when is Trump going to get revenge on the "five eyes"? our so-called allies worked with Obama to try and throw the 2016 election I think that we should begin by invading Canada
The Very Honourable Lord Ahmed is facing charges of child sex, he already went to trial for having killed a man while driving the night of 2007 christmas bbc.com/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-47969220
so the christfags were worshipping easter as is their religious custom and the Muslims were smiting infidels as is their religious custom
trying to label one as good and the other as evil is just a racist semantic argument
Liam Thompson
Lucas Cooper
Connor Richardson
Annexing Panama as a whole would be great because something like half of the entire shipping industry flags their ships in Panama for tax reasons. >those are US flagged ships now >pay up, faggots
That's because you don't actually listen to criticism. No one said that.
Jaxson Clark
This reminds me of this conversation my girlfriend had with her cousin with ms or whatever the fuck. >what do you mean you won't buy it because you look fat in it, you're a fat girl >do you think I'm ever in the fitting room at the mirror asking myself "does this make me look less crippled"? She was such a salty bitch, should've tried banging her instead
Sounds like a business: Corporate will outline goals that are impossible to achieve while working within the law and the company's own guidelines and will replace people who can't make that work.
I just want to go back to the time when trannies were unheard of and being gay was something you used as an insult but was thought of as this far away thing that you could never imagine anyone actually being, kinda like calling them a necrophiliac.
Seems like every day people are either being called trannies or calling others trannies. Maybe its just because I look very male I just cant imagine attempting to look feminine. I dont even bother shaving my face because its just stubble a few hours later so i lazily use an electric trimmer to "shave". An user once said in reply to a picture of men from the 50's about their strong bone structure. What has happened in the past 70 years to fundamentally change the bone structure of men? Ive seen pictures of soiboys and i just dont know how that happens. They all look sickly.
Lot of anti Trump hatred. Must be because he doesn't care about the wall or Immigration
Ethan Bennett
>An user once said in reply to a picture of men from the 50's about their strong bone structure. What has happened in the past 70 years to fundamentally change the bone structure of men? Environmental xenoestrogens in the water from plastics and birth control pills. Banning hormonal birth control and sharply curtailing the use of plastic is the only way to undo the damage, plus also has certain other benefits.
Jackson Turner
Imagine still clinging to muh Russia when you've been btfo for days now
Samuel Fisher
Daylight hours are for milf and/or thigh posting
TRUE CONSERVATIVES (tm) are terrified the left is going to go full retard, and cost them the chance of ever wresting control of the party back from Trump
>TRUE CONSERVATIVES (tm) are terrified the left is going to go full retard, and cost them the chance of ever wresting control of the party back from Trump That's exactly why Trump is goading the left on Twitter. They can't help but take the bait.
Andrew Wright
talk is cheap
Carter Adams
>the 'D' word >not Democrat
David Bailey
I've always found that "disabled" is much worse than the older word "handicapped" (which is still used in other languages). What's wrong with handicapped? If I were a cripple, I wouldn't want to be called disabled. Disabled implies that you're useless, literally disabled like somebody turned you off with a switch.
Can an English native explain to me what was wrong with the word handicapped when that is exactly what it describes?
Zachary Reed
This is where people get it wrong. Concepts exist regardless of the words used to define them. Doesn’t matter how nice you try to make something sound, it’s still covering a concept of something that is negative. And nobody wants to be something that is negative.
Alexander Perry
Hell yeah she was man, and she fucked like a demon. Only thing she wouldn't do was swallow. Or clean the fuckin house, lazy cunt.
Cooper Johnson
it's obviously the romneykeks, what do you want us to do about it?
>An user once said in reply to a picture of men from the 50's about their strong bone structure. What has happened in the past 70 years to fundamentally change the bone structure of men? Ive seen pictures of soiboys and i just dont know how that happens. They all look sickly. Access to cameras and history only holding onto the good pictures, the rest winding up in your grandmother's photo album. Before photography was more dignified and rare and only the best pictures circulated and publicized. Now with social media and everyone having a camera in their pocket, the world around us is more demystified and the normal people around us put unflattering pictures of their unflattering self on social media where they are collected and posted here for us to laugh at.
Brayden Torres
Goading the TRUE CONSERVATIVES like Romney too into behaving like ultra cucks.
Jaxson Cooper
my slam pig swallowed. I just couldnt bear to take her into public...