How do you come to accept the fact that you’re just never going to be attractive in your life...

How do you come to accept the fact that you’re just never going to be attractive in your life? That the awkward teenage years just shifted directly into the slow decline of ageing, without any kind of a ’prime’ there in the middle?

I’m healthy, I’m fit enough, I dress decently and I’m well-groomed, but there’s always going to be the matter of genetics. All the things I was told I’d ”grow out of” are still there and now there’s nothing else to do than watch my ugly face and body slowly just get uglier.

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You are a teenager, you don't know shit about what your adult life will turn out like.

I’m 25, how much of a late bloomer can a person BE?

If you die a virgin, you die a child. Grow up, incel

I know that feel, op. 22 never had a girl show interest in me. I had to cope by pretending I don't care. It's so internalized at this point that I honestly don't know if being alone affects me

I lost my virginity at 18 to a 17-year-old transfer student, this isn’t about that.

The Mensa iq test is just a normal iq test that you can take for free

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Like you wouldn’t make shit up to take a smug 14-year-old down a notch.

If you had sex once, you can have again. Come to me with a real problem next time

You think appearance would have no meaning other than sex?

It really doesn't. If you are trying to look good for social status, social status only matters to guys because it leads to sex.

Not really.
Maybe if you are really attractive you can abuse it to get what you want but there are other ways.

If men respected ugly guys just the same, manlet memes wouldn’t exist.

and yet there are so many successful manlets

You're right. Is that supposed to counter what I said? Tall guys get more sex, therefore being tall is attractive and makes you popular

Get good genetics then buddy lmao. Its seriously that simple.

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I always hoped I would bloom up but it never happened and my body stood boyish. Iktf brah. But there's more to being attractive. You can develop people-skills, become more open to others, more relaxed in interactions and start to enjoy getting to know people. For me that is my blooming up

If you're a man and can grow a beard it's pretty easy to be moderately attractive; and since going beyond that would require too much effort for something irrelevant ... it just wasn't a hard thing to accept.

>good looks
>social status for a men
Nigga what? Outside of HS, modelling and some actors, basically no one gives too many fucks about how men look.

If you are fit, you will better respected at work, with women, and among family. Wake up

You'd get the respect by being good at something too. A fit idiot is still an idiot.

Now obviously nothing speaks against getting fit and specially if you're a fat fuck, it's a good call to get in shape but if you're working out just to get respect, it ain't going to work.

Whatever you say, bud. Keep wasting your time trying to disassociate female attention from your motives. I'll be here until tomorrow

>being ruled by your little head
Jesus, don't you have any passions?

Yes, but it's insanely difficult finding one that can't be traced back to a desire for female attention. The best I've done is philosophy and reading/writing in general. Some art, too, but I have to make sure it stays in my possession.

>but I have to make sure it stays in my possession.
As in not publishing or something more abstract?

The only way the obsession by female attention makes sense to me is if you have never ever experienced it before. Once you did and know what its like, shit is still nice obviously but hardly too different from average compliments. Any sort of external validation won't get you too far. It's the equivalent of writing/painting something your mom and friends group would like instead of exploring the limits of your skills.

Just never leaving my room.
But I think you misunderstood my main point. Things get famous because they attract female attention. Men do and like things that garner female attention, even by proxy. For example, getting a well paying job doesn't have to involve females per se. But, why does it look attractive to the single man? Is it material wealth and possessions? Why does he want those? At the root of most things, it boils down to female attention.

>Things get famous because they attract female attention.
So that's how Einstein and Bill Gates became famous!

>Why does he want those?
For one, material wealth and possessions are pretty nice but more importantly, wealth offers the freedom to pursue other ideas. Plus there is the whole competition part, guys like Eminem or some investor like Buffett just get a hard dick from being the best in their field. Actually successful people pick a career because they like doing the things they do. Then their passion for the subjects leads them to success.

And sure, obviously there are tons of guys who just want a high paying job to impress women (even if they don't realize it themselves), but these are the sad fucks who go for teen girls because people their age see through their pathetic motivation.

>At the root of most things, it boils down to female attention.
That's like your theory, maaan. Training all your life to be a pro athlete, or sitting in your room alone to solve equations/write books or symphonies, or working your ass to master an instrument/become an actor would be all stupidly inefficient ways to get female attention. And then the female attention just doesn't offer you that much. Wimin aren't some magical creatures that can imbue you with their wimin magic once you get the attention.