Were you bullied or were you the bully?

Were you bullied or were you the bully?

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Bullied kuffar since day one that I landed here

I was bullied before i became the bully, then i ceased to be both all together.

i never realized that i was never actually bullied until i read about what happens in flyover states and rich cracker alcoves.
basically playful banter compared to what those maniacs do to each other.

This. Glad im not the only one

>these teeth

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What if the real bullies were the friends we made along the way?

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i was bullied until i became unbullyable

Neither. Nobody really messed with me for some reason.

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Glad for you have learned, now you know the truth of those who are weak but seek to appear strong. As to the truth of those who are strong but appear to be weak, they are greater then those who are many.

Fuck off, your kind isn't welcome in Canada.

bullied. i was the fat kid and probably still too nice for my own good.

I was lightly bullied. Me and my friends (about 7 of us in the group) were bullied by another group of a similar number. It wasn't so bad because we had each other and we were smarter than the bullies. I'd imagine that it would be awful to be bullied without any friends.

i've been both

I was too big and athletic to bully in school, but was never really a bully to anyone.

Was bullied became the bully

more bullied than bully, i just did some stupid things like twice.
i think i have some sort of scars, am a bit fucked up because of my bullying/margination.
my life is perfect now, qt gf, friends, still feel dead inside, and binge on alcohol alone.
my father was a pussy that always said words are stronger than fists, in way he was right, but i was big, if a had beaten the shit out of my bully i would have been left alone. the bullying stops when the outcome is not worth anymore for the bully.

I used to get bullied, and now when i look back, i realise how much of a pussy i was.

i want to clarify that i ended up bullying another person out of anger caused by my situation, im not justifying myself, im saying i dont have it in me.
also i was bullied/completely alone since i was 13 to 17 years of age.

I was bullied until I became a bully.


Truth be told, I wouldn't have been redpilled without them. Being bullied made me cautious and distrustful of people and governments.

bullied by even grown adults (usually female) since i was born

im a hermit for many reasons

Good, fuck those leafs.

I was not completely at the bottom of the pecking order but I wasn't on top either. I was both a victim of bullying and a victim of my ego which made me bully. I really feel like I didn't have a lot of empathy until I was about 19-20 years old, then I realized everyone is my brother and sister and I was filled with immense regret.

I was never really bullied persay but once and a while some kid would be nasty to me in middle school when I was in the 7th grade however it's not like they went looking for me either they would just often times not even acknowledge me unless I spoke in our P.E class. During lunch they wouldn't even be near me unless I was near them

I was both and most of the bullying I did was sexual assault.

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Little of both.
Mostly the bully tho

Both kinda. Regret the mistakes I made and i apologized to my victims

I bullied some dyel American lad when I went to school over there, it never got too bad other than boys being boys

He came out to me over fb messenger a year after I came back home, fucking weird cunt

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I was the disconnected white kid that people left alone in case he shoots up the school one day.

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Unironically this. Can't get bullied if you're part of the bully's group.

Was bullied during middle school. It definitely had an effect on me becoming very quiet and introverted. I’ve thankfully grown balls since then and am much more stubborn and not as easily manipulated or taken advantage of.
I am still very sensitive to the bullying of others, though, and I make an effort to be nice to passive, weak people provided they are kind-hearted.

The same reason, other than joking, nobody fucked up or bothered anyone.

Depends on the person. We used to bully the shit out of some autistic kids. Tyed one to a tree with a skipping rope one time, left him there for hours alone, shit like that. One of them is a tranny now, interestingly enough.

Thought that was the ugly fella from The Goonies

>One of them is a tranny now

Does bullying someone make them gay? Happened to me

Anyone else experience this?

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its a pretty common thing, yeah


Both, only bullied for a small period of time when changing to a new school, after a while, like a month or less they stopped bullying me.

I bullied little kids and nerds... sort of good times, but I kinda feel ashamed now.

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I bullied myself

whats that faggy british shit supposed to mean, bitchboy?

People used to attempt to bully me, I didn’t really give a fuck. Then one day kicked me in the ass while I was pissing in a urinal and I spun around, dick in hand, and cold cocked him. Never really any trouble after that.


During the elementary school I was kinda bullied by an older niggerish guys, a typical street dwellers.But nothing serious
In high school I was a bully to a lesser men but I did it in a distinctive way so they did not hate me

accepted by all, part of none.

>”faggy” and “bitchboi”

C’mon now

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>buying into jewish propaganda that turned the rainbow into a fag symbol
why are brits so dumb?

those shows hire meth heads to tell ridiculous tales in exchange for a couple night stay at a hotel and a few hundred bucks

>I-I’m not an arse tickling fairy... I-I’m actually a part of this elaborate troll you see...


