Redpill me on 5G

Is it really as bad as they say it is?

Are there non-thermal biological effects of wireless radiation?

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Other urls found in this thread:,5&as_vis=1&q=emf 5g wifi &btnG=,5&as_vis=1&q=emf 5g oxidative stress&btnG=–vibrational_spectroscopy


It's gonna fuck you up. Wifi already has aged you and caused your body unnecessary stress :D

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It causes infertility in rats after 3 generations as well and a plethora of other effects.

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It already made us zombies. When it goes out, we walk out the door and wander the streets looking for good signals. ugghhhhhh

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about 5G, you little bitch? I'll have you know It's the fastest, deadliest signal ever, and It's been involved in numerous secret kills on Al-Quaeda, and It has over 300 confirmed kills. It was trained in gorilla warfare and It's the top signal in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to it but just another target. It will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about 5G over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. It will be everywhere, aall the time, and It can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with microwaves. Not only is it extensively trained in unarmed combat, but It has access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and it will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. It will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Oh yeah this is another thing, they will be able to fully 3D map your home in realtime it's better than any espionage system they have had before.

Also people should be aware that there are U.S patents that suggest that your emotional state and mental acuity can be altered by emf signals from cell phone masts, kek.

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5G is extremely harmful. The only way to protect yourself against it is by creating a hat out of aluminum foil and wearing it on your head at all hours of the day to prevent the reptilian jew energy from entering your mind. Wake up you sheep!!

Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity.

The concerning thing about this, as the patent application explains, is that even a very weak pulse can have adverse affects on the human nervous system.

He then goes on to describe that pulse variability and strength can be controlled through software, and explains how, with regards to a computer monitor, DVDs, video tapes and more, and also how it can be remotely controlled from another location.

Perhaps the most concerning part is this,

Certain monitors can emit electromagnetic field pulses that excite a sensory resonance in a nearby subject, through image pulses that are so weak as to be subliminal. This is unfortunate since it opens a way for mischievous application of the invention, whereby people are exposed unknowingly to manipulation of their nervous systems for someone else’s purposes. Such application would be unethical and is of course not advocated.

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Small dick glow nigger detected.

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>Are there non-thermal biological effects of wireless radiation?
yes, studies never search for lack of effects, they look for lack of evident serious effects

but there's a slippery slope awaiting the man trying to define the limits of what effects are serious in front of the jew

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You guys are fucking retarded and have no idea what you're talking about.

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It makes OP gayer if that's even possible.

>aware that there are U.S patents that suggest

Try actual evidence:

Yes goy, just believe what people tell you on the internet without putting in the legwork and research on your own.

>studies never search for lack of effects
Isn't the null hypothesis central to most experiments?

It means that ALL devices will be smart and connected.

Your microwave will be running linux, just like the routers

The watches will run linux

The toilet will be connected to the internet, running linux

And NONE will ever be updated or receive updates...

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Copypasta used well, nice

epidemic of hashimoto's disease in teens & early20's.
anal cancer growing for those keeping 4G devices in their back pockets. likewise breast cancer for those girlies putting phones in their bra.
iow, we're being cooked from the inside out.
these companies are not indemnified per exclusion 32.
i know of 5 folks dead from brain cancer, 2 from brain stem cancer.
5G is exponentially worse.

cell towers are ionospheric heaters to guide devastating storms.
start looking at the sky, you'll see algorithmic timing of towers lighting up the sky in sequence.
genocide plane n simple.

How and where do you research your news Jow Forums?

>That is if you even research you fucking mongrels

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Visible light produces waves at frequencies orders of magnitude higher than what 5G is using. Anyone telling you 5G is going to cause cancer or whatever is either ignorant or a fool.

5G will benefit carriers more than it will benefit consumers. It will be deployed in areas of high congestion to deal with the higher number of clients, rural areas likely won't get 5G at all. It isn't hard to block with construction materials, so antennas will be deployed all over the place and also inside places like large arenas.

you're the fool.
same spectrum as the scanners at airports benefiting chertoff.
tsa agents are dropping like flies.
embrace your premature demise.



