems like a no brainer to me, only Americans don't see this
Christopher Jenkins
You forgot advantage: not race blind.
88% of Chinese anthropologists agree race is real, and none of them have any compunction about noticing how shite some of them are.
That is a HUGE advantage.
Nolan Cox
yeah, the Chinese aren't dumb enough to import millions of slaves from Africa and give them voting rights a hundred years later, or to let other minorities become the majority in their own country
that might sound racist and whatever but it turns out estabilishing a politically correct culture that panders to those who don't even belong is the surest way to guarantee your empire's downfall, just look at the USA nowadays
Hunter Morris
They might pass us in GDP but US isn't exactly famous for that anyways. We'll still have the most advanced military and be the most culturally advanced and influential country in the modern era
Adam Hall
I think there is a pretty radical change in the USA. The old style of thinking was that if you were poor then it is your fault. Can't compete with illegals? Your fault!
The alt-right (and further right) is mostly against immigration. it also has influenced the more moderate right wingers. The alt-left (or further left) is mainly against wealth inequality. It also has influenced more moderate left wingers.
Now wealth inequality and immigration are both major things that haven't been genuinely addressed by either party, and used as bargaining chips. There could be room to work and compromise as each party gains more ground.
Sociology is a treasure trove for both. It points out these, and critiques the idea of the USA just being a meritocracy. It stands fully against the fact that hard work determines all.
>the most culturally influental country of the modern era what exactly is "US culture"?
Levi Scott
Chink military is a big joke. You have no idea just how bad. That’s why they never get involved militarily. They would get completely exposed
Hunter Richardson
I do think this can be managed without large levels of political instability/civil war. Conflict can be good to solve underlying problems
Kayden Edwards
Yes. Hard to beat a economy that has 1.38 billion population when you only have a population of 320,000.
Jackson Brown
The US culture from a national level is the bill of rights. Culture is something that is always changing, and within each country there are an abundant number of subcultures that are always changing as well. Whether it be from different video games, and so forth.
The main points for American culture would be the things laid out within the bill of rights, and our support of it as individuals.
Gavin Bennett
Will, they will eventually dominate Asia including Australia. But not the "world."
Easton Hill
so US culture is basically giving "rights" to everyone even though they use those rights to fuck your country over? people in my part of the world often say that Americans live in some sort of a dreamy LGBT fairy tale, thinking how progressive, democratic and liberal they are while everything around them burns or gets shot... sure seems like it more and more over the years
Joseph Perry
Hollywood movies, rock music, hip-hop, baseball, football, Crease food, Cowboys, marines, basketball, etc etc basically any mainstream media outlet out there the US own a monopoly in it. And that's not even taking into account tech industry which is American and Japanese dominated, or business on wall street and the stock market. So I'm not really worried about china
Jayden Bell
There is a very definite criteria for how to get rights, and what rights you get and after how long.
America is a fairy tale relative to the Czech Republic. This is objectively true.
Logan Taylor
>That flag
le fucking l. You do realize that they're one (((activist or whistleblower))) leak away from their dirty laundry fully and utterly exposed like, you know, all their atrocities against Falun Gong and the Uighurs. It's not like they're being kept in the pristine condition the CCP says they're in. Oh, if you think they're only being locked-up and "re-educated" on their "thoughts", think again. Once the US, Israel, and the EUSSR gets their hands on this you know what that means... bye, bye, Chainee Centwee.
>America is a fairy tale relative to the Czech Republic. This is objectively true. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
well, I "objectively" prefer living among white people, dating white chicks, not getting blown up or shot at school or church, by the police, while being yelled at by black transgenders with Jew overlords watching, sending my children to die at the other end of the planet because our military industry's profit commands it
but everyone prefers something else i suppose
Luis Sanders
so basically American "culture" are mainstream fads made up in the last 100 years, let's just say the word culture means something different in europe or asia, I guess you have some special word for that like "historical culture" because you don't have it
Juan Rodriguez
I'd like to see Asian bring Eurasia up to par with the rest of the world. If only they'd leave Western Europe alone and stop stealing IP. We can all make it, but dont purposely leave others behind in the attempt get there.
Remember that the original claim was the "most culturally advanced and influential."
This just means spreading influence, which his claims do, and my box office numbers show the case for the USA.
Henry Kelly
No, the Jews must be number 1.
China will never overtake USA if they do that means Jews are not in power.
