PSA: if you don’t call trans youth by their preferred name, they will kill themselves

PSA: if you don’t call trans youth by their preferred name, they will kill themselves.

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Sounds like mentally stable people.

>Trans youth who are accepted by their family have 59% suicdality.

so what's the downside

>if you don’t call trans youth by their preferred name, they will kill themselves.
nice, what if i use a megaphone?

- Hey John!

- “Who? I’m Mohammeda now”


It's 40% across the board, not if we don't say yes

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>(((research))) shows.

And i say this as a Harvard academic.

gonna need a source on that one mira

Is that all it takes? Do we have to use their real name or can you just call them anything except what they want

>not capitalizing I

>PSA: if you don’t call trans youth by their preferred name, they will kill themselves.

Where can i find them so i can start the purge?

Hi Bob.

Anyone who kills themselves for being called the “wrong” name should be removed from the gene pool anyway.

>implying you would not want them to end their pathetic life

>Son becomes a tranny
>Don't even have to kill him with my own hands, just tell him to fuck off

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natural selection at it's finest

Kekd irl

>Don't do a thing that makes a group of people do what they are known for.

Why do I care if trannies kill themselves?


>if you don't play pretend with someone they kill themselves
Is this supposed to show that trannies are mentally stable and are not suffering from an illness or something?

>My deadname is a killing word

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>if you don’t call trans youth by their preferred name, they will kill themselves.
If only it were that easy.

insane people kill themselves when faced w/ the truth? who woulda thunk it.

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>I'm not getting emough attention
> /wrist
No shit they won't kill themselves if you validate their delusions. As soon as you stop, they will do it again.

Yep, mental stability that we should all accept and respect

Interesting paradigm. Essential what is being said here is that, if I don't buy into and repeat the lie, I am responsible for the death of another human being. What is a person who is responsible for someones death called again? A murderer? What happens to murderers again? They are imprisoned or executed? So what is essentially being said is that if I don't adhere to their ideology, I will be imprisoned and killed. Fascinating. That sounds like a threat, to me.

>caring what a namefag says

>calling trans youth by their preferred name is suicide prevention
i guess you'll know what you have to do then

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>> /wrist
Across de street for attention , down the road for results

Just so everyone knows OP pic is completely made up bullshit. He's not even quoting a study, he's just making up numbers.

Depression doesn't even correlate with oppression in LGBT degenerates. Whether people harass them or not, they are just as mentally ill. It has nothing to do with society, it's just a self destructive mental illness and they will try to off themselves at the same rate no matter how much we're forced to accommodate their delicate snowflake feelings and pronouns.
>Although perceived discrimination was associated with almost all of the indicators of mental health and utilization of mental health care that we examined, adjusting for discrimination did not significantly reduce mental health disparities between heterosexual and LGBT persons. Conclusion. LGBT individuals experienced more major discrimination and reported worse mental health than heterosexuals, but discrimination did not account for this disparity.

They're mentally ill no matter how they're treated because being LGBT is a mental illness.

So don't delude them and make them get mental help

I'd like some sauce with that please.

>the line between living and committing suicide is calling someone by a different name
definitely mentally well

I thought most of them topped themselves after they saw the gash that someone told them would be a vagina

didnt zion don take away their right to a legal name change or did that never actually go through?

Why would anyone tell me that if they want to prevent their suicides?

They ŕemove themselves even if you call them as they wish

I think he is mixing different populations, anybody have seen any transvestites recently?

Nope! Ain't gonna do it.