Race-Mixing Doesn't Work

Races can mix but they can also unmix.
2 Mestizos or 2 Mulattos can bread pure blacks or pure whites.
Because of self-selection, it's likely people will choose to recreate the original populations.
When you race-mix, you scramble your DNA and will spend generations unscrambling it.




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what is this mindfuckery

i thought about this a couple of times
as far as i know in genetics in distinct populations you eventually have inbreeding due to lack of diversity of genes and over a long enough period of time things get fucked
however when you introduce a new source of genes, it helps unfuck the damage and new pheno and genotypes arise leading to potentially new dominant species and subspecies who possess the adaptations of the original and some of the advantages of the other. so in this sense you get the 2.0 (or whatever it is) version of the races. i am especially interested to see where the chinese-african hybrids end up and how those mixed types interact with white either in purebred or mixed form
i also thought that there was probably some cyclical growing of races because it seems that white races have been around in historical times, disappear then reappear and i imagine that this is the cause
i also have to wonder now if dominant and recessive genes are just buzzwords and actually dont have any real bearing on gene frequency or dominance for lack of a better word

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LMAO the woman is cucking the husband.
Twins can originate from 2 separate egg cells, one inseminated by the mutt, the other by the woman's secret boyfriend.

In Brazil the women all want blue eyed blonde haired men to impregnate them: there was even an article about how "brown" sperm was not selling at all at the sperm bank while aryan sperm needed to be imported to serve the demand.

>tl;dr women will cuck you, get a bloodtest ALWAYS especially if the child doesnt look like you

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>however when you introduce a new source of genes, it helps unfuck the damage and new pheno and genotypes arise leading to potentially new dominant species and subspecies who possess the adaptations of the original and some of the advantages of the other. so in this sense you get the 2.0 (or whatever it is) version of the races. i am especially interested to see where the chinese-african hybrids end up and how those mixed types interact with white either in purebred or mixed form
This is really inaccurate.
The idea of introducing DNA to get rid of genetic bottlenecks occurs with plants like the Banana because generations of artificial selection to favor features like no seeds which cripples the plants ability to be physically fit in nature.
This issue does NOT occur in mammals that evolve naturally because people with genetic defects usually die in childhood.
So normal human populations don't have an issue with genetic bottlenecks.
In fact there was 1 period in human history when human population dropped to a few thousand people.

In addition, because of recombination, sexual reproduction will make humans that range the bell curve from really physically unfit to really physically fit with the avg being just fit. So people weed out the unfit genes by not mating with people with physical disables or bad personality traits.

Lastly, 1st cousin marriage is the best marriage. % of birth defects with 1st cousin in her 20s is the same as women giving birth in her 30s. And again children will follow bell curve so only 4 children in 100 will be really fucked up vs 2 in 100 in 2nd cousin + marriage. But it allows you to strengthen physically strengths as well. The taboo against cousin marriage is some type of propaganda to promote race mixing.

read the article. the alleles can seperate
If a person is 50% white and 50% black
and part is also 50% white and 50% black
then on AVERAGE the offspring will be 50% white and 50% black
But you can get 66/33 or 75/25 or even 100/0.

No, once you are mixed, you lineage will never be pure again.
Well, it's not wrong what you say, but it is impossible to restore 100% white genetics, maybe 92%, but that too less.

>In Brazil the women all want blue eyed blonde haired men to impregnate them

If this were true, I'd be living in Brazil.

>Well, it's not wrong what you say, but it is impossible to restore 100% white genetics, maybe 92%, but that too less.
The question is do that 8% matter?
It's not just about the amount but the relevent amount.
Remember most humans have the exact same DNA. It's only the unique DNA that matters.

fun fact german.
Germans are quite high in slavic DNA

Blue in k=5 is Slavic DNA.
It's likely that Germans with high Slavic adamixture will select for Slavic traits and purify themselves over generations. Even faster if they marry Slavs because of free movement of people.

