Crash and burn

approval rating down on every poll post Mueller-report. he's finished, people are just sick of his shit and tired of the madness, they just want to go back to normalcy, they want Obama 2.0 where the most exciting thing anyone has to question him about is the color of his suit or his favorite food.

admit it, Trump is finished

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I guess not doing his immigration promises and sucking jew jew cum endlessly would end up being horrible for his support base.

It doesn't matter, he has 2020 on lockdown. The left have been rolling out crazy people and there are no other viable republican contenders. I'd like to see Rand, but he will save it for 2024.

almost 4 years and still not tired of hearing the cope


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COPING, the tread.

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>they just want to go back to normalcy, they want Obama 2.0

they just want non retarded non race baiting media, thats all. obama was equally bad of not worse. so far trump didnt attack no ME country and caused fucktons of terror attacks in EU, obama did.

Because the nigga is MIGA

oh look its another thread where we should uncritically trust statisticians of the establishment and whatever agenda they have

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why was the entire country a lot more civil with Obama in charge then? you can't possibly put this all on the shoulders of the media.

trump shares the blame

>It's Trump's fault that we leftards are psychotic.

Because their media has whipped up the lefty retards into a frothing frenzy .

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Nope . It is entirely the media and quisling 5th colomnists.

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Lowest energy post all day

>spread lies and sow civil discord every time Trump does anything
>oy vey goyim so much incivility, Trump must be the cause!
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

His base feels like he has abandoned them and he has. He cares more about Israel than he does about America. I for one won't be voting for him because at this point it's only delaying the inevitable race war whereas another Democrat will cause the country to crash and burn harder and faster.

>liberals flip shit and trashcans because bully trump got elected
>it's trump's fault

if this operation is so obvious then why do millions of Americans go along with it? why has trump faced so much turmoil and difficulty if it's all the medias fault and you make it sound so obvious? how does that work?

TRUMP 2020! This is going to happen. Praise God for it.

Obama leaf thats the very definition of projecting

Because the vast majority of the public is comprised of easily manipulated sheep. Public opinion is ridiculously easy to manipulate and manufacture

Coping. Pic related. Right now the individual pols don't matter, the trend does. And the trend is up. Pic related

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>Submit to the "Democrats" trying to overthrow a duly elected President or else we will continue to induce panic and spread discord.

And the other side.
So stop fapping to 1 poll.

Sorry forgot the pic.

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are you fucking retarded? I just told you, its the media. they are fueling hatred you fucktarded shill.

Half of these media personalities lost small personal fortunes when hillary lost 3/4ths of the media donate to the dnc

Lmao nigger Obamas approval rating was like 9 or something. He also spied on an American election campaign of a rival party.

Obama is a nigger and should be shot the fucking face on national television


Stop lying. His approval ratings are soaring. Fucking leaf, day of the rake will be well deserved.

you said that obama attacked ME countries which caused terror in the EU, yet the US was a lot more civil with obama in charge.

trump hasn't done any of that, yet there's constant rage and panic.

does that make sense to you? shouldn't it be the inverse?

You realize that your opinion is in the overwhelming minority. Most people voted for Trump knowing he was going to be a dirty Jew lover because that's what he advertised in the campaign.

Rasmussen has him at 47%. That’s a 10 point difference from polls with a 3% error. Either everything we know about statistics is wrong or pollsters are full of shit.

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>why do NPCs believe the media?
Is it really that complicated?

Polls not taking likely or real voters into account are trash. Might as well poll children if you want to make republican approval ratings look low.

The US was more civil only on the surface, because the media made sure that it looked that way, but Obama with his policies and the Clear bias was making the situation worse and worse. AMD then the media apparatus flipped their shit after Trump got elected and made the division, that was already there much more visible and then, by doubling down on their lies and propaganda, they made it worse. Also they make it appear like it's worse than it is.
I'm not saying that all is dandy bit Trump is operating with media that os clearly biased against him, and we are talking anout the global media, not just US.
Obama got his Nobel Peace prize. For what?
For propaganda values and that's just the most visible example of how he appeared more stable than Trump. The media gave him a pass on anything.
Deporting illegals? Obama deported more illegals than Trump could ever dream of, did you hear media sounding an alarm? No. I can go on.

I'm respond9ngnto the OP. His 1 outlier poll means nothing when the bigher picture is shown.
I agree with you, the polls are trash, but if he insists on using them we can see that he is even more of a trash.

Rasmussen has consistently been 7-10% higher than any other his entire presidency, I don’t believe it’s true at all.

>muh obama
Too bad nazi, he won you lost and now we got a poojeet bathing in curry powder following

Obama specifically sowed more racial division than any other recent presidency. That is fact. Trump has united more minorities by virtue of record unemployment than any recent presidency. That is a fact.

The culprit as others have stated is a complicit media with absolute bias who make up controversy where there never was one.

didnt polls have hilary at 99%?

Wew user what a intelligent and original argument. I can't think of a single reason why you would lose any debate that you are actually engaged in.


4 more years and then 8 more years of ivanka you fucking discord tranny

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This is the beginning of the end for Trump
The walls are closing in
A tipping point


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Here we go again loll
>muh polls!
>muh approval!
>muh trump has zero chance of winning!

>a seditious investigation is less normal than illegal wars, toppling a sovereign country, gun running to syria, gunrunning for cartels, IRS subversion, house of cards tier image manipulation of benghazi, secretary of state concealing emails, and the state of the doj
The sad thing is that youre right

Trump will win by a landslide. The lower his "approval" rating is, the better a president he will be againts you leftist cocksuckers.

Eat shit and die.

Lol MIGApedes like you love trannies, don't front.

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fake news

keep proving that canadians are the worst posters on the entire board faggot

anybody debate me. 1v1

Fuck off

I know
Nobody ever does anything wrong as everyone is innocent so no investigation ever begins

>shilling Rueters poll
1000 people polled
Most inaccurate poll of 2016

His approval rating being low shows you the power of kike media. He isn't doing anything wrong, people have jobs, this ship is still moving, no new wars so at the very worst he is an average president yet he still scores low. I hate Obama but I believe the same logic applies to him

But his approval rating is not super low, that's the point. It was always low, but it stays largely the same. Trump is going to win 2020 and no Democrat, except for perhaps Bernie, has a chance of being even close.
But watch Democrats shoot themselves in the foot and nominating a virtu signaling tier candidate.

Who the fuck wants to vote for any of the Democrats who will open the borders right back up and pass even more socialist shit we can't afford? Trump gives zero fucks about balancing the budget and the Democrats would somehow manage to be even worse than that.

The answer is shitskins, feminist dykes and cucks of course.

lmao jewish leaves are so funny

does he say the n-word?

Its not his opinion
its what he's paid to say