I’m just out of hair salon. I asked to trim my hair just a bit, but they cut really a lot...

I’m just out of hair salon. I asked to trim my hair just a bit, but they cut really a lot. It feels like act of violence, like if they give no crap about what I want, although I fucking explained it in details. I look like a fucking normie cunt for the next month I hate myself. The haircut is actually fine, but I look disgustingly normie. What do, adv?

Attached: 1CB5C498-870F-4FAB-8C76-5DE68F3D0F9E.jpg (540x525, 132K)

Show us.

Post hair

I just hate myself so much

Did he give you the basedcut?

No. It barely reaches my tits, imagine it.

Post tits, don't care about the hair now.

It’s regular cut. The last time I did that I was so excited because they really respected my wish to keep the hair, but also trimmed it finely, but I didn’t see that hairdresser today.

Sounds kinda cute baby

Oh my FUCKING GOOOOOOD. You just got a haircut. Relax. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Shit grows back.

Besides. Shorter hair on women is attractive. So long as it ain't a buzz cut you'll probably be more attractive.

Attached: 1544357640494.gif (200x267, 853K)

>Shit grows back
No, because my hair is shitty, ends break faster so I can’t grow shit. I haven’t gone short for maybe nine or ten years now, it still hardly reaches my elbows now even worse.

> you'll probably be more attractive
There are two hair length that are appropriate for women: ear covering side cut and waist length. Everything in the middle is normie tier.

Lmao this has to be bait I haven't heard from a femanon like this in a while.

Did I not just post a gif of a girl which I find attractive who has her hair at one of those middle lengths you're autistic about?

Fucks sake even Bob cuts are attractive on women.

you have every right to be pissed, i hope you didn't actually pay

There’s nothing fancy about bob cut. Every girl may have it, but really long hair takes a dedication of many years.

All your thread has done is reinforce how stupidly easy women have it they come on an advice board because of their haircut

How do I deal with this feeling of disgust with my appearance otherwise?

Use a photo of your new haircut on a Tinder profile and watch as the matches come pouring in you dumb bitch

I DO NOT care if I look attractive or not, I don't feel good about my look myself + feel shitty because it was pretty non consensual how the hairdresser ignored what I asked her

I'm so disgusting you guys

Yeah yeah hairdressers do that. Now either show pics of tits or hair, i dont care which one.

Why do you think i didnt getmy hair cut for thelast 10 years as a dude?

don't get haircuts

If you're a man and you're making this scene over a haircut, you're fucking done. I'm not even kidding with you, you can give up now, you are fucking useless

I want to self harm

>but really long hair takes a dedication of many years
This. Short haircuts can be cute but if I see a girl with really long and straight hair, she has my full attention until either one of us is out of view. It's one of the few things that get me to start stuttering.

>angry that people didn't give you a bad haircut so you "stand out"

What flavor of mental illness is this?

Oh, sorry OP... Got sidetracked. Anyway, there really isn't anything that you can do besides deal with it, except for leaving a negative review. The damage has been done and you'll have to work with what you have. Any advice you should follow can really be found in pretty much any sad thread here. Do things to forget about it, find ways to make things work (finding a new look), basic stuff. I'm sorry for your loss.

Probably compliments your tits real nice.