On a scale of 1 to 10. How well are you prepared for the inevitable racewar?
On a scale of 1 to 10. How well are you prepared for the inevitable racewar?
10 in spirit, 0 in supplies
8 in supplies, 6 in body, 0 in spirit.
I really don't want it to happen, but I always prepare for the worst.
Ability to kill: 1
Willingness to kill: 10
Hopefully where there's a will there's a way
Body 5 supplies 0. Hard to want to go to the gym to get in shape when I lounge around the house on my days off work. Can’t seem to put my phone down. Makes me feel like less of a man but can’t break the vicious cycle
niggers aren't the problem.
Not prepared at all.
I have a 1889 Colt single action and a couple boxes of bullets, but that’s it.
I guess I’ll look pretty fucking cool at least.
Honestly, just try it once. That after workout high is the best feeling and it’s why I keep going back. It always feels the best after taking a break from working out too.
Supplies 7
Body 5
Soul 10
There won’t be a race war. There won’t be a big collapse. Society will continue on and standard of living will slowly decline at a pace where current generations won’t notice... have fun fretting about a collapse that never comes. Instead of wallowing in nihilism I choose to focus on my own reality and live my best life
I am a bit of a gunlet at the moment. I just have a few Glocks and a Sig P220.
-6 gorrilion because /nogunz/, will be going medieval on their asses.
I’ve got a few weapons that are sub par. I’m trained in bjj and Muay Thai, though. Hopefully it’s fought with fists instead of firearms.
Supplies: 2
Body: 9
Spirit/soul/motivation: 10
I will be supporting my Muslim brethren , then we could shit on the streets of Europe , rape their men and kill their women.
6/10 probably. I'm perfectly prepared mentally my supplies could be better and my cardio could use work.
Lmao during the race war food sources aren’t going to be abundant. It’s going to be like Fall Out except with less nuclear waste and more chaos
he hasn't systematically been taking out the opposition surgically for 40 years already..
he waits for the starting gun...
Colt SAA's are sweet and beautiful irons.
Also, it's worth noting, the US army used to stipulate that all of their approved service revolvers were all capable of felling horses at 100 yards.
I'm a lazy fat NEET I'd probably go down to the first shitskin I encountered but mentally I am 100% ready to slaughter hundreds of thousands if I had the means
Supplies: 0
Body: 7 going on 8 and hopefully 9 after year's end
Spirit: 100, can't fucking wait; someone start this shit already
Cannibalism is based.
That said, eating certain minorities is just asking for AIDS or Hepatitis.
.223 to .45
Get your ass to the gym.
As a NEET you should have all the time and energy to work out.
i was born for this shit OP
lets go
Full HOMO warrior mode!
born ready
supplies 1
body 3
mind immediately volunteer for roving deathsquad
Readiness was never an issue, it’s willingness.
>there will be a war
The state of the tards ITT.
I have a stack of water bottles so there's that.
You can do it. Get fit. Gyms are a meme just commit yourself to a routine exercise. (start slow and maybe consult a trainer to get you started so you wont bust your tendons or something.
Yes but are you ready for me
Lol, not sure about a race war! Sounds a bit, well not really logical.
General war, well if you have experienced one no matter how prepared one is war always throws a surprize factor. Personaly I found I am strong in war madness! Cool.
>Ammo cans filled with sand
>pull-up bar
This is essentially all you need to get in combat-ready condition. This is literally all we used I the Marines. Also, lots of lengthy runs with boots and 'utes.
Are you sure you want to give me advice, Moshe? (((Who))) do you think is next on the list once the shitskins have been purged?
9/11 I have everything buy a proper rifle.
I'll just hide in bush and slay some fool with my knife when they walk by and take his rifle.
Supplies: 2
Body: 6
Spirit: 1488
8 in spirit 3 on supplies 7 in body
7 in spirit, 8 in body, 4 in supplies
Pretty prepared
I live in a gated community with a private police force.
USA is already Mexico but most are unaware.
Actually its worse in a lot of ways, Mexico doesnt have hordes of niggers living together.
Half of my neighbors are twats who always support commie politicians though.
I got a weapon, an off-road vehicle, and pure hatred for what lesser races have done to my country. That’s as ready as I’ll ever be. I’ve got a feeling that they’re going to make us wait forever, though.
Inevitable? Faggot hundreds of Christians were slaughtered on Easter. The wars been on for years. You just pretend it hasn't started because you're too much of a pussy to participate.
I prefer enemies that are worth killing. Yno honor in killing a beached whale.
Per usual for people living in literally walled-off communities. Diversity for thee but not for me. Meanwhile, I am stuck in a legitimate barrio with stabbings occurring routinely. Fuck this shit.
>React formaldehyde with ammonia, to participate hexagen.
>Put hexagen through nitrolysis to form RDX
>Mix with plasticizer
>Hook up trip wire circuit to make basic IED
14 in mind
6 in body
0 in spirit
I feel attritioned and in extreme pain all the time. I don't want to see death and destruction, I just want to stop caring. Somehow I can't let myself have that.
