/cic/ Canada is COLLAPSING part 1517 - KETCHUP WARS Edition

>How French's ketchup took a bite out of Heinz

>Just before barbecue season ignites, Heinz ketchup has launched a new TV ad to woo Canadians. The commercial climaxes with the brand smothering a lonely plate of fries to the tune of What About Love by Heart.

>But the ad may not be enough to win back the hearts of Canadians who left Heinz a few years ago, angered by its decision to move its ketchup manufacturing operations from Leamington, Ont., to the U.S.

>Many defectors turned to a relative newcomer to the ketchup scene, French's, which promised to use only Canadian-grown tomatoes.

>French's customers have remained loyal, allowing the brand to take a bite out of Heinz's stranglehold on the Canadian ketchup market — a notable feat, considering Heinz has been selling ketchup in Canada for more than a century.

>"Condiments are intrinsically linked to attitudes and habits," said Sylvain Charlebois, a professor at Halifax's Dalhousie University who specializes in food distribution and policy.

>"What French's has accomplished in recent years is unheard of."

The Heinz-Frenchs ketchup war is a proxy war for the USA-Leaf battle. The Leafs think their arrogance will BTFO the US ketchup market. As you know, Trump tarrifed the fuck out of Leaf (aka Chinese) steel and aluminum to the tune of 25% and 10% respectively, in return Trudeau tarrifed the fuck out of 90% of items Leafs use, including ketchup and Maple syrup.

In recent weeks Trudeau has been begging to remove the steel tarrifs, but Trump is reportedly very happy with them and refuses to lift them. Now the Leafs have refused to ratify NAFTA 2.0, and Trump didn't give a shit, so they're about to launch a second round of tarrifs raising the price of everyday goods even further. That's on top of the carbon tax that was brought in April 1st.

So now Canada will soon be a land of $100/kg steak, $60/kg chicken and $25/gallon milk, on top of $2/L gas ($8/gallon).

Canada is truly collapsing.

Attached: cic ketchup wars.png (1022x1172, 648K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Here are the tarrifs that Trudeau implemented on all Leafs on July 1st, Canada Day (increased the cost of living 10-20% across the board)

Maple Syrup, Jam, Ketchup and Handkerchiefs were all taxed to shit

The cost of building a cuckshack jumped 40% overnight.

Attached: leaf tarrifs.png (921x2544, 666K)

Reminder I can have sex with any polish girl I want

Canada is not collapsing

To show how bad things are getting in canada, here is a comparison...For less than the Cost of a Canadian steak ($23Cdn) you can get - in the UK:

£2 Ribeye Steak
£2 Disposable barbeque
£3.60 4x440ml carlsberg
£2 Pâté and crackers
£2 chocolate cake
£1 big coke bottle

£12.60 Pound sterling equals $21.92 Canadian Dollars

Would you rather have a steak, a Barbeque, 4 big Carlsberg Beers, Pâté and crackers, chocolate cake and 1 Big coke bottle or a lone Canadian steak as pictured?

Attached: calgary ribbeye.jpg (2100x1575, 1.14M)

>For the second weekend in a row, gas prices in British Columbia reached another record-breaking high.

>At one station in the Metro Vancouver area, drivers forked over $1.72 per litre, and experts say prices will move little over the next few days.

>Analysts recommend filling up in the evenings, when stations tend to lower their prices before raising then again the morning.


Gas prices are $1.75/L now, or $7/gallon.

Attached: doggo king.gif (845x475, 3.56M)

it is provably collapsing

reminder leafs:

If you argue for low prices for food you are intelligent.
If you argue for high prices for food you are unintelligent.
If you argue prices of food are fine, you are unironically unintelligent, and should argue they be lowered.

Canada does get a lot of Polish immigrants

canadians cant even afford to get drunk and numb the pain

Attached: BEER UK VS BEER CANADA.jpg (1510x538, 97K)

I want food price to be way higher so that migrants dont want to come here
Migrants can go to poland or uk its way cheaper there anyway

Here is what steak costs in Canada

That was the price a month now. Now since the carbon tax was introduced on April 1st, the price is over $70/kg.

Attached: $59:kg steak clown.jpg (1024x768, 108K)

Here is what 6 chicken breasts cost in Canada


Attached: $39-chicken-trudeau-approved.jpg (2976x1890, 2.31M)

1 gallon of milk is $16-20 now

>pic related

Attached: $14gallon-milk-selfeau-approved.png (1200x1600, 2.42M)

Remember, now Leaf dares to go to the grocery store and take the in-store prices due to the fear of sticker-price induced psychosis

Attached: food sadist carnage.jpg (1242x1702, 1.96M)

that's more than I pay per US gallon, and my commute is 4 miles

Attached: bump.jpg (480x480, 24K)

oh no wait i pay 9 CAD per imperial gallon

Attached: 1555609326800.png (657x527, 29K)

maybe they are cracking down on price posters.