Attached: sw1.png (180x368, 39K)

horse breeders have identified that a small amount of inbreeding leads to superior racehorses

certain genes work together harmoniously

>O N E D R O P
try again

Hate to break it to you, but considering the amount of time in human history and population interactions, yes... there was mixing, but it sorted itself out over time and lines which didn't just died out.

have you been to south america before? I had plenty of women ask me to impregnate them. only issue is they have 2 kids by the time they're 16

>Hate to break it to you, but considering the amount of time in human history and population interactions, yes... there was mixing, but it sorted itself out over time and lines which didn't just died out.
all fun fact
most human populations are just recombination of a few human populations that left Africa 45k years ago.

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Its so interesting that twin babies split racially like this so often.

I really want to see both of their DNA analyzed 23andme style to see if there is a significant difference, or if the DNA is identical and it’s only phenotypes that we see

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One sister got all the good genes.

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>most human populations are just recombination of a few human populations that left Africa 45k years ago.
that theory has long been disproven, on account of facts that cant be explained by it.

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>Race-Mixing Doesn't Work

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the white kids will probably do better
have sex with other children that are more white
and recombine the white parent
likewise with the black parent
this is why real reason to ban interracial marriages.

>have you been to south america before
I've never traveled outside of the white world, unless you count London.

For one generation

Have you tried it?

We're cucked beyond repair

>For one generation
that's the point
you only get a mestizo, happa or mulato for 1 generation
then they start recombining back into original populations through self selection
whitter child, marries whiter child

ugly gook

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>Race-Mixing Doesn't Work

Yes it does. (livestock farmer)
Breeding, is thousands of years old.

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that woman took 2 loads.

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No, that "aryan" daughter is gonna get the bbc

The mom looks like white trash with a fake tan

That kid is the ugliest thing i have ever seen holy shit

>Yes it does. (livestock farmer)
>Breeding, is thousands of years old.
because the farmers are doing ARTIFICIAL SELECTION.
they are creating multiple hybrids from same population
and they are selecting to RETAIN hybrid features
But humans are doing NATURE selection.
They will naturally choose to not retain hybrid features,
black; east asian; european; native america dna is too unique.
so people will choose to recreate the original populations through self-selection
dark mestizos marry darker mestizos -> more indo child
ligher mestixos marry light mestizos -> more european child
over the course of 1000s of years, these people will work to recreate their original populations, more or less.

Same reason we had 50% neanderthal dna and now it's down to 1-3%.

white + Chinese (pekin) = ok
white native american = ok
white + black = degenerative

Why is Asian/white hybrid always the most beautiful when it comes to mixed people

They still look human unlike the dark apes

Asian/whites still look Asian in most cases. The most beautiful mixes are the ones that favor the Euro side so that they practically don’t seem mixed at all. Like Persians or light skinned Latinas.

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>white + Chinese (pekin) = ok
>Why is Asian/white hybrid always the most beautiful when it comes to mixed people
probably because white and asian have similar skin tons and facial structures.
hapa is still ugly as fuck IMO.
only white (med) + lighter middle eastern looks good. e.g. Steve Jobs.

anything + black = degenerative

this, though I disagree that Asians have similar facial features which is why hapas look awkward. Asians are beautiful on their own but they mix and match odd features with a Euro skull shape when the mix with whites (if their genetics don’t take over completely.) the better looking ones just look like spics.

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>bleaching doesn’t wo-

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>this, though I disagree that Asians have similar facial features which is why hapas look awkward. Asians are beautiful on their own but they mix and match odd features with a Euro skull shape when the mix with whites (if their genetics don’t take over completely.) the better looking ones just look like spics.
some asians have square like faces. more ike anglos
other asians have oval like faces, more with slavs

regardless I find hapas to look really "shocking"
i can see why hapas like timcast have such huge identity issues.
mixed race in general looks awful
if the media wasnt promoting mixed race and we lived in a homogeneous socioty then it would shock you.
it takes a lot of desensitization to accept mixed race.

Spiccel cope

So then if every race just recreates/filters back into their original populations why in the fuck is race-mixing such a big deal here? This is coming from a mulatto with a thing for mulatto girls.

There are six chromosomes with strong coding for melanin in skin in humans. It's not a dominant or recessive trait, the more you have of the gene the darker you are.