Ernest was a total manlet, 5'5 I think.
His glutes and legs don't look poorly which is strange for a manlet, usually they do well at squats and especially deadslifts.
Obviously only focused on his 'disco muscles'.
you mean be jubjugated to another century of islamic oppression and torture and genocide of India?
Mughal cuck
His glutes and legs do look poor.
We doing like this?
>8 body (could be 9, but addicted to sodomy)
>10 mind
>4 spirit (would attempt to weasel out of dying for what I legitimately believe in)
You forget who you are, Shlomo. Your diseased, inbred disgusting race cannot do anything on it's own
Your best hope is to make some more golem, becuase once they're gone you are helpless
If hordes ever get past our walls and natural defenses we are severely fucked though.
Even the literal animals here arent scared of humans. Silver Foxes run around playing on the golf course all summer.
I was planting the garden this weekend and a rabbit came up close to me. I stomped my foot at to scare it away and he just stood there and looked at me like "you aint gone do shit".
7 in body - could use more workout to buff up and also do more running
9 in supplies - more than enough firearms, ammo, and the training necessary to use them
10 in spirit - bring it on niggers/kikes
The jews are a psychological threat at worst, as you say, they are weak. Kill off all their shitskin "migrants" first, they represent a more immediate threat. History has shown kikes will let you cage them and starve them out with minimal effort
Start walking 2km everday. Beef, Potatoes, Carrots, Cabbage. All Organic. Non-GMO. No Vegetable oils. Polyunsaturated Fat drops T ungodly amounts. 30mg Zinc Picolinate, 10mg Boron, 20,000IU Vitamin D, 800mg Magnesium, 100IU Vitamin E, Nascent Iodine.
55% Carbs, 30% Fat, 15% Protein
Get a Water Distiller. This will rid your water of Heavy Metals, Fluoride, PCBs, and various other xenoestrogens.
Stay away from plastics. Get everything glass or stone. Stay away from Porn. Stop Masturbating.
I did this and my Testosterone levels went from 650ng/dl to 1150ng/dl. I am a different person now.
Or enhance yourself with roids and go beyond those levels.
5 or 6
>kinda physically fit, somewhat strong and could, good cardio, not very good stamina though, I could physically endure battles for a time
>my only weapon is an AKM and about 60 rounds, I have some swords and can actully fence that isnt going to be helpful
>I live in a defendable position, but In a ghetto full of niggers (and a lot of slavs for some reason) so defense will only last for a short time
I'm also a race traitor so on DOTR I might hang as well
>married and impregnated a fat spic I converted into a Jow Forumsack because I was bored and because autism
you gonna get roped.
ready and waiting
Thanks, fren! I'm not actually a basedboy or anything, I used to be fit and do sports but I became depressed because of the (((current condition of the world))) and allowed myself to become a slob
I'll take your advice to heart
somewhat good.
I've secured alternative sources of water/farming infrastructre/plant seeds and a garden/fuel source/house.
I'm fit.
I can't get any firepower so that's as good as I'll ever be given the circumstances.
I have kept in good ebough shape since getting out of the Army back in 08. I havent kept up on the cardio too much but could easily pass an early 00's era PT test with 3 or 4 weeks of diet and cardio.
As far as the whole guns and gear thing, i gear up 3 or 4 times a year to train with a group of buddies who are mostly prior military. Shoot once a month at least.
I dont do violence anymore, but of someone means t have a war i am ready to give em one.
Body 3
Supplies 2
Soul 10
Sex 0
IQ 90 at best
>inevitable racewar
the 60's called, they want their meme back
last two digits show my prep
i'm ready to die captain :)
5/10 i would say
Supplies 11
Body 3
Soul 2
Physique: 4/10points; 6’3” 210lbs but body fat is still too high
Mentality: Crippling depression with minor traces of schizophrenia, willingness to kill niggers +10. Total 3/10
IQ: ~124-132 ~7.5/10 points?
What kind of armory do you have?
mentally I'm a faggot (3/10), but physically I'm like 7/10
Ill probably have to flee the country since Im a shit skin. I have dual citizenship and some arrangements so like 6 or 7 overall.
If I had to or chose to fight in the Race War then I'm probably fucked:
3 in supplies
3 in body
2 in spirit
Also 0 supplies and my only gun is a Remington 870 Wingmaster, with full choke so no slugs. But I don’t tell people about that because I lost it in a boating accident when the government introduced their licensing programs.
>Body: 9
sure you are, lol
9 would be close to what OP pic is
Sorry Fuhrer. My local Nazi's wont accept me.
And happy belated birthday.
>rape their men and kill their women.
6 spoons, 3 wheels, and a butter knife
Not good right now give me a year or two for a real prep
>a manlet is a 9
Fuck Canada
Us Spartans are born ready! It is in our blood to fight for our people!
>Merkel and the EU of the bankers need to be gone
Then we'd have plenty supplies to lynch some honkla!
I´ll be 100% ready to rape me some prime white meat gets critical.
is the scale more as in fulfilling your potenential
Then what the hell does a 10 look like, a space marine?
speak for yourself, shill