It would be more correct to observe that white genes are so valued that when other ethnic groups acquire them they just shamelessly incorporate them into their own ethnic group, whereas whites turn their noses up at mudbloods and exclude them
Lincoln Watson
Connor Gray
>whereas whites turn their noses up at mudbloods and exclude them >t. 56% mongrel Clearly not enough
White genes are recessive. They are easily bred out by dominant genes. Now because white genes are recessive you get a [recessive]+[recessive] gene combination that brings out the worst features in people. That's why mullatos and hapas are miles worse than blasians
Looks like kebabs to me. Maybe they would look that way to you too if you weren't just a 56% mongrel.
Juan King
one on the right doesn’t look full kebab. looks like a Serbian girl I knew
Nathaniel Howard
Disgusting coal burners
Carson Collins
Asiatic cheeks and eyes.
Sure her hair is fair, but that could easily just be dyed.
Oliver Hughes
I know what you mean, but that looks pseudo mongoloid to me. I’ve seen plenty of white people with those traits, in this case I can’t really tell if it’s from her mom or dad
Eli Watson
i dont like chinks or niggers so I'm willing to give Blasians a chance
>European conquering hordes managed to take a small part of Europe when Europe was busy fighting each other, what ever happened to that Empire, oh yeah it got btfo in WWI and now no longer exist.
Jackson Long
most Blacks in America are part white, most Whites in America are not part Black.