Jow Forums humor thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


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(((mass shooting survivor)))
If you ride your bike to the school after the shooting already happened, you're not a survivor. None of the "famous" Parkland ""survivors"" were anywhere near the actual shooting.

you took the basedpill

Attached: SoyburgersMenu.png (1913x2476, 1.64M)

easily debunked, but who cares

Attached: msm.png (816x689, 69K)

Remember Seth Rich. Thanks for reminding me boi

oh look someone has been to eurocamp too many times.

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

Filthy pod.
(Second attempt. - sorry m8)

Attached: 772192F8-734B-417A-817D-273142D11BC2.gif (500x271, 738K)

Attached: notre dames last sermon.webm (720x404, 683K)

Wtf is this

Attached: 97KsEJW_d.jpg (640x555, 39K)

Easily debunked by watching Hogg's own contradicting interviews? The guy lies so much that he can't keep his own story straight. He was not at the school. None of them were.

I got a joke for you OP, your one rep max is pathetic and your physique is shit you dyel.

Lmao hello fellow fitizen

Why should I care about kids getting shot up in school when I don't have kids of my own. Not my problem.

Why did you ever leave Reddit, faggot?

People that question the official story of mass shootings are not usually magapedes.

How out of touch can you be?

Left can’t meme

Nightclub fire

Those fucking prices

They're evolving.

Attached: _106544711_e4922507-673a-4f2f-b91d-3479994a870b.jpg (660x507, 88K)

if it is that easy, why didn't you do it instead of posting a retarded meme?

Attached: 9df.png (845x472, 602K)

Jusging from the replies this post says the trust or proves the drumpfy tards being retarded.

Niggers cant evolve mate.

Was getting caught part of his master plan?

Attached: SOAP.jpg (1000x1000, 240K)

Such excellent brush strokes.



This a Jow Forums humor thread, not a Tumblr "humor" thread.

Attached: the_left_can't_meme.jpg (600x596, 50K)


Cucked and Bluepilled

Attached: Hitlette.png (1600x1600, 2.04M)

Read the filename you fucking retard, or is the jaded pisser butter of an overweight Greek accountant interfering with your fucking vision?

kek fire demons

Its fake because the people themselves are not on fire

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nightclub fire from thailand or somesuch shithole. IIRC they used colored cornstarch to make the air all cool looking and shit, without realizing what a dust explosion is....

Attached: tumblr_pqdi8kQqO21v5prr6o1_400.jpg (400x286, 37K)

Attached: super hot chinkress.webm (384x480, 2.95M)

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Attached: Laugh.gif (300x187, 838K)


Attached: blehg.gif (330x166, 2.24M)

>that guy reaching

Jow Forums humor threads have unironically redpilled me more than any other thread

Speaking of hot chicks...

Attached: Nvidia-tan.webm (608x1080, 2.24M)

the fuck is going on?

kek, saved

you aint a leaf, cunt

Attached: eternal-leaf.jpg (628x625, 490K)

JEWS! JEWS ARE WHAT IS GOING ON! Get redpilled on the JEWS! It's absolutely crucial to our survival.

>the fuck is going on?

You pay taxes for that school, even if you don't have kids there.

>Changes flag so nobody knows leaf is leaf
>Still gets the shit stick for being a dipshit

So drumpf supporters are being depicted as onions boy Hundro’s now?

I have the feeling the guy holding the camera just murdered his neighbor

Attached: India National Sport.jpg (760x278, 39K)

You know it.

Attached: is the joos.jpg (693x560, 199K)

>brawling so hard your pants fall off

Attached: knock knock Rachel.png (750x1334, 145K)

Attached: china baby not anymore.webm (482x434, 2.76M)

Not a leaf fuck off froggy

Thet are learning to take pictures now?

when i tell a Jow Forums joke around family

Attached: zqrxxdeystt21.jpg (643x1024, 144K)

>alternate 1985 when biff has the almanac

Attached: giphy(2).gif (400x200, 3.09M)

>people that walk by as the child gets brutally beaten.

Every Muslim in the afterlife

Attached: when the tp runs out.webm (640x360, 1.21M)

gonna keep that one.

Attached: 1542053514313.jpg (1440x1440, 336K)

Attached: I'm Not Honking.png (500x346, 34K)

holly shit

Attached: file.png (1130x798, 946K)

>Be Asian person literally on fire and no looks at you.
>Be me a 6'4 white man in a Asian country and everyone can't stop looking at me.

Did you even bother reading the manifesto?

It's not rape if it's your wife. Also hot. Better a rapist than a cuck.

oh shit theres new ones since I made the meme. I'll have to add this to the pic

Attached: 1491944689888.jpg (800x600, 125K)

Unironically of course.

Which one's?

hell of a way to go.

> Hello? God? Yes it's me. I'm omw .. unlock the door.

Did she died, anyone know? The mom is smiling, so ...

And some guy is standing there, filming.



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what, should he gnaw the bars asunder with his teeth?

This is really neat, not even mad at the shill posting, gib link to store plz.

You’re not Polish. Poles don’t even know who the fuck Tucker is.


Oh god, I can hear the breathing supercut in my mind again.

>PLEASE..... don't.....get up.

Stan Winston was a genius.

Looks like that alley is getting some much needed cultural enrichment.

Wow, they can even wear clothes now.
