I have this new theory, I need Jow Forums to tell me if I am insane.
Me I do not buy anything that uses marketing or commercials. Every add on jewtube I disregard. Realistically I do more than that I mentally catalogue it then make sure to never buy that product ever.
My credit cards when I do use them will show I never use products marketed to me. I also basically started using cash as often as possible to throw them off my trail this probably sets off something in an algorithm. Anyways my theory is that since I am not cooperating in the marketing schemes, that the ads I am being targeted with are progressively getting more mean and nasty and personal, in some type of attempt to bring me to their world of consumerism.
How crazy am I?
I almost feel like you will be attacked by ads until you have to use some products the same way as you have to use credit cards just to have a credit score. You are forced to partake in the system that the corporations have set up.
I have this new theory, I need Jow Forums to tell me if I am insane
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accusation made but now evidence provided. take your medicine
>How crazy am I
Yes this is schizophrenia probably.
>How crazy am I?
Jarkko Oikarinen
Pic is cool btw
OP is either shhizo or the the advertisers are trying to sell him more meds. It's hard to tell.
Kinda the same here user, i don’t buy the products and actively give them a thumbs down when the ad pops up.
Also never even had a credit card, everything I buy I use cash or a debit card provided to me from my local bank.
Do you expect to not need a credit score at any point in your life?
Doubtful that your spending or credit card expenses are directly linked to your targeted ads. In the ideal dystopian society that the marketing faggots dream of this would be the case. You’re probably doing something else that gets you all the annoying and shitty ads. Forwarding through them, not having any cookies, not using some signed in profile; I’ve noticed that if you browse anonymously you’re going to see weirder and more aggressive advertisements.
post pics of 'mean' ads
It would only make sense for the ad algorithm to start giving outlandish ads because it gets fed no real usable data
idk man, I don't watch commericals, and oddly enough, the ones that I don't skip on youtube becuase im doing somthing like driving and can't look down (though I mostly have my phone in a spot where I can hit the skip button w/o looking, but there are times when I can't skip), Its for shit like dell... sometimes political adds from both sides (Really youtube? You are giving me a democrat political add? You know I hate those fuckers based on my search history....)
I don't get very much variation, dell, some shitty car insurance and a few other things I would never buy (I detest dell, I don't plan on swapping my car insurance any time soon or buying a new car as im running mine into the fucking ground.... Love my 2000 mustang, and most adds I skip if I can or I use add block).
I do have a credit card as my main form of payment.
I'v not noticed adds changing at all, sometimes when im in my car and I can't skip the ad, I swear at it in hopes that google is listening.
I don't buy anything from commercials either, though at the same time I have almost cut them entirely out of my life and they only show up on my phone because my ad less youtube app stopped working.
I also spend most of my money on computer parts, airsoft, my military collection and guns, so really, most of the shit I buy does not advertise at all, though I would fucking welcome gunshow advertisements because the fuckers who run them never advertise and we dealers need more people to come so we can sell to them.....
Pic related to my rant, Jow Forums knew me for my PIAT.
OP, I think you may be reading into things too much, but it would be neat if you had more examples.
ITT: Confederacy of dunces
ikr, this is why I got a card in the first place myself.
My score is in the mid to high 700's, its my main form of payment. Can't complain.
Congrats on your decent jew rating, faggot. Go pay some interest!
you see, I pay off my card every month, so I don't pay any interest to the jew.
In turn, it lets me use the jew to get lots of money if I need it for something.
Keep squalering in filth faggot. Funny enough, small parts of my collection are probably worth more than all of your belongings.
Congrats on getting kiked.
Cash is king.
I actually do the same exact thing and make about $150 in rewards points each year. I don't try to brag about how high the jews rate me in their usury plot though.
That is a fucking sweet dagger though you nigger lover.
kek, I have access to plenty of cash. You don't go to a gunshow without cash, and all of my sales are in cash. Use both when appropriate.
im bored, fuck you too.
> Be me
> Be alcoholic
> Get ads about an alcoholism hotline on Youtube
The algoritms are uncanny man
Haha, thanks.
I have a few more knives too.
My main collection is demilled ordnance though I buy whatever I fancy, if I can get it for a good price, which is typically half retail value of the item (unless it's something stupid rare and super high up on my wish list like my ww1 discuss grenade.... Saw one in a museum once and decided that I had to have one, found one at an auction about a year ago now and it's minty mint. So happy for that find.)
I buy cheap food.
If it sucks, i stop buying it or i buy more expensive food but less often.
I don't buy branded clothes unless they are cheap and made with good material. I avoid anyway those clothes with a brand that is too visible: I don't want to be a human commercial spot.
