Hello guys, this will probably surprise you but I'm a virgin and I'm sad about it

Hello guys, this will probably surprise you but I'm a virgin and I'm sad about it

I talk to a lot of girls but they never show any interest, however last week a girl asked me something that made me thing it may have something to do with my lack of success.

She asked me if I was asexual, and she has been the second girl to do that. So I'm thinking if maybe I just seem too passive for them to look at me sexually? Or is this just some bullshit I'm imagining to cope with being unwanted. What do you think adv?

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>Or is this just some bullshit I'm imagining to cope with being unwanted.
imagining what?

is english your mother tongue?

>I'm a virgin and I'm sad about it
>I talk to a lot of girls but they never show any interest

Let me guess. You never ask girls out. I wonder who could be behind this post.

I was wondering if my perception that I'm too passive and "not interested in sex" so to speak was what was causing girls to show zero interest on me.

It's hard to ask a girl off the bat if she hasn't even show a single signal she might be interested in something more.

It's the 22 year old virgin who never asks a girl out and ignores all advice once again.

i dont have magic ball user. i dont know the reason why you are still the virgin. how old are you?

I'm a 22 year old virgin but I don't wonder why I'm alone. I'm fully aware of every flaw that exists within myself in the eyes of women. I no longer expect or anticipate love. It's been blissful letting go of the delusion that I could ever be loved

Nobody loves a depressive whiner. Stop being so negative and find some joy in life.

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Nah I'm not, you're confusing me for someone else.


I have plenty of joy in my life. It just doesn't involve women or other people in general

Sometimes women are retarded, but yeah you need to start being more provocative. Dress nicer, comb your hair, show more interest, be more comfortable talking about sex stuff. I had the same problem, but i haven't been asked if I'm asexual or gay in a long time.

I guess no girl has forcefully thrown you on her back and carried you into the bedroom yet. How can you go on and live with being so unlucky, man? You're a stronger man than me for sure

>be some random girl
>have the hots for OP
>keep talking to him
>never asks me out
>never shows any interest
>wonder if he is asexual because he never makes a move

Stop expecting women to do all the work.

Quite likely it's a factor yes. If it's the only we can't say because we have fuck all to go on from your complete lack of background.

You forgot the part where the girl in your greentext goes and fucks a random Chad after talking to op

you had at least around 10 years to lose virginity, there is plenty of reasons why you weren't successful. since you talk to women a lot id say it is one of the following
>you are very unattractive
>you are ugly
>you are very socially weird / awkward
>you are afraid / you sabotage yourself
only you can answer which one(s) is(are) it?

Well she is not seeing anyone so why not? Just like how guys will fuck a random Stacy when not in a relationship.

I do make an effort to look decent, dress decent, use shirts, cologne, get a monthly haircut and stuff. I'm also in decent shape I think. I wouldn't call myself handsome but not ugly either, my only problem is my teet are slightly bad because of a fight I got into and I still haven't saved enough money to get them fixed. How can I be more sexually forward? If I'm being honest with you I am terrified of being called a creep or a pervert, so I try to keep sexual stuff out of my conversations with girls.

Thanks for the sarcasm.

I guess this was what my question meant. Just if it is possible that I give off energy that I'm not interested in that which makes girls lose interest and not bother seeing me sexually.

I'm shy but not socially retarded, I can make smalltalk with people and usually have no problems being on good terms with people I do stuff with / work with. Not handsome but not ugly either, just a pretty normal dude. I can see women thinking I'm too serious though (mostly because I'm somewhat intimidated by them), and I've been told so in some occassions.

This. Women are to and should fuck as many guys as they can until they settle down with some virgin provider like op

>I can see women thinking I'm too serious though (mostly because I'm somewhat intimidated by them), and I've been told so in some occassions.
this is your problem. you are too insecure so you build up tough facade. you need to work on your confidence and become more approachable if you want to have sex. most guys are scared to approach "serious" woman you can only imagine how girls, who arent "supposed" to make first move, are scared of you

I guess I am insecure. How do I get the guts to approach girls? How do I even communicate that I'm open to something more than just pleasantries and smalltalk?

>he doesn’t care how many randos his SO fucked

Why do we have so many gay psyops these days? Go back to /lgbt/.

If anything is a gay psyop then it’s faggots like you encouraging hypergamy.
Fuck off retard

t. Insecure dick-obsessed incel