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Frequency is important, but so is intensity. Microwaves are low-frequency but they can seriously damage cell tissue when used in microwaves. Bottomline, stay far away from cell towers and any high-power radios and you should be fine.

How about (((smart)))meters?

Buy a good emf meter like a trifield TF2 and see for yourself the levels of radiation you are getting hit with. Yes 5g is even worse, but you are already getting cooked by shit loads of radiation without it being implemented.

yea, 2 microwave weapons experts tell me so.
hey leaf, why don't you check w/one of them from your neck of the woods...Jerry Flynn
i'd say kys, but you already are in the process.

I think the ancients knew the power of frequency and electro-magnetics that's possibly why they built pyramids everywhere I think this was to intensify the beneficial Schumann resonances of the Earth and protect against EMF warfare. There is a lot we are not told about it's possible that in the not-so-distant past previous civilizations reached high levels of technological achievement. Plato eludes to this in this writings about Atlantis.

No. Only brainlets think it's dangerous. Give me peer-reviewed studies that prove 5G being dangerous.

I wasen't disagreeing with you, Amerishart.

There's plenty. Literally 100's of results with a quick google search!

>There's plenty. Literally 100's of results with a quick google search!

Sure, most of the results only lead to blog posts with no studies or anything whatsoever that prove 5G being dangerous. FAIL.

Thus, not an argument. Again, I am waiting for the peer-reviewed studies that prove without a doubt that 5G is dangerous, bud.

its dangerous if you let the chinese install it,5&as_vis=1&q=emf 5g wifi &btnG=,5&as_vis=1&q=emf 5g oxidative stress&btnG=

It's not hard. Why are you Krauts such sheep.

>Posts random picture of a telecom rack
>Offers no explanation
>Calls everyone else retarded.

Yeah everyone else is retarded. kys

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And he says "without a doubt"... Alright so let me get this straight say there's a doubt in the danger, you good with taking that risk instead of waiting for more studies? Because we don't seem to be waiting at all they want it set up asap.

Leaf fag, I think you still don't get it, do you?

>most of the results only lead to blog posts with no studies or anything whatsoever that prove 5G being dangerous. FAIL

And again:

>Again, I am waiting for the peer-reviewed studies that prove without a doubt that 5G is dangerous

I am not looking for any BS google results that lead me to wordpress blogs written by retards. You either prove 5G is dangerous with science or, if no proof is provided, you are just talking out of your ass.

Very possible. The pyramids definitely have something to do with frequency/resonance. More research will need to be done to reach any serious conclusions.

5G is going to be a dud in the marketplace.

can you prove its not dangerous?

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Look man, you believe what you want to believe you have already made up your mind. I'm not doing the work for you. If you can't infer from the fact that cell phones cause brain tumors and extrapolate that to other forms of EMF then you are either stupid or a shill unfortunately.

Whenever these threads are posted shills starts streaming in screaming for proof proof give me proof! But if you post the proof they will just ignore it so I will not waste my time.

The Dark Knight was predictive programming that demonstrated this technology. The Lucius Fox subplot.

Yes. Here you go, brainlet. (a summary of many, many studies, look in references)

> If you can't infer from the fact that cell phones cause brain tumors and extrapolate that to other forms of EMF then you are either stupid or a shill unfortunately.

No, they don't. See above. Calling me a shill is the most common form of ad hominem, by the way, respectively a good way to prove to me that you neither got a clue what you are talking about nor you have got any well-founded knowledge in physics and how frequencies actually work. Have a nice day, leaf.

>no they dont

this study was done using 2g and 3g cell networks

Hven't seen this copypasta in a long time
Welcome newfag

>literally a U.N organization

You might as well be citing CNN dude, you're a fucking shill.

Ad hominem no. 2. Not an argument. Still not proven that 5G is dangerous. Sorry.