Then i try to spend less about everything: I don't buy videogame or music but i download it. I have spent money for games or music of course, but only for talented musicians without lots of fame or indie game developers.
That's what you should do OP, your mindset will lead you to paranoia.
Just disregard consumerism and plant your own potatoes.
Not gonna lie, I am jealous of your collection. I did just get a 1945 "Turkish" Mauser with a huge wooden box of 8mm for $40 from a friend though. Pretty sweet deal and fun as hell to shoot.
I can see that happening since the ad farms have a rating system of users. Like how many users clicked on the ads and they get payed accordingly. So I can see why they will use harsher and more personal ads to make you click.
Also explain more, what type of ads are you seeing?
Also you seem a boomer who uses chrome with only honey extension installed
nice, turk mausers are good shooters.
The only mausers I have are a K98k waffen stamped, and my M1903 made in 1911 (not technically a mauser, but a ripoff).
I'v linked my collection album many times on here, so here you go - imgur.com
Gonna leave this post with no pic so the jannies don't get mad again, they don't like it when I post too much Jow Forums outside of Jow Forums it seems.
Don't thumb them down, just ignore knowing what you don't like is as important as knowing what you like for ad farms
Be careful, you're going to get gangstalked by the Jewish ad-cabal.
Nah you're just not like the usual cattle that roam around. To me ads are like birds chirping. You can either listen or just let the sounds be muddled into ambient noise.
Take pride that you're not materialistic.
then show the ads so others can judge.
I do something similar just to fuck with how the algorithms view me. Just like I fucked up the captcha whenever I can get away with it.
they aren't uncanny, they are just spying on your account statements and through your device microphones. they create a statistical IP profile of your utterances and compare it to their advertisements to create an ad playlist. all free services do this and sell the data to aggregators to package and sell to ad supported platforms.
not so fast, goy. they'll just start shilling gold, crypto, water filters and penis pills at you
i have the one on the left.
used it all the time growing up.
I slept in today and woke up and saw an add for something with the opening line being about how there’s not enough time in the day but you make time for what you want. I had just been pondering if I should have slept in a moment before I saw the ad.
A big classic one is after my girlfriend broke up with me the next morning first thing I see is an ad for a charbroil grill that says this bbq won’t burn you like your ex girlfriend and it shows some girl dumping a guy and getting with another guy
Woodsman pals are great machetes.
You can still buy them brand new, the one in the pic is a ww2 one with the rarer tin sheaths.
I should get a new one for use, would be a great peace of kit.
Do you also take any drugs? Serious question.
>how crazy am I?
you'd be crazy if you bought into lies (((they))) are trying to sell you.
Yeah your collection is bad ass.
In the interest of busting your balls tho i will tell you that on the day, I won’t use those weapons I will use things that can be used as a weapon that aren’t actually weapons and I will find them at the site
I described two such ads. I will try to think of more examples.
What you just brought up is another topic related to this thread: like, how much time should I invest in clandestine stuff to get around the big data jew? I feel like I will always be out gunned, so I just use...
Safari... stock. Strait boomer mode.
I cut commercials and ads out of my life about 20 years ago. I started reading Adbusters and Stay Free! back in the 90s and they had a profound effect on me and my perception of ads.
I've been a lot happier without ads.
I do not. Only beer a little. I have been working out pretty aggressive tho and been in isolation
I too know how to make pipe shotguns lol.
I will never use most of my weapons either. shit most of them are 80 - 100 years old and not in a common calibur. The guns i would use in SHTF are my target setup AR15, M92FS and PSL54c, along with putting a set of plates in my airsoft kit to change it over from use with toy guns to real guns (the magazine pouches are all 100% compatible with real magazines, after all, my entire airsoft kit is real gear with that idea in mind) and I have enough magazines to fill all of said pouches, along with reserve ammo. I do still need to get plates though, but I have a helmet....
The problem really is that people you know will give the data anyway. Facebook has a profile on you weather you have an account or not, data mined from your friends.
If you have a phone, then they track where you go.
hell, your ISP basicly tracks everything you do too, and if you use any google services, well you already are being tracked by the biggest add network.
My best advice to you is 2 fold, ignore the ads and install software to block them. Life is so much better without ads.
They can scream at you all they want, but they are literally wasting money on you if you ignore them.
Great stuff!!
Its consumerism and its very effective, only about 30% are inner directives who are able to make their own decisions the rest are literally sheep which is a bit depressing. What they've done is that they've stripped people of their natural identity so that they will feel that something is missing and will buy products to create their own identity. But its a fleeting remedy which is good for the economy since people will constantly pay for products to make themselves feel better.
Take your pills
i behave like you as a consumer and notice nothing of that sort. it's weeks and months for me to see any ad anywhere that has anything to do with me or what i buy or want to buy or can even afford.