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Always the bullied one because I'm an autistic (at least possibly) hermit who just never wanted any social contact with others.
I still don't want to socialize with people, because people are just normalfaggots who'll betray you for a few cents, those honorless pricks.

As time goes on I am less sure of what happened during my childhood. The memories fade more every day. All I know is I used to be paranoid and think everyone was bullying me all the time. Nowadays, I wonder if I was just interpreting everything wrong and being oversensitive. Since getting out of school and growing up I started enjoying bants a lot, and I know no one really means anything by it. I wonder if I was just too autistic to "get" it as a kid.


>I know no one really means anything by it
Wat, of course they fucking do.
Bantering is a shit test and if you fail it you will get fucking purged from the tribe.


>be me
>11 or so
>live in majority Mexican area in california
>one of the few white students
>get alot of shit for my race, school does jackshit
>this one meheecan insults me
>her name's aurelia or some gay shit
>get in a fight, school sides with her because muh discrimination
>in class be with a friend and make a big poster in flashy colours that says "aurelia is a slut"
>go to field during lunch
>there's a locked school announcement board facing where all the cars go by
>hasn't been used in years, use a paperclip to pick the rusty lock
>pin up the poster, lock announcement board
>meheecan sees it and tries for like 10 minutes to get the announcement board open

i moved cities a few years later


Both. I got called nigger by a lot of neanderthals but I also beat up a lot of them. Was quite fun overall.

I was bullied for a while because i was medically diagnosed with autism in my early years and i was bullied for no reason because i kept to myself alot of the time.

>be me
>be in middle school
>be in gym class
>three guys pick and laugh at me and always gauck at me and make fun of me because I'm not good in sport (not fan of football but i did liked baseball but my school hated baseball)
>this goes on for three months til one day i get upset by some girl for lying about me saying a bad word
>forced to go into timeout
>gym class ends and we go in locker room to change clothes
>three boys are bullying me and i just snap and lose it
>everything goes into a blur as all i can remember is i grabbed the first one's balls and crushed them hard that he screamed in pain
>went after the other and grabbed his head and banged his head against the locker ten times and chased the third and tackle him down and punched his face in and broke six of his teeth in and broke his nose
>bit down at his face and broke his skin and ran back and smash my head against my locker in frustration and went and kicked some random guy's nuts hard for no reason
>coach came in and calmed me down but it took me a long time to calm down
>long story short mom threaten the school with lawsuit for not dealing with the bullying to begin with to prevent this from happening and so they punished the bullies and not me and i was let off with just detention instead of being expelled

I also got one where i shanked a guy at jr high school for fucking with my backpack and for laughing at my face with a stick i took from a tree nearby one time if anyone is curious.

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here’s a (you) for the newfag

>I also beat up
No, you jumped single persons with about 5 of your chimp brethren. That's how you "people" operate.

>for no reason

It was probably because you seemed like a weak fag. Bullying has a purpose you know

Only if you sperg out about it. Between friends that are comfortable with each other, it's just shooting the shit. Someone fucks up and you poke fun at them for a laugh and then you're both supposed to forget about it (or it can turn into a running gag if it's not bothering them).
Now if you sperg out about it, it makes everyone uncomfortable and walk on eggshells, which isn't good for friendship.

Really the determining factor ends up being confidence. I had zero self-confidence as a kid and now I have a good amount, so bants don't bother me.

Kek, nonsense.
If you can't banter back, just aren't witty in the slightest it will have the same effect as sperging out about it.

>single handily fucks three guys up in a locker room

uhm user...


>>everything goes into a blur as all i can remember is i grabbed the first one's balls and crushed them hard that he screamed in pain
>>went after the other and grabbed his head and banged his head against the locker ten times and chased the third and tackle him down and punched his face in and broke six of his teeth in and broke his nose
>>bit down at his face and broke his skin and ran back and smash my head against my locker in frustration and went and kicked some random guy's nuts hard for no reason
fucking brutal man, you have a warrior in you

i was a fat boi and was bullied for it. one day i snapped and beat the shit out of the bully in the locker room one day. everyone saw and no one said a fucking word about it to anyone of the staff. went to hs following that and people heard about the fight and no one fucked with me fallowing that. after hs grad lost 70+ pounds and go slim and fit. now i am skinny fat muscular. i have seen the fucks that bully me and they complement me on my looks not knowing who i am. its kinda nice from going from hamplanet to chad in a 4 months. point of the ramble is to show that bullying can be beneficial on the receiving end, you will always come out stronger in the end.

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Mental weakness is as big of a bully target as physical weakness, if not bigger. sounds like a total edgelord so that's probably why he was a target. I cringe from just reading the post.

Bullied but bullied back so just fights desu

>seemed like

neither. I was always a bro, even when I was depressed

A bit of both

Still, the bullie got rekt irregularitless if user was an edgelord or just a normal guy with autism.