WHO cites the studies below, faggot. They didn't make them themselves. Read them yourself, but I doubt you would understand them anyway since you're an obvious brainlet.

it will give immense power to those in charge
it will litteraly fuck everything up while technology goes full circle

why you so mad about people question 5g, bud? really need to download your foot fetish videos faster than you already can?

It's not ad hominem if you're really a shill.

> Read them yourself, but I doubt you would understand them anyway since you're an obvious brainlet.
>berates me for using "ad hominem"
>proceeds to use ad hominem attack

hahahahahah fucking kraut stasi faggot

It's not about questioning something, it's about not spreading bullshit and lies around the world when there is no scientific data to back it up. You can question 5G as much as you want. But that doesn't change the fact that 5G is not dangerous until there are peer-reviewed studies that prove without a doubt that it is dangerous. Until then, everything else is speculation and such speculation shouldn't be treated (as most in this thread do) as a fact.

>Are there non-thermal biological effects of wireless radiation?
Yes, and almost nobody seems to be aware of them.
General overview:–vibrational_spectroscopy

This shows a mechanism by which the bond length of molecules is altered. This can potentially suspend desirable chemical reactions, or allow undesirable, previously impossible chemical reactions to occur:

>Dismissing what I said

Well done, brainlet. Read the studies, educate yourself in physics (so you can actually understand them), then we talk again. As long as you lack fundamental knowledge, we cannot discuss this any further. Currently there is no proof that 5G is dangerous. I am sorry.

The only way to be safe from 5G is to consume the Fluoride in your tapwatter.

5g is literal mind control. But I live rural and can only get satellite so fuck all you city nuggets cuz in like 5 years ima have half fiber speeds covering all 6 of my acres. Honestly I cant wait for 5g to take off.

You guys are missing the fucking point.
It is not about the health issues that come along with the higher energy of the frequency, it is total controll

Its all full circle in my opinion. 5g, ionospheric heaters, crowd control, weather modification. We're on the brink of a new technology age and if can either be good or it can be bad.

It's not like we're discussing the floor plans of a new house, this could affect more than just people, also bugs, animals and vegetation.

I highly suggest you look into shungite and acquiring the best kind you can afford.

>We're on the brink of a new technology age
we are on the brink of absolute slavery

t. Shungite shill; there's no proof it works

Exactly we are unveiling a bunch of technology and we have no idea if it is harmful or not.

>Look at the scary names of what you are putting into your body!
>Even worse, it looks like big gov is forcing him!
Anti vaxx niggers should be shot on sight.

No. It's fucking radio waves which are low frequency. You're fine and this is some Y2K level retardation. In fact Y2K literally made more sense than worrying about radio waves. The universe of full of them.

I put no links, and the only impetus is on the reader to look into it themselves. Fucking kill yourself faggot.

>being this bluepilled
This is an anti-vax friendly website.

>This is a website for non-whites with measles

Doesnt change the fact that they should be shot on site for the net benefit of society. If you're for white racial purity but against vaccines, you're a fucking hypocrite. Do what is best for advancing the species. This includes vaccines. Oh, you're one of the retards whose immune system shits out from a vaccine? Good. Now you won't have babies.

Interesting how you subversives all arrived at the same time.

This website questions the fucking holocaust and you really think people here aren't going to question vaccines of all things as well?

You are thinking of women. Being around women ages you fast.

Careless mistake but you've already gone and falsely accused me once so eat a dick.

The holocaust was 70+ years ago and has questionable evidence and history.
You can literally watch a fucking vaccine under a microscope.

False equivalence anyway.

Its 5pm central on a Monday. Woohoo, you got us, we fucking work for a living you pathetic neet.

I get questioning vaccines. If you allow every vaccine to be mandatory, pharma companies will make more. That said we have some that are really fucking good (mmr included) and dummies are saying no to those.

Bootlicking faggots die first on the day of the rope

Fucking leaf. No. We don't shun science here

hypothetically of course

Does the fact they are installing it without those peer reviewed papers mean anything to you? Also do you trust the US GOVT? Because they are fast tracking it everywhere. 24/7 with security details in some instances....

