Warren's new plan would forgive $50,000 in student loans for Americans in households earning less than $100,000 a year...

>Warren's new plan would forgive $50,000 in student loans for Americans in households earning less than $100,000 a year. According to analysis provided by her campaign, that would provide immediate relief to more than 95% of the 45 million Americans with student debt. The Massachusetts Democrat and 2020 contender is also calling for a drastic increase in federal spending on higher education that would make tuition and fees free for all students at two- and four-year public colleges and expand grants for lower-income and minority students to cover costs like housing, food, books and child care.

We got people out of crappy mortgages during the subprime lending debacle, so this seems only fair. It would probably bring a big boost to the economy, too!

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That's pretty good desu. Too bad she's a psycho bitch or she could of run on stuff like this

I thought ahe had 0 chamces after that indian blood stunt, by the way dis she say easter worshippers instead of christians too?

Fuck that,
Those idiots that payed 100k for dance therapy degrees deserve poverty.

>>Warren's new plan would forgive $50,000 in student loans for Americans in households earning less than $100,000 a year

Way to fuck any household earning 110.000 a year lmao

>dis she say easter worshippers instead of christians too
She refuses to recognize the religion of the white man.

Let the jews bitch they get nothing for nothing

Mother fucker I just passed the 100k threshold and haven't been able to deduct interest in years because that's already capped

Invest in your colleges, please all of you go to colleges - and remember to digitize your books and share them, your articles too so that the whole world benefits.

Actual courses are not that interesting, after all Harvard had Jordan Peterson as a professor for 5 years... but the published books and articles in influential journals are top shit.

>Let's put tax payers on the hook for students taking retarded loans out.
Maybe allow discharge of some of the Federal loans but her idea is stupid and wasteful. Why reward bad behavior and parasitic lenders??

Instead of decreasing the cost of education, have everyone else pay for it. Wonderful idea! Free gender studies and English degrees for everyone!

Aaaand another example of “privatizing gains, socializing losses“.
Just another bank bailout.

It's my money and I need it now!

student loans are what have funded the entire left wing college indoctrination complex.
The far left students are money laundering Patsys. They leave school with no skills and mountains of debt.
All the money flows into college endowments and professor salaries and benefits.

>Maybe allow discharge of some of the Federal loans but her idea is stupid and wasteful. Why reward bad behavior and parasitic lenders??
Why should these students, who were taken advantage of, be on the hook for the rest of their lives for bad decisions they made when they were younger?

Because actions have consequences and the we would be worse off coddling these failures.

Why should taxpayers be on the hook? It's not as if she's gonna make the kike run universities cough up the shekels they swindled out of their students.

No fuck you and pay your debts. Why did you take a student loan anyway moron did you really think you would make more money. Still gotta intern for 10 years after your degree fsggot.

>household incomes less than $100k
So basically not stem or business degrees
Just more subsidizing lefty's bad decisions and paying for their propaganda

This. My wife would snap.

Just more female subsidies.

>haha college is free but we’re still gonna give extra money to browns haha

Universities get paid no matter what. It is the government on the hook for the debt. This is a female politician promising female voters that they don't need to be accountable for their own poor decisions once again.

Instead of forgiving debt for everyone why not just allow people to file bankruptcy to discharge student debt. They get a mark on their credit history and no longer have to pay.

With this these people will be forgiven their debt and be allowed to continue borrowing money they cannot or have no intention of paying back.

>I should be released from a contract I entered voluntarily because I was younger then
Wew that’s a dumb argument. If you can’t pay it don’t sign it.

this is horseshit whatabout those who paid off their school loans after years of doing without. I want my money back!

All other forms of debt are able to be discharged through bankruptcy laws. Why don't you start holding the big corporations to that standard before you ask some 18 year old to carry that burden while thousands of adults are getting forgiven for credit card debt, mortgages, car loans, business loans, etc.

