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A walking psy op
>Black sheep fucks off out of the way
How is this a bad thing? You're also leaving out the why part.
Well its not like its their country anymore
Probably some kind of power move to harvest resources in Africa.
She finna BOUTTA get Diana'd
They'll get killed by a negro.
screencap this
Some regions in Africa are probably whiter than London, so I can understand them.
YES !! YES !! PLEASE !!! Move those subhuman niggers to Africa !!! YEEEESSSSSSSSSS !!
Gonna take some time to do the things they never had
>queen elisabeth kills harry's mom
>harry: "you may killed my mom but I'm going to take down this whole monarchy"
Bongs worship these cucks...
What literally is the purpose of the british monarchy at this point?
banished, by order of Her Majesty
>the British royal gene pool got dabbed on by an American spook
who cares Britain has been dead for some time now. Reading this is like reading there is a mass shooter on the loose in Atlanta, GA.
>Prince Harry marries a mutt who is a feminist and god knows what else
>The Royal family is deeply traditional and that goes against everything she believes
>She's also a divorcee and not a virgin
>This puts her at odds with everything the family stands for and they probably find her deeply offensive on every conceivable level
>Suddenly this news was announced
How in the hell did they get married? When a family hates you, it makes a relationship really strenuous and next to impossible to love that person.
Does he deserve the rope?
the baby is like 1/10th negro
da faq is this all about?
he wont last long here
i have no problem with sending monkeys back to africa.
Harry is not a Windsor. Charles' sperm was not involved in the conception. Harry is confirming it by marrying the least likely princess and moving to the arsehole of the world.
He still made the royal family look like fools for marrying a Marxist whore who disgraced the royal family by having a gender neutral child. Of course, at this point, if she has his balls in that much of a vice. He doesn't deserve the title of the royalty.
So SA turned facist and took the „A king forvour people“ 80 years too late?g reat
Good, hopefully they die.
>Prime british beauty
>They've officially been dating for less than a year
Oh boy, this marriage is all sorts of cursed.
>youre also leaving out the part why
so you just leave that part out also you faggot wtf has become of this place...
This is all propaganda of the highest order aimed at women (like most of it).
Simple really.
Hey girls, did you do drugs and fuck around your whole life until you’re 37? No problem! Buy these (((products))) and you’ll be so pretty a PRINCE will marry you! But make sure the makeup and clothes are top shelf!
He is hated by all. Perhaps unconsciously. He is the cuckoo's child. Obviously he grew up bitter and twisted.
He’s not her grandson, he’s the bastard spawn of Hewitt and Diana.
>Based Liz exiling the embarrassment and his sprog to the colonies
Lmao Harry should have learned his place after Diana
>and not a virgin
none of the wives of the Queens kids or grandkids probably were, with the exception of Diana, but they all had to be checked out by the Queens gynecologist. i can't imagine that Meghan was too happy about having an old white man snoop about her rave cave and report back on its condition.
so bong are all retards...enjoy you muslim invasion
LMAO. Africa the new land of opportunity. USA BTFO. DAMAGE CONTROL 100% COPE NIGGAS.
>He doesn't deserve the title of the royalty.
he doesn't really have a choice, but if they, or she, is as egalitarian as she claims, they should decide to not give their child a royal title. Princess Anne didn't give her children royal titles. as an american with the Pledge stating that "all [white] men are created equal", meghan should make a point that this is what she believes and choose to make her child equal at birth instead of slotting it into the Highest class of all. but is she a hypocrite? i wonder...
this might actually be happening. Apparently Harry's entire family refused to speak to him before,or after Easter services.
getting tired of seeing blacky at the palace
Weather would be a difference, yes.
Please do.
>mutt married into royal family
>it’s american
The absolute state
Upper class English girls are literal KWEENS, if mainland wasn’t so fucked I’d move there for the pussy alone
Bong + amerimutt nigger, is this thing going to be the antichrist?
Literally no point. Baffles me that a bunch of leftist atheists still believe this magical family was born to reign over us.