Only sub 80IQ non whites mongrels will be slaves. Everyone else will perish.

>Don't take proper precaution you dumb faggot! Be a nigger like me and throw medicine in the trash!
I hope you get an infection from the rope, you fucking brainlet.

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So you got your flu shot awesome don't miss a single one.

>The universe of full of them.
The difference is the intensity and the irregularity of the frequency distribution.

also, see

Well its still just as dangerous before and after the research retard. (Whether that amount be very dangerous or not at all). This is why we should be cautious with this shit not say, "fuck it not sure, but I can dl 6 TB of cum tribute pics faster," like yourself.

Not enough. Anti vaxx fags should be held down and forced to be vaccinated.

I'm not compromising the health of my kids because some cunt decided to skip out on essential health.

You gotta send your kids to private schools now a days. It sucks but money is the only way to escape these retards. My kids catholic school doesn't allow "religious" exemptions for vaccinations. Thankfully antivaxx folks are typically too stupid to make enough to send their kids to private school.

Isnt the point of vaccines to protect you when you ARE exposed to it? I'm not even an antivaccer, but I dont get being angry that other people dont want them. Like????

lmao the irony is that the government and BASED scientists who you worship agree that we need to import a bunch of shitskins with previously eradicated diseases to this country to replace whitey.

>Do what is best for advancing the species.
you mean like not letting the ZOG shoot your kids up with heavy metals and importing diseased third worlders to your hometown? bootlickers are pathetic and dumb as fuck.

Pathogens mutate, user.

Yeah vaccines aren't 100% effective obviously. So why not just make sure your kid gets enough antioxidants and vitamkn c and shit to begin with? You're going to get exposed to SOMETHING either way so why be so fucking butthurt?

Fuck you you ignorant jackass. Some vaccines are one thing like the ones against communicable diseases, but general unspecific flu vaccinations are retarded because viruses mutate all the time and by the time you form an immunity to it, it's already mutated in the population, making the vaccine effectively useless. You know what's better than a general flu vaccination? Keeping your immune system strong with good gut bacteria by taking probiotics.

meant for

Herd immunity. Let's say 90/100 vaccinated. Now the virus sits dormant in those 10/100. Slowly, sitting in its 10 human hosts, it mutates into something new that can kill the remaining 90/100. Plus for those that get them, the good vaccines are about 98% effective. We almost eliminated measles in the US 19 years ago. But then our government let abunch of infected-skins in that passed it along to the retards who didnt vaccinate. Then those 2/100 that the vaccine didn't help get infected. Then all the newborns who are still unvaccinated get it. Etc. Etc.

Anti vaxxers need the rope. End of story. They are holding us back ad a species.

but user..
I'm a wizard!


In all honesty, everyone that keeps doing this one extreme or the other tunnel vision shit without looking at the big picture and understanding the details involved need the rope. So fucking tired of this stupidity.

I never said vaccines in general were bad man. I just dont see how shit like flu vaccines are at all valuable when you could just take care of your health. Degenerate fucks who put garbage in their bodies are more of the problem.

this, even the wye delta connections and digital switching techniques have unleashed an enormous amount of emf that is fucking you up, you cant really stop it unless you get off grid and away from the city, the electricity running through the power lines loaded with some much parasitic oscillation, anything you plug into the grid is unloading unnecessary amounts of emf that didn't exist 30 years ago, try using an AM receiver around this shit and you'll see what i mean

Lol dood. That was your 1 x to use that shit...

Like hepatitis, chicken pox, measles? Yeah going ahead and get a vaccine, its probably for the best. But why do we need them for shit thats just going to make you feel kinda bad for a few days at worst when just taking care of yourself will do you much better in the long run.

do you have any peer reviewed studies about the usa gubbermint being bad?

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It's a larp bro. Saying they need the rope on Jow Forums is the equivalent of saying they're dumb-dumbs and I don't like their attitude.

I agree you cant mandate all vaccines because then big pharma will make 100 more to a captive audience of 350million. But we have some that are proven to be a net good.

5g fucking destroys bees.