Usury should be illegal and forgiving debt just means schools will charge more now that they will guarantee money.
Should be a simple payroll style tax that lasts several years that goes back to your college after graduation
>get a low paying job after school?
Too bad for the college. Should have sucked less

gop logic
>kids don't know what they're doing! we need to raise the smoking age to 21!
also gop logic
>kids also know exactly what they're doing! they need to be held account for contracts they signed at 17. they must pay every penny of jew banker interest!

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So youre okay with tax payers paying for a billionaire to golf on his own course but using it to help the American people.. Youre against that. Fucking idiots you guys are

This. Paying colleges first incentivizes shitty degree mill behavior

Why should they get debt forgivness for making bad decisions. I got my degree at a boring community college to avoid debt. I could of had a lot of fun at a big University

Where does government get that money? Oh right they print it, devaluing it & then charge interest on it forever. Good plan. Don't go after the kikes, don't stop the government from giving out loans, no no no just print more fucking money that future generations have to pay. Brilliant.
>you're against
go ahead & quote that bit where I said that for me you faggot.

So he has to pay for some pink hair feminists gender study degree

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Yes let us incentivize idiotic borrowing. How can this be justified? Some American are hurting financially for no fault of their own. These morons were too good for community college and rationalized taking on $100,000 in debt for a humanities degree. Warren is so awful

This is good for bitcoin

Selling off my 2nd amendment rights for this shit?

Fuck that. I paid off my student loans in two years by taking on a second job and pinching every penny. Lazy fucks should not be rewarded for their foolish behavior.

bank bailout. if you are going to make tax payers party to the loans at least trump university all these shitholes for their false promises.

plenty of lies made about every degree under the sun. little accountability for the product provided. at best it's a generation of lemmings.

it neither nigger it's about future costs. no one is paying for lung cancer 30 years later from college degrees. stop fighting retarded parties and fight for actual freedom from this managed society garbage. all of it.

The next Democrat that gets into power is going to crash the global economy with no survivors. I hope that every user has stocked up on shelf stable food and ammunition. Also get at least one card of potassium iodide and I recommend something like pic related.

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>All the money flows into college endowments and professor salaries and benefits.

That's not how it works. Professors pay their own salaries with grants.

>50 k relief to households making 100k or less
>lets add more incentive to divorce
>lets add more incentive for bullshit degrees
>lets fuck over people who prioritized paying off their loans

Fucking fake indian

Why should I be happy about more federalization of leftist indoctrination camps and radical division between elements in society? This policy is meant to only further radicalize and isolate the left from their own horrible decisions and innate failure.

Make universities cosign for all government backed loans

Is it fairer for the tax-payers to be on the hook for these loans?
I sacrificed a lot (lived at home during school to save money, zero vacations for years, very few nights or meals out, no new clothes except sometimes on Christmas, etc) to pay down my student loan debt completely.
So finally now that I've achieved something and earned my reward, I'm now on the hook to pay taxes to subsidize the bad life choices of people who (mostly) spent years partying and living it up. Infinite levels of FUCK (YOU) for thinking that the people who make responsible choices should be harmed by the people who are idiots.
If the plan was to put the universities on the hook for these loans, that would be one thing. They unreasonably profited from ruining society for a long time, and it would actually repair the college system to make them take a big temporary loss and seriously critically review their programs and focus on things like engineering and science that provide value rather than feminist dance studies. But the general taxpayers should not pay for others' poor life choices.

so tax payers bail out the banks who recklessly lend to teenagers to funnel monies to liberal colleges.

everybody involved knew it is not sustainable. everybody involved expected that tax payers will foot their bill in the end.

they need to be summarily executed.

Right now my wife and I file jointly. I understand marriage and families aren't a thing to the left, but under this plan wouldn't it make more sense for us to basically break our household up into two for the purposes of this? Also I already paid off my student loans, will I get reimbursed? If no, why should I do anything to save for my future then? If I'm going to get bailed out by the government, why not just live life in the moment like a nigger?