Angel Torres
Honestly the US and China will probably both be regional powers.
Jose Parker
Japan could say the same about your country...
William Hernandez
America is really young. I don't want to get too pretentious here but It wouldn't surprise me If the 1940s to 2050s are looked at as the renaissance era for Americans. The fact that you can't pinpoint what American culture is, proves how big it really is. The fact that even people that live in third world countries halfway across the world can quote stuff from goodfellas is proof that our bed is set.Well mine I guess not yours.
Jack Turner
things are like that because jew bankers and boomers and ivy league hieress faggots benefit. don't see it changing unless those same people get really scared they'll lose everything if they don't give up half. nothing will change until those people are begging for a jew candidate like sanders, not fighting tooth and nail for a clown like schultz or bloomberg.
Chang here. Our strategy is just to wait it out. In 30 years the US will become Brazil and probably elect a Pedro president who likes to speak Spanish alot.
america is a nation of punctuated equilibria. nothing happens for decades. then everything happens at once. look at the 20th century. almost everything relevant happened in the year 1932-1938, and 1964-1968. the interceding years are just gridlock and bullshit watered down compromise. because it's not parliamentary. the only time shit happens is when one party holds all the cards. majority in house. 60+ votes in senate. and the presidency. those stars only align a couple times per century. and one time they didn't and we got a civil war instead. but shit gets pushed to the breaking point, and then one of the two happens. can you feel the breaking point approaching, user? everything's leading to it.
Landon Hill
I like Canada, I know it's ironic but I don't like the brown population here either. So if shit hits the fan I'll go back.
Alexander Powell
Honestly that's probably the smartest choice. America's time is over.
I meant in general; a lot of wealthy Chinese (and people from other nations like India) seem to be treating us like a tax haven. And for what little it's worth, you guys are alright to in my book.
Adam Wright
What things are you referring that are "relevant?" I can think of tons of things that made huge impacts happening outside this.
Colton Brown
>tax haven The truth is the rich Chinese come to Canada as a safety precaution. Their wealth is largely illegitimate so they transfer them here to protect from prosecution. But at the same time there are regular people who just to survive here.
Adam Johnson
Connor Parker
To add: I hate how people always try to downplay, or what aboutism when you bring up the way the chinese treat their own citizens
Elijah Jackson
Literally this, I'm always shocked by these retarded burgermutts who think the USA will actually exist by 2100. Its headed straight for balkanization. But then I remember that 80% of American flags on Jow Forums are brown mutts and it all makes sense why burgers are so fucking stupid
Dominic Wood
major domestic legislation in first period: >child labor restrictions >overtime >the weekend >minimum wage >social security >unemployment insurance >the 30 year mortgage major domestic legislation in 2nd period: >medicare >medicaid >civil rights >voting rights >immigration act of 65 >fair housing there's a small sample of what happened in those years. not saying it's all great. not saying it all has to be lefty shit, just dems pulled it off those times. just saying all the biggest shit happens in small time windows.
Lincoln Sanchez
Not like the USA. The USA's trouble is that we voluntarily wear kid gloves and adhere to cucked rules of engagement. Total war is off the table.
Take the gloves off and the US military could genocide multiple continents at once. No insurgents left to insurgent. Just seas of dead men, women, and children. And after we're done, we could pave over their bones to make Walmart parking lots.
Jose Baker
China will collapse in 2023
Wyatt Hall
No. They lack sustainability and will eat themselves (possibly literally) because their national consciousness hardly exists beyond desire to cheat and gain for the self. Combined with the government trying to also push communist rhetoric, it's just going to cause unhappiness and turmoil. I'd expect balkanization before any major threat.
America is relatively unified, even our blue states have plenty of red counties. Loud, angry jackasses on Twitter mean nothing for the whole of the country. That, and I think we're on the brink of dropping hostilities, what with Z being less offended by things and more able to laugh at things, it makes the upset victim culture frustrated and impotent. I'm not blind to the race problem though, it still is a concern, but China has it's own ethnic problems between the Uyghurs, Tibetans, Hong Kongers, so on and so forth.
Nicholas Sullivan
Oh sorry I misread your post. I thought you meant the actually good things happen in those periods.
Why do you assume this though?
Gavin Adams
To add on to this: It's far more likely someone else will rise to the top than China, though I don't know who, or when.
