Why is Iran bad?

Drop some pills on why Iran is the baddie that boomers say it is. What have they done? (besides lol muslim bad)

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The only reason Iran is "bad" is because they represent the biggest threat to Anglo-Zionist domination of the Middle East

Because they have the cheek to sell their oil for other currencies than the dollar.
Unforgiveable insolence.

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Brainwashed boomer faggot will condemn Iran while getting on all 4's to service Mohammed Bin Salal Fashar Al Hakim Jamal from Saudi Arabia, and prepping his bull cousins Jafar Ashagh Halal Nigger from UAE. Fuck baby boomers, god damn freaks of nature.

Protip, this is also why Assad is "bad", why Saddam was "bad", why Gaddafi was "bad" even though we're happily allied with Arab regimes that are equally if not more despotic and oppressive

they didnt always follow shitskin law

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Hey I remember when Iraq used the euro instead!!

They became so soft and decadent that Arabs were able to conquer them and impose Islam on them. Sufe, they eventually kicked out the Arabs but still haven't managed to disinfect themselves of Islam. Though they have their own version of Islam is a start of the process of being rid of it, for the time being they're still under theological occupation.

Iran had a democratically elected leader that the USA overthrew and installed a US puppet as a replacement.

Yes but in your example they were being infested with Jewish degeneracy, which is even worse.

they do not like jews

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Let's not forget how that started. BP was kicked out of Iran so the UK wanted to overthrow the Iranian government. It wasn't the idea of the United States and we resisted going along with it but eventually were convinced by the Brits that Iran was about to fall into the hands of the Soviets so we participated in the coup.

>posting this meme

>having enough freedoms that jews have the opportunity to brainwash you
>worse than sharia

great logic user.... top tier

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>they were being infested with Jewish degeneracy
Hello JIDF. Enjoying the decline of Zionism?

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Those pictures are literally only from the upperclass of Tehran. The rest of the country wasnt like this

(((They))) hate Iran for some reason, (((they))) drag us into everything

Cuz their bank ain't part of global central banking web

What is the Iranian hostage crisis?
Why does Iran supply millions of dollars to fund terrorist groups?

Quite a few Iranians fled to India after the revolution. They tell me it’s pretty bad. Basically Saudi Arabia minus the sheikhs. Also the women are beautiful and they have really high IQs. And they’re chill with trannies (not homos).

This. However, ironically, Iranians are westernizing faster than before the revolution now. The sad truth is most have turned atheist.

Hezbollah blew up some shit in the early 90s, but it was a near common practice back then (IRA, lefties). Many casualties though.

Pro-Jewish media uses this as proof Iran is a terror state.

like Venezuela they sell oil outside the petro dollar system, which threatens the London Jewish Banking system which owns the US federal reserve and supports Zionism in order to bring about Jewish messiah/Christian Antichrist

In order to make all non Jews globally slaves

I mean they're a theocratic autocracy, so I wouldn't say they're great. But compared to agitators like the Saudis or the Israelis they really aren't a problem. The vast majority of Islamic terrorism is Sunni not Shia.

Iran oppose the Saudis and the Israelis and since those two have so much influence over the west the Iranians get to be a boogeyman.

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>terrorist groups
hello schlomo

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because they hate our greatest ally

What is overthrowing democratically elected PM Mosaddegh and replacing him with US puppet Phalavi?

pic related.
Zion Don and Kushner are trying to start world war 3.

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iranians are one of the few races that I have to say actually need islam. Iranian diaspora in the US is the most whorish group of degenerates you can imagine. Not even Christianity could keep those fags in line, they need sharia.

Iran is not degenerate enough by western standards and doesn't have enough people who look like aliens wearing human costumes, therefore IRAN BAD:

Didn't you get the memo? The Trump administration (correctly) determined that Iran did 9/11. Trump won't let them get away with that.


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Can confirm Iranian-American women are the biggest whores and know they are 10/10s compared to average mutts

Because their religious laws trump their constitution if they have one.

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True. Lots of Iranians fled to India after 1979. Their kids are all deviants and pot smokers (which is sadly all too common in this shithole of a country).

Kikes need control of every bank in the world to implement their global currency.

Because they are the number one enemy of the Saudis and Israel and they sell their oil to who they chose instead of following US sanctions

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Shia Iran opposes the Sunni Saudis. The US and Israel back the later. Its that simple.

Sure, the Iranians are fucktarded religious fundies (because the US backed Shah exterminated the secular left), just like everyone else in the middle east, but Iran is still more advanced than, say, Iraq, and vastly ahead of backwards places like Yemen.

