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Kys cunny is based
Shut up Rasshid.
provide examples where that happened and before you cite the ones in the pic like the retard you are afghanistan and pakistan were conquered by force and lebanon was only 50% christian from the begining, its 40% now
This is one of the key reasons Islam has been chosen by the elites asd the new operating system for the west, and eventually for the entire globe. Imagine being a member of some hyper wealthy super powerful dynasty but knowing that having a harem of loli slaves could soon be not only legal but required by shariah law. You'd be pushing for it too. In Britain even poor muslims live this dream, the richest Muslims have entire towns from which the select their young wives.
still the premisse that european values are under attack still holds
what are eurpoean values
and why are they under attack
>required by shariah law
Y'all got any more gore plz? Thx
I find it hard to believe that guy who lived in paleo conditions in hut with hay roof and only had handful of kids from ton of wives he had was so obsessed with sex to the point of openly showing his pedo tendencies. There is nothing about it in Quran, actually 90% of infamous muslim shit comes from Sunna aka the goatfucking manual, a scripture written by arab "scholars" who could be paid to make any BS excusable by attributing it to Mohammad because "they swear he said that".
oof, those anglo genes are really showing
All reptilian hybrids are obsessed with rape and pedophilia for some reason.
Outline what you mean by western values so we can examine whether they are under attack or not
They should take a cue from western catholics and fuck boy pussy only and strickly. Its much more socially aceptable!
The person in this pic is a Mossad Jew
you sound like a filthy kike
I don't see how the problems enunciated in our image imply an attack on the fact that i sound like a jew
woah this random woman said x damn those fucking muslims bruh
when we do it its good
Fuck off Achmed.
When you ask Google what the most common name for a terrorists is...
woah so cool
fucking faggot
this is an english board
Fuck Muhammed and
These attacks were obviously a Mossad false flag. They were intended to demoralize Muslims and divert Christian anger away from Jews. Don’t fall for their tricks.
“By way of deception, thou shalt do war”
>muslims don't radicalize. they grow up with beliefs incompatible with a liberal society and one day simply acts on them
>Islam loves peace. What muslims don't say is that by that word, they mean that all infidels should be eliminated, converted or reduced to dhimmis, and Islam should dominate the world.
>Of course, only THEIR specific brand of Islam. Not those shia apostates. Or those sufi apostates. Or those whores that let their hands naked in public. Islam is so peaceful.
A masterpiece
>Al-Risala, one of the most followed legal manual in the islamic world, describes jihad as such:
>«It is a technical term for the MUSLIM FIGHTING THE UNBELIEVERS who have no treaty with the intention of elevating the word of Allah or presenting Islam.» – Abdullah ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani, “Al-Risala”, paragraph 30.1.
>The hadiths make it clear that jihad is an essential part of islam
>>[Bukhari 26] «Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger (pbuh) was asked, "What is the best deed?" He replied, "To believe in Allah and His Apostle. The questioner then asked, "What is the next (in goodness)? He replied, "To participate in Jihad (religious fighting) in Allah's Cause.
>With this verse (quran 8:39) muslims were (and still are) enjoined to fight the unbelievers to spread islam and defeat other religions, NOT merely to defend themselves, like muslims invariably try to claim. The goal is clearly stated: make it so only Allah is worshipped.
>Muhammad also claimed that Allah revealed this verse:
>«And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out, for persecution (fitnah) is worse than murder.» (quran 2:191. The principle is repeated in 2:217.)
>About Aisha, muslims are very creative in finding excuses for their 50 year old prophet marrying a 6 year old little girl and then fucking her when she turned 9. Some of them even deny that was her age at the moment of consummation. Unfortunately for them, the hadiths are of the highest level and impossible to misunderstand:
>[Sahih Bukhari 3896] «Narrated by Hisham's father: Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and HE CONSUMED THE MARRIAGE WHEN SHE WAS NINE YEARS OLD.» (See also Sahih Bukhari 3894 and Sahih Muslim 1422c.)
>daily reminder that Mary was 10 when she gave birth to jesus
>implying god banged her when she was 9
>the christian and muslim 'god bangs a kid' stories are the variations of the same, older god bangs a kid story
> pedo was normal until kikes decided they wanted a monopoly on banging kids so stopped the common people banging kids
> anyway, the 1000s of year old need for a society to produce as many males as fast as possible to put them on the front lines of the battle field had subsided due to money manipulation giving more control over competitors than guns on the battlefield
> so the common people were no longer required to reproduce like rabbits
>no need to use 10yo to create more humans
> so they can be used as recreational toys and blackmail of rich kikes instead
How many have to die before we cull these animals?
Every single year thousands die at the hands of these rabid dogs.
Islam's holy books were completely fabricated to suit those who interpreted them.
Cry more little shit
No one can touch us
Coping christcucks 3 jew gods = 1 god
Hahah hahahahahhahahhahah
Religion written by jews 100 years after christ
The closest religion to paganism
God has a son
God got crucified
> Muh pedophile
Mary was married at age 12, half of your prophets are also "pediphiles"
Your own close ancestors are also "pedophiles"
Cope and go mary your own brethrens in churches
Elect actual faggot leaders willingfully
Feminists were the ones who raised the "Age of Consent" from 12yo to 18yo in the West.
A friendly reminder so you know who you are simping for.
Took a minute, but I knew I'd find it.
Your own "gay" brethrens
based but is that picture actually because of israel
>«The clear and apparent meanings of the Glorious Qur'aan and the Hadith [...] have no place for criticism. Here, rational thinking to find out the depth is not only permissible but also encouraged in Islam [...] but it is not allowed to criticize since the mind has its own limitation as other human faculties have.»
>This is what islam says when they talk about “knowledge”. They mean the wisdom of Allah revealed in the Quran and (through the words and actions of Muhammad) in the Sunnah. Nothing else is worthy of being considered actual knowledge, because science is achieved through the workings of the human mind, which is flawed and subject to mistakes.
>Tu sum it up: ideas, theories and philosophies which were “not known at the time of the Prophet” are bad, but “wordly inventions” are good.
>This very convenient distinction allows islam to take all the fruits of the infidels' work, all the electronics, the factories, the medicines, the weapons, etc., while rejecting their ideas, which have the naughty tendency of disproving some part or another of islam's “perfect” revelations.
>2) If you're an infidel, there is no compulsion to accept islam, but the alternatives are awful.
>1) convert to islam,
>2) die,
>3) become a dhimmi.
>Dhimmitude is a middle way islam offers to PEOPLE OF THE BOOK [...] the option of saving their hides and their religion by paying protection money to their muslim racketeers and accepting the status of 3rd class citizens
>the Pact of Umar clearly regulated the (few) rights and the (many) duties of dhimmis. You can read its list of prohibitions and obligations here:
>Its discriminatory rules were never abrogated and are juridically valid to this day. The Pact considers dhimmis inferior to muslims and gives them much reduced political and legal rights.
If you are not a muslim, you are either DEAD or a SLAVE
>In theory, paying the jizya makes the dhimmis' lives, freedom and property sacred, and no muslim can violate them. In practice, dhimmis have no legal way to get justice for muslims' unfairness and abuses.
If you mudslime fucks think that piece of shit black box of yours is gonna last another 5 years maximum after all the horror you have committed in the western world, you’re sadly mistaken.
I cannot wait for the rude fucking wake up call you’ll be getting when we finally decide enough is enough and start going cave to cave systematically exterminating you & your sand dwelling families
I cannot wait for the dome on the Notre Dame.
Wanna bet which one is going to actually happen?
Aww haha how cute. Like I said, you’re in for a very fuckin rude awakening
Found the goat fuckers