A very pale northern European has the genotype ww,ww,ww,ww,ww,ww resulting in entirely pale skin. A very dark skinned African has the genotype BB,BB,BB,BB,BB,BB resulting in extremely dark skin.

A first generation hybrid between these two populations always results in Bw,Bw,Bw,Bw,Bw,Bw, about half as dark as the African parent.

But if two first generation hybrids interbreed you roll the dice, and the result is random, and can be anywhere between the two. Their child might be Bw,BB,BB,Bw,ww,Bw and be slightly darker. Or it could be ww,Bw,ww,BB,ww,Bw and be slightly lighter. Or it's possible a given child could be BB,BB,BB,BB,BB,BB or ww,ww,ww,ww,ww,ww all over again.

It's just chance.

>So then if every race just recreates/filters back into their original populations why in the fuck is race-mixing such a big deal here? This is coming from a mulatto with a thing for mulatto girls.
because you spend generations undoing the original adamixture


>A first generation hybrid between these two populations always results in Bw,Bw,Bw,Bw,Bw,Bw, about half as dark as the African parent.
>But if two first generation hybrids interbreed you roll the dice, and the result is random, and can be anywhere between the two. Their child might be Bw,BB,BB,Bw,ww,Bw and be slightly darker. Or it could be ww,Bw,ww,BB,ww,Bw and be slightly lighter. Or it's possible a given child could be BB,BB,BB,BB,BB,BB or ww,ww,ww,ww,ww,ww all over again.
this process will occur until the dna homogenizes.
I've never seen an F2 mullatto, they usually end up appearing close to black or close to white.

So what you're saying is I either

1. Attempt to bleach my line and go for the palest white girl I can find (and piss off stormweenies/contribute to the problem)

2. Go find the 1 or 2 redpilled black girls that exist and hope they go for a lightskinned dude. (The black actually didn't come out too strong in my facial structure. Just my hair and nose)

Elder god/oh shit nigga what are you doing tier: somehow bag an asian qt (next to impossible)

Either way I'm contributing to the problem, which brings me to my biggest question.

What exactly is your plan for all the mixed race peoples already living in the world? How exactly do they fit in to all this?

that white one is cute.

Doesn't even work the same way, retard.

Do American schools teach any science at all? Also a phenotype is not the same thing as a genotype.

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>Either way I'm contributing to the problem, which brings me to my biggest question.
the fact that you view mixed race as a problem says it all
no one likes mixed race, even mixed race people

>Elder god/oh shit nigga what are you doing tier: somehow bag an asian qt (next to impossible)
this is contributing to the problem
the problem is you are just flushing your DNA down the drain.

If i were you, I would try to find a black women, get a business education, go to africa and help build it. Africa needs a lot of talent and it's still a developing nation.

If you breed out most of the white features but manage to keep the white IQ your DNA will make up the majority of future African gnome.

>What exactly is your plan for all the mixed race peoples already living in the world? How exactly do they fit in to all this?

Good model of what will happen to most mixed race people. They will get absorbed back into the native population if the native population outnumberes them,

>the fact that you view mixed race as a problem says it all
>no one likes mixed race, even mixed race people

I don't see it as an inherent problem. Everyone else does, which is why I'm asking what your solution is. I'm not condemning my potential children to the same isolation I've experienced

>just move to africa

Because that went SO well for the lightskins the last time it was tried, right? Oh wait, that's right, they got genocided by feral Bush niggers.

>I don't see it as an inherent problem.
>I'm not condemning my potential children to the same isolation I've experienced
contraction there.
you prefer mulatto women because they are more similar
other races prefer themselves because they are more similar too
everyone views it as a problem

>Because that went SO well for the lightskins the last time it was tried, right? Oh wait, that's right, they got genocided by feral Bush niggers.

point is.
America was great in 1600-1900 because it was barren land to settle.
And great in 1900-1970 because of industrial revolution
Great in 1970-2020 because of tech.
Unless you are a super genius and can code AI software, there is not much growth left in this country.

All the Chinese I met, wanted to return to China because they saw more opportunity in a developing market.
Likewise all the White and Jewish wall street types are investing in the developing nations.
I think immigration into USA is dumb as fuck and if people have home countries, they should go back and build them up.