Canada General Thread now
Anyone have a good easter weekend? I'm assuming not everyone has today off.

Attached: have sex.jpg (540x436, 62K)

>part 1517

What a fucking lunatic you are

gas is the one thing they ding us on but for the cost of one canadian ribeye we can have a uk ribeye steak, a Barbeque, 4 big Carlsberg Beers, Pâté and crackers, chocolate cake and 1 Big coke bottle

Attached: Ten dollars for cough drops.jpg (907x1209, 331K)

>Gas prices are $1.75/L

$1.33/L here in Cape Breton, and we're a remote geographical dead-end

that's oddly specific but i like it

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it's surreal how good we have it in comparison.

I can buy a steak and fucking disposable barbeque and 4 beer and Pâté and cheese and crackers and an actual cake and big Coke for the cost of a ribeye in canada.

And i still find shit to gripe about. We have to get the costs down lower

reminder this spamming pollack has mental problems

t. east germany

t. Poland

Holy shit

since you mentioned it for some strange narrative related reason, lets see how how poland stacks up to canada. we'll use polish convenience store prices versus canadas grocery store prices as they were last year

Attached: comparison with grocery stores prices.png (1207x1272, 436K)

>getting mad over ketchup

Attached: 628851E1-D256-44AD-A39F-22366E12BEBE.jpg (1000x1000, 87K)

>cost of living higher in a developed first world nation

Question to other leaf bros, Are these prices shown in the northern provinces, because I know the transportation costs there are insane? Toronto and GTA in general is nothing like this

yes, it's cherry picked from remote locatons, the guy who makes these threads is schizophrenic, he also has a fake news website

Attached: groceyrjew.jpg (1271x861, 197K)

>Question to other leaf bros, Are these prices shown in the northern provinces

Attached: $54 STEAKTRUDEAU.jpg (1224x1632, 800K)

you seem like a third world nation senpai

To show how bad things are getting in canada, here is a comparison...For less than the Cost of a Canadian steak ($23Cdn) you can get - in the UK:

£2 Ribeye Steak
£2 Disposable barbeque
£3.60 4x440ml carlsberg
£2 Pâté and crackers
£2 chocolate cake
£1 big coke bottle

£12.60 Pound sterling equals $21.92 Canadian Dollars

Would you rather have a steak, a Barbeque, 4 big Carlsberg Beers, Pâté and crackers, chocolate cake and 1 Big coke bottle or a lone Canadian steak?

Nah, this dude just hates us for some profound reason and cherry-picks shit from Nunavut, remote towns, and whole-foods hippie grocers. A lot of our shitposters post expensive steak cuts and stuff just to fuck with him and he saves and archives those for future threads.
Canada does have a lot of problems in most of its industry though. The amount of middlemen parasites inserting themselves everywhere, for one. Talk to your older family members about it.

Attached: 1550934333489.jpg (500x436, 134K)

that's calgary alberta, the cheapest place in canada for beef. I specifically chose a steak from there to show how bad things are.

btw that steak is pre-carbon tax it's $25 now. honk honk

Attached: honk.png (512x512, 207K)

there are no nunavut prices itt bro

All the prices are from within 100km of the US border, where prices are 1/3 of leaf prices yet salaries are triple.

Attached: 2 slices ham $2.jpg (2057x3169, 1.92M)

even if it were true, why do you need to spam these threads? why don't mods or jannies ever ban you?

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attached: the price of ribeye last year.

It has went up by over $10 a kg to around $60 and now that the carbon tax has kicked in it will be $65 soon

Attached: last years ribeye.jpg (1206x900, 298K)

part and parcel

You cancucks... something about you I really don't like.

Attached: 2ixgqv.jpg (500x388, 54K)

>caring about Canadians
hopefully our people will get out before they tun into the "native nation" ruled over by China

Lmao that's the most polish name I have ever seen. Wonder if the pole makes any money shilling his broken website all day everyday.

Why does Canadian Ham sell for $3/kg in the USA but $30/kg in Canada?

Attached: $1.49 a lbs ham product of canada.jpg (4032x3024, 3.33M)

Would you rather have a steak, a Barbeque, 4 big Carlsberg Beers, Pâté and crackers, chocolate cake and 1 Big coke bottle or a lone Canadian steak?

i live in northern ontario where milk and things sometimes dont even make it here on time. prices of meats still arent that high here. youre cherry picking packages at high end stores that only jewish canadians shop at:P

Attached: 1537828783290.jpg (1080x1068, 165K)

you dont have any instore pics to back your claims. the instore pics we have from southern ontario show you are lying though

Attached: $23 breast.png (1024x768, 909K)

Are you the pole or his employee? Does he pay you in sexual favors or does your site generate enough money to get your dollar a day?