That actually says "Strength Joins Us" in arabic lmao, which makes a bit more sense considering the arms deals

They are based,
they want to gas niggers
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Iran's gonna buy Iraq in like 5 years

The Soviets tried to prevent this. The world should have take up their cause and driven out the Yankee imperialists and their religious fundie puppets.

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Most Iranian immigrants are the ones that were butthurt about the Shah getting cucked by Khomeini

A lot of iranians who came here became atheists or converted to the swedish church because of the hardcore muslim laws in iran. Irans problems can be traced back to islam. All of their problems.

Imagine forcing all fags to become cute traps. Almost makes me want to learn Farsi.

Hedonism is evil, have you learnt nothing from Weimar and the modern western?

Doesn't Iran stand for 'Land of the Aryans'?

Wow they are literally hitler. Case closed.

Soviet ideology was not live for momentary pleasure, it was work hard to build a brighter future for all of humanity. Remember that in Weimar the Soviets were massacred by both social-democrats and reactionaries. They never held power.

When the Marxists actually took power in Germany, it was anything but degenerate.


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being a strategic rival to Israel can be done without being muslim

>Besides lol Muslim bad
It's actually their sect of Islam.

The U.S. actually started Iran's nuclear program back in the 70's.
There are videos of Muslim women in sundresses and high heals with very liberal head scarves touring their first nuclear plants.
Ayatolllah Khomeini was very pro-western. After he was disposed from power, the regime that gained control was very conservative.

It's not Iranians that are bad.
It's not Islam that's bad.
It's the Muslim extremists that are in control.

It's as simple as that. And I'm not saying Islam is good by any means, fuck all those towel heads. But they're brainwashed into jihadism by their government.

No it wasn't faggot, (((east Germany))) had degenerate nudist and underground subcultures popular among wide areas of the population and destroyed many historical monuments

at 1:19 in your faggot anthem there is a star of david nice try

I'm not criticizing them for it, I'm being 100% serious. There was an entire thread about it a week or two ago

what have they done lately that is just too X-TREME for TV

The vast majority of Islamic terrorists are neither Iranian nor Shia. So idk what your point is. Most of them (including 9/11) are Sunni salafi/Wahhabis emanating from Saudi Arabia

>muh westernization is good!
Look at the current state of the west and tell me again that (((western))) culture these days can be trusted

>Why does Iran supply millions of dollars to fund terrorist groups?
Why does the Saudis?

Jow Forums is cucked bro, full of subverted boomers and brainwashed teens

Also, Contra Affair. The USA has its own fair share of funding terrorists.

> They became so soft and decadent
> haven't managed to disinfect themselves of Islam
Yeah, well maybe they're better off. Islam is very effective for limiting cultural degeneracy.

>Jewish Liberalism Good!

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>we like our allies and not our enemies
did you major in geopolitics?

>Why is Iran bad?
Its a strong country next to Israel with no Rothschild central bank.
Thats literally it.

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Post Desmond is Amazing for reality.

Israel isn't a legitimate ally, it's the natural enemy of all true patriots

Nazi Germany also had plenty of nudists and a back to nature movement, as does Germany today. Germans just like to walk around outside naked.

"Several women pointed out to me that GDR models weren’t anorexic waifs or larger-than-life sex bombs but rather average women. There was no East German Kate Moss. In fact, many weren’t professionals at all but hobby models. Leafing through a few old copies of magazines like Für Dich (For You) and Modische Maschen (Fashionable Stitches) most of the clothes look dowdy and, indeed, the models are everyday women — though, naturally, on the pretty side. They certainly wear less make up and show less skin than those in Vogue. There are no sex tips, but rather an emphasis on work, motherhood, and party politics."

listen here incel, all true patriots know israel is our greatest ally

You're in the wrong place, alt righters and gop electors are brainwashed idiotic people. Folks that will shout "muuh muslim terrorist" while their leader are suckind saudi and israelian dick, sending the to die against Iran.
Terrorism is a big scam.

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Yeah im neither of those things, just wanted to see Jow Forumss opinion on Iran. I guess they're not that retarded

Terrorism is a big scam? How many hundreds have been murdered in France by Muslims?

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I'm pretty sure that's not what he meant, and surely you can too

The juxtaposition of the Israeli flag with the line of the anthem about desiring peace is a subtle criticism of Israel for being a nation at perpetual war.