The bullies didn't gain anything besides getting their asses kicked and got in trouble for bullying on a disabled kid to begin with which is a big low to be honest.

I was in a state of cold war with most of my class. I've publically exposed girls as stupid whores and guys as retarded hypocrites. They knew that I was right and hated me, but couldn't do shit since I was the smartest guy in my class and also 6'3 and pretty athletic. Probably should 've made some friends, because now I'm shitposting on this foreign shithole board.

I will say mental weakness is a lot worse, if you stand up for yourself that is something that grants you respect

Tell us about the guy you shanked with a stick user?

you were lucky you went to a good school

you should, i was bullied and im fucked up now because of it, cunt

Don't feel too bad for kicking the backpack of that girl and laughing at her face, feel extra bad for bullying lil kids, that was fucked up.

I would sit on the back of the class playing Vidya and be ignored by everyone

I'm guessing I was having the abused syndrome, one who was abused tends to abuse someone else, specifically someone weaker, I kinda picked it up after being abused and after seeing my school mates doing it to lil childs. On a side note, the school shouldn't have really put the lil kids rigth next to our playing field, we just had free access to them, not a good idea. But overall yeah, I feel bad.

I was the bully,because of that nobody talked to me,since then I became the quiet guy and people started to bully me.

no user it was horrible
I have too many stories
but my dad knew where I would end up if he put somewhere else

neither, i used to pick on the disabled freaks a bit though

I was bullied a bit but never the main target. In high school my friends were definitely bullying other people. I thought of myself as friends with everyone but I'm sure there are people who hated me or saw me as a prick.

Got bullied, beat up my bully became a bully. Met a kid I picked on. He stood up to me. I beat the shit out of him got suspended. Gave him my game boy to make peace. We actually still talk to this day.

Lel tried to kms at seven. Which would have been in '95 I guess. Failed, obviously, and nobody knows. Tried twice more. Fuck I suck at life.
Or death kek...

Not much but took place in jr high school and this was the time that most students just avoided me after middle school

>arrive to jr high school early morning one day
>have some anger issues due to personal issues but not important
>one day place my backpack down for half a minute to talk with a teacher about something
>turn around and find it is gone
>fifteen minutes of me pissed off finding my backpack and even going up to a black student that had the same backpack and yanked it and realize it wasn't mine but was more mad anyway
>find it in the bathroom after three minutes the bell rings
>nothing was stolen but it pissed me off the entire day
>i was mad for the half entire day until lunch break
>go out to the center garden (we have a place where there is a large tree in the center) and there was this fat guy and other guys laughing about fucking someone's backpack
>immediately realize what it was about and blinded with rage marched over and yelled at the fat guy in accusatory tone
>he smirks and laughs at me and says "what you gonna do about it? Throw a baby tantrum?"
>i look down and see a small but thick sharp end of the stick that was by a tree so i picked it up and charged at him and immediately jammed it into his gut
>immediately the other guys backed away as the one i just shanked immediately stopped smirking at me
>yelled into his face and smashed my forhead against his face and yanked out the stick and jammed it against his side and gut punched him hard
>immediately start kicking his face him until i was tackled by a security guard
>yelled out "LET ME FUCKING KILL HIM GODDAMNIT!" as i managed to wrestle out and bite the fat guy's ear off before i was subdued
>was forced to go into therapy and had to stay out of school for six weeks but when i return back everyone stayed away from me and did not go near me
>fat kid has patch over his missing ear and stitches over his stab wounds

And that is how i almost killed him.

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What a nice person you are,I would like to receive a game boy after being punched in the face,it´s a great trade.

That's how best friends are made lmao.

Both. Today's kids are all faggots.

I made good friends with all 2 of my white bullies. My nigger bullies could get away with it because they made kids laugh and I was too well mannered to chimp back at them. Now I've my experience with niggers and know now to avoid them. Though my stepdad is a punch-happy NIGGER and is still always ready to cuff me like a bar patron even at 19 over minimal banter.

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Get DNA tested bruh, those are some serious fucking warrior genes you have there. Lmfao.

the only path to truth

Ironically i did long tine ago and find out i have alot of german in me and bit of russian in me but the german pretty much is 99 while russian is like 1 percent...
Not trying to force a meme but it is what the dna test came in said since my family ancestry came from europe and they originated from prussia so there is that.

Me and my castizo friends used to bully the mestizo hobgoblins at my immersion school.

Depends. If you come off as a total sperg then it doesn't gain you respect even if you win an encounter. Strong people are respected but insane people are not.
It's kind of hard to put into word, but a good example is knowing how to hold back. makes me cringe not because he's defending himself, but because he appears to be desperate to do so. He sounds like an animal instead of a mature human.