Attached: 20181207_130138.jpg (4032x1960, 2.55M)

>30$ a kg
how is that even possible? its pork ffs, 30$ would get me a minimum 2 kg of prime white fish let alone pork


Attached: 20181207_130210.jpg (4032x1960, 2.54M)

And yet it says Vaughan Ontario?

Attached: 20181207_130140.jpg (4032x1960, 2.67M)

those are from 2018, pre carbon tax

Time to delete and repost the thread again. Shills have been exposed.

He's not wrong though man. There's a reason I left there. Canada is going to hell in a handbasket. Consider these threads a public service message.

Attached: CanadaNoFreeSpeech.jpg (686x604, 175K)

you should probably seek treatment for your schizophrenia, this is not healthy man

it's all the same schizo using proxies

To show how bad things are getting in canada, here is a comparison..

For less than the Cost of a Canadian pack of chicken breasts($23Cdn) you can get - in the UK:

£2 Ribeye Steak
£2 Disposable barbeque
£3.60 4x440ml carlsberg
£2 Pâté and crackers
£2 chocolate cake
£1 big coke bottle

£12.60 Pound sterling equals $21.92 Canadian Dollars

Attached: $24 chicken.jpg (2448x3264, 1.87M)

here is what americans pay

Attached: $1.79 a pound.jpg (3264x1836, 1.24M)

the same schizo who mods and jannies never ban. weird!

Spoken like a true apathetic passive aggressive Canadian with no point to make. Don't attack the idea, just attack the person. Sad what Canada has become as your post displays.

Have you tried crickets for protein yet? I heard it's a healthy alternative.

Attached: CanadaIsis.jpg (660x458, 52K)

American minimum wage is less than that lmao

may OP knows the mods and can tell who is posting from government IP addies

>Have you tried crickets for protein yet? I heard it's a healthy alternative.

Attached: feed-your-kids-bugs.jpg (1286x1152, 622K)

>leaf took time to make a counter meme
You're making it worse user...

Attached: clintonpornstars.jpg (750x617, 54K)

Chicken breasts are $4/lb though. I can tell from your websites poor English that it isn't your first language so reading must be a struggle.

you need to learn to type english better, and maybe obfuscate your typing patterns

what are you talking about? do you imagine that you know my identity?

they think if they double down on the damage control it will work

>do you imagine that you know my identity
it's such a garbled clunky way to say "you think you know me?"

yes or no please.

you seem to come acorss as thinking you know my identity

good. we need to be more self sufficient. free trade has been a disaster

you come across as a non native english speaker

67 percent of all canadian assets are foreign owned

>"canada is collapsing"
>its about ketchup

lol you magapedes are delusional

Holy shit, 11$ for less than a kilo of pre chop pork ? 11 dollars (american) would come about 80 cro kuna i could buy twice as much for the same price. here 600 grams of pork chops is about 20 kn which amounts to about 3$ and its fucking croatia inches away from a third world

Well you do take every post and image from your shill website so I have a sneaky feeling

are you backpedalling on having my doxx?

not good

Canada on strike!

are you denying your first language isn't english?

Yeah I asked a Canadian friend of mine at work about prices there and he said you'd only be paying $50 for steak at some remote Arctic station -- food is on average about the same cost as Whole Foods or an independent, so not cheap, but also not restaurant prices for raw meat.

He talks like a paki convenience store clerk lmao

The U.S. will also have prices like these once the next recession hits. As a hick, I plan to make a fortune selling dog meat to city faggots. Looks like I can make the plunge early though and sell dogmeat to cucknadians, lmao.

Cana cuck
Weasel fuck
Coward since a hook nosed puck
Preps his "wifes" bull day and night
Squirms and jerks off out of sight
Promotes a million social ills
Eagerly pays his "wifes" bills
Evil, scheming, pathetic, trite,
Beware the Canadian parasite

you just got caught claiming you knew my identity. now why would you do that?

do you deny english isn't your first language? every post you make only confirms it more.

it's impossible for the US system to produce such prices. A nuclear exchange with china will only cause them to triple, so they'll still be lower than canada's.

>only Canadian-grown tomatoes
Heinz doesn't even uses tomatoes.
Unless any ketchup brand is made out of just tomatoes, vinegar and spices it is shit.

Attached: Ingredient+Inspector+Heinz+Ketchup+comparison+then+vs.+now.jpg (750x563, 127K)

you've come a long way from claiming to know my doxx

do you deny it?

you dont have my doxx though

do you deny it?

Backed into a corner and furiously clicking the report for dox button are we. You do know that announcing your report is ban worthy right newfriend? Might as well reset your VPN now.

>inches away from a third world
then why are you directly comparing our currencies?