Hahhahah, where are they moving?
South Africa, Botswana or Kenya?
Easier to bump them off and say they were eaten by niggers in Africa.
Those quotes are fake
It also makes little sense considering it looks mutt produced and misunderstand what an ancient briton is compared to who it's trying to portray (poorly).
How the fuck is this possible.
It's surreal how fucking ugly bongs are.
I've never seen anything uglier than a britbong
The ugliness of your people isn't.
What are the chances they get kidnapped?
His family wouldn't let him fly choppers and kill hadjis anymore so he's basically giving them all a FUCK YOU for ruining his life's passion.
I don't blame him really.
Possibly, if it was mutt produced they’re throwing stones from a glass house
Highest paid model is an Anglo, and I as an Irishman know that
In fact, anglos are the most over represented in the modelling industry
50 bucks that some (((Ooga Booga))) will kill them.
Harry will get DIANA'D.COM for marrying a SheNigger.
Are all Americans the same as those on the Jerry Springer show? Thanks for the cancerous TV format, by the way. Another fine American export.
>Are all Americans the same as those on the Jerry Springer show?
I know this was rhetorical but in Florida’s case, yes lmao
Other parts of America had normal people though
>.t lived there for close to a decade
I hope to south africa. I hope when it falls they're still there
What part of Florida did you live in?
This, hope Mpungu and his 50 tribes man kill them with machetes!
I still find it strange that it seems like Lizzie still pulls lots of strings when it comes to family affairs but exercises absolutely none of that same authority in regards to running the country.
Central FL Area
It will be pretty hillarious to say the least.
First of all, no they will not end up in South africa.
No, Those are ultrarich elitist cunts that will check in in highest floor in a horel in Dubai and will preach from there about how you should be more tolerate for islam.
We're not all retards! It's just the ones in charge....
How's it feel UK to have a nigger steal one of your Nation's valuables? You didn't believe us when we told you how much niggers like theft. It is like sex or drinking a beer. An act of indulgence that provides them pleasure.
Being exiled is a long held tradition in the Royal family for its fuck ups. If only all the race mixers in the country were exiled to Africa...
Pretty good actually. Her being a total cunt is going to mean she gets divorced (again) all the sooner (or have an unfortunate car accident).
Boomerwaffen pls
back to breitbart
They're probably banishing him and his mutt to Africa as punishment
I think a car accident would be too obvious.
Random break in that becomes a double homicide is my bet.
RIP, Prince Harry.
It'll be good for her to get in touch with her black side.
Nah they will hang out in tourist areas you dumbo.
Lol modern exile
But where will they be exiled?
This. He doesn't give a fuck. He dressed in early 40's Hugo Boss at a fancy dress party ffs.
There is no Law there against Butt-Fucking prepubescent Niggers?
All the Nigger Butt-Rape a Perv could ever want?
tourism bux
Wrong, the angry Niggers with machetes are the law in Africa!
>Prince Harry, alleged result of an affair by her mother
>Markle, mixed race and has appeared naked on American TV
>Queen wants nothing to do with them both
>Sends them to Africa
>this is bad
I bet dead within a year of moving. At most double that.
Again, where? Brevard is VERY different from Orange.
t. Cocoa/Port St.John area
absolute fucking state of bongs
Let us guys how they will die in Africa!
I say robbed and murdered on their property.
They’re moving to South Africa.Harry has a charity in neighboring Lesotho and an uncle that lives in South Africa.
How could you ever trust a female gynecologist? Her roastie solidarity would undoubtedly cause her to lie on the patient's behalf.
I hope they get Diana'd
You are right, but don't you guys have a gay Paki as the KING OF POTATOLAND?
Good, get out
Nigga even i know that place ain't safe, kek.
Utunntu and Okalunga gonna machete their asses their.
>all these bullshit guesses
Come on, isnt it obvious? Car bomb
In Africa?
Nah that would be suspicious.
Africa is a shithole. niggers and terrorists everywhere. They could blow them up and say some local millitants did this and nobody would question it