>it neither nigger it's about future costs
muh shekels! the kingdom 4 muh shekels!

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Because they signed the contract. Life isn't a game. Your actions have consequences. Just because you don't like what's happening doesn't mean you get a do-over. Deal with it and make the best of a bad situation.

>We got people out of crappy mortgages during the subprime lending debacle
no you didn't, those people lost trillions and never reclaimed anything

>thats pretty good
and what about those of us who paid off our loans? WHAT THE FUCK DO WE GET? NIGGERS AND FAGGOTS? EAT A FUCKING BULLET PARASITE

Yeah, it was all foreclosures that wrecked the market for a decade plus and created countless derivative litigations.

Basically my sentiment.

If you don't have money, you don't pay the bank. There is no problem that needs a solution.

Now she wants to get bank paid? Fucking bitches have absolutely no idea how it works. People of vagina do not understand what they are doing. They don't have to. They just fuck around, and expect men to fix the mess.

Doesn't change the fact she is an alcoholic with halitosis and racist Jim Crow memorabilia in her house.

The US government took over the student loans a while back. I’ve paid my debts are they going to refund my money?

Your country is well over 20 trillion in debt and the outstanding student loan debt in America is over 1.5 trillion.
Where are all these stupid morons planning on getting the money for all the welfare they are promising?

glad I sacrificed and commuted to school unlike every irresponsible faggot that wanted to party and live on campus

This. You’d have to be retarded not
to know the prices of college BEFORE going.

The Lord's Prayer is sometimes, I am aware, interpreted as "Forgive us our debtors, as we forgive those indebted to us.." Those who have already paid off their loans, find it in you to forgive those who haven't. Even if they are pricks about it, Jesus Christ did not have the luxury of his "debtors" and "trespassers" being kind or gracious to him.

I don’t understand how hard it is to put ~$500/month towards student loans. In 10 years that’s 60k or roughly half of most student debts.

This is retarded. I paid for school in full. If you took out a loan, pay it back faggots.
This is more “free money!” pandering to nigs and retarded shitlibs

I will support this once the bullsshit degrees end. Lets only allow degrees that are useful. If its useless like the study of ancient sex habits, or women's studies, no financial aid or loans should ever given for these. And it's not a college degree. It should be labeled as useless degree that way no one can ever claim they didn't know it was usless

What about those who actually paid for it with hard work and money?

The great vote-buying campaign of 2020...do any of these Democrat fuckwads have a platform beyond identity politics and handouts?

why should my tax dollars go to people who made shitty investments?

Wypipo bad

The sad truth is a lot of tax advisors would unironically say to get divorced for tax and welfare reasons

Here's something I don't think you guys realize, we're going to be stuck with this no matter what. I get it, the few fortunate ones had families and connections who could put their kids through school, most kids not only lacked that, they made god awful choices education wise and now here we are with trillions in student loan debt. You really think they're going to make them pay for it? Lets do some critical thinking here, more and more of these people are defaulting which of course costs us the taxpayer more when they have to put em in collections or worse, incarceration costs. Yes, they do throw people who default on these things in jail. Bottom line, who pays for it all? We do. These people who lent them their money will collect one way or another, they knew all along they'd most likely default. Guess what? Most of us aren't rich enough to live off investment income and the tax breaks they get, this really applies to those of you wife kids, you're fucked. I'm single, I can afford to move and if need be go abroad and watch it all burn. I know a few people years ago who saw this clusterfuck coming, they diversified and got out of white collar, many of em either are landlords or business owners. My advice to you guys with young kids, GFTO of white collar ASAP and find sources of income that you can shelter from taxes. White collar is a trap if you're white any male anymore anyway, as times get worse they're going to keep coming after us. Tune on, tune in and drop out, save your own ass and your shekels, let these fuckers tear each other apart.

The system is collapsing so lets add gas

We should be exempt from federal income taxes for life

socialist jew 2022!

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