China already surpassed the US in GDP at PPP. They could turn that into top nominal GDP at any moment simply by ending the policy of artificially undervaluing the yuan and allowing it to float freely in the FOREX market. The CPC is biding its time though, and continuing the policy of easy exports in order to build up their productive forces and foreign currency reserves. When the moment is right they will strike.
Kevin James
The U.S. can’t Balkanize because we’re not divided by ethnicities and regions. We have Team Blue in urban areas, Team Red in rural areas, and suburban areas are split.
>America is a fairy tale relative to the Czech Republic. This is objectively true.
Bullshit. Typical standard of living in the US is much lower by any objective measure. Czech republic is a pretty secular, relatively egalitarian industrialized country with a bit lower income than much of the developed world, but a lower cost of living to compensate. The US is full of religious fanatics and has massive inequality and all the crime and dysfunction that comes with it. Americans might have more toys, but they have worse health, more abusive work conditions, less functional democracy and justice, etc.
Putting Muslims in camps is good though. If you can re-educate them, fine. If not, harvest their organs. This is good policy.
Camden Smith
the chinese should really work on pacifying these regions. The US and Russia want to fragment China and create a gargantuan muslim refugee crisis to win this geopolitical struggle. Why does Tibet want to be independent anyway? What do they gain from being a piss-poor shithole everyone will manipulate to their liking?
Gavin Phillips
Did an American steal your girlfriend?
Christopher Jenkins
Yes, look up The 100 Year Plan by Michael Pillsbury, one of Trump's advisers on China. Their goal to surpass the U.S. began back in Mao's day.
Dominic Allen
Correction, it's called the 100 Year Marathon.
Luke Gutierrez
The good and badthyung about America is it is a lumbering retarded giant separated by Oceans. It's designed to be inefficient which will catch up to it. There has been no serious American legislation in more than 80 years.
While China has some fucked morals (to a Westsrner), I appreciate their political system which can react quickly and narrow to a problem without having to dance to hundreds of interests.
The United States, in this fast paced era, needs to streamline it's political system.
Jonathan Gutierrez
american culture is this you fuckin idiot: encompassing technology youre using now which we mass export mass exported media of every conceivable kind mass exported customs - santa claus, halloween, etc
you know exactly what american culture is but youre just a petulant antiamerican teen.
if china does become the dominant power in the world, youll wish americans were still the superpower. analyze their culture for more than 2 seconds and youll see how quickly thatd chuck a subhuman like you into the meat grinder to further their goals, whatever they may be.
Blake Thomas
Tibet is pure geopolitical game. Tibet controls the water source of India, Vietnam and many SEA countries. They want it out of China's hands, don't really care what happens to the people.
Angel Reed
i think the hate's just natural. if some ching chong army from 1,000 miles away who don't even have an alphabet split you off from the rest of burma and tell you your commie now, no more dalai lama, you'd probably be pissed off too.
Luke Collins
Not in the time of Trump's presidency.
Jonathan Gonzalez
>Using an American site in English >"But what is American culture?"
Jonathan Myers
Whataboutism is very relevant here. As long as the US continues to decline in its relative strength China will survive. Every mistake the US makes strengthen CCP rule. For example the brexit debacle makes the Chinese question about referendum and the superiority of democracy all together. If the US elects some Hispanic person who is out for the benefits of the possible Hispanic majority, all of a sudden dictatorship doesn't seem that bad in comparison.
Anthony Anderson
no one said it would be a pretty sight when it happens. also rural areas are majority white
Easton Green
>Once the US, Israel, and the EUSSR gets their hands on this you know what that means... bye, bye, Chainee Centwee.
Don’t be daft. They all know about that already. No one really cares about any of that stuff unless they need it to sway public opinion. Since it’s not being widely spread they don’t need it. And if they did need it they would just make it up.
Carson Johnson
That book is widely disparaged, and a typical clickbait book for fox news boomers. Read Jamestown publications instead
Xavier Martinez
China will collaps because if grand solar minimum.
Jaxon Sullivan
>youre using now
Moldovan pillow crocheting forums, running on processors manufactures in Israel, on boards/systems made in the Peoples Republic of China, by a Taiwanese owned company, on an operating system kernel developed by an autistic Finn, in the language of the Bongs, using an application layer protocol invented by a Bong while in Switzerland?
Thomas Ramirez
Why do you Pajeets always use the UN flag? I mean everyone know you are a Pajeet when you Pajeets always use the same two or three flags when spamming threads about China.