Since the end of the 1950s the attitude of the GDR leadership toward the Middle East conflict and the Palestinian question had become more and more pro-Arab and anti-Israeli. This shift became especially clear during Suez War, the Six-Day War, the Yom Kippur War and the Lebanon War. After the Six-Day War all countries of the Eastern Bloc with the exception of Romania broke off diplomatic relations with Israel. Their position strongly influenced the approach of the East German government toward Israel. The GDR condemned the "imperialist aggression of Israel" and accused "the United States and West Germany of being accomplices to the aggressor". Resolutions from SED meetings and communiqués signed by East German officials stressed the "GDR's firm solidarity with the Arab states in the anti-imperialist struggle, especially in repelling Israeli aggression and overcoming its consequences". In 1968, Simon Wiesenthal stated that East Germany's news service was far more anti-Israeli than that of other communist countries.

it's filled with rock worshippers

>iranians are one of the few races that I have to say actually need Zoroastrianism
Zoroastrian Republic of Iran wen?

Since the early 1970s, East Germany cooperated with Arab countries and the Palestine Liberation Organization at a military level. Military and security advisers were especially active in Libya, Syria and South Yemen. The PLO played an important role in all East German political strategies concerning the Middle East. The first official agreement between the SED and the PLO was signed during Yasser Arafat's visit to East Berlin in August 1973. The agreement included the opening of a PLO office in East Berlin - its first office in Eastern Europe. Furthermore, the supply of "non-civilian goods" to the PLO was arranged.

In the Yom Kippur War East Germany supplied Syria with 75,000 grenades, 30,000 mines, 62 tanks and 12 fighter jets.

The official anti-Israeli foreign policy continued into the 1980s: The Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 was denounced by the government as Israel's fifth war against the Arab states.

Jews have been responsible for more white deaths and ruined lives than any other enemy combined. Isis is literally a Zionist proxy. You don't have to like Muslims, just don't empower the Jews in the process.

They have locked up our CIA glow nigger Bob Levison, who is now the longest serving PoW.

Because the interbred with Arabs and became Muslim

After Stalin died in March 1953, Israel hoped to negotiate reparations agreement with the East German government but the latter refused so. (Unlike cucked West Germany.)

The State of Israel and the German Democratic Republic never had official diplomatic relations throughout the latter's nearly forty years of existence. Even after the fall of the Berlin Wall no ambassadors were exchanged.

Islam is degeneracy. They may have some laws prohibiting some stuff but they follow Muhammad who was a degenerate who justified his degeneracy

isis is a zionist proxy? how big a dumb ass are you?

Let me tell you all about my country economy. so i went to buy yogurt yesterday. It was 120000 Rial (Not jk). I had only 100000 Rial so i said fuck it i buy it tommorow. i went to buy it earlier today but he said it became 140000 Rial :/ TOMMOROW I'M GONNA BRING 200000 RIAL SO I COULD BUY THAT FUCKING YOGURT.

Yes but why are they "the enemies?" You dont have to major in geopolitics to figure it out.

There have been countless proofs of ISIS being helped by Israel. Once, after a battle in Syria against the government forces, ISIS officers who were fleeing were allowed in Israel, healed in an hospital and sent back another way in near an ISIS outpost so they can continue fighting.

Yeah, let's pretend that in the last 40 years your (((country))) and his "allies" havenìt spent an immense amount of effort into th creation of an immense terroristic apparate around the world.
You who killed hundreds of people in France? People who where fighting in Syria, armed and trained by your cancerous nation.

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why would any "flee" to india? would legit rather live in afghanistan than india

It's not the country, it's the people that live there.

How old are you, burger?

They were used to divide a united middle east in half, weakening it. Much of the Sunni side now lies in ruins, perhaps soon the Shiite side will as well. Israel alone will stand untouched.

They are just following programming

if country_race != white:
else if country_religion == muslim
else if country_politics == communist

they are threats to Israel and their plans for expansion, so retarded mutts will defend them to their dying breath.
based and redpilled

what kind of shitty pseudo code is that?
Learn to code faggot.
It's doesnt follow an imperative paradigm of declarative, you forgot the brackets nothing is initalised with braces and you've used 2 else ifs.

pseudo code? its literally python and i didn't need any breakets or braces python works by identation
i used 2 else ifs because its two conditions whats your issue not sure what you mean by imperative paradigm of declarative

>i used 2 else ifs because its two conditions whats your issue not sure what you mean by imperative paradigm of declarative
yeah you know nothing about programming paradigms. Thanks.

ok? i never said i did literally started programming 2 weeks ago

Wait....are you a grill???????

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