Are you ready for the bantz?
watch here:
The manlet vs the sloth
Wait, is he really debating the hammerhead?
What did I miss in this week's e-celeb faggotry?
>castizo optics cuck who likes to start edrama for shekkels riding on the coattail of the alt right
>mutt titty streamer
Oh yeah what a deep conversation this is going to be. As deep as your pussy oo.
based. thanks for posting.
I bet its super uncomfortable to interview her, how do you know which eye to look at?
You just look at the tits
Nick is based
lord forgive for wanting to taint my bloodline for her lads
When is it starting?
No he's not
in 40 minutes or so
Cheers Slovakian user
>90% Indio
user, I...
This guy gets it.
Why? Because he gets into e drama? Who gives a fuck, just ignore that shit.
This isn't a debate it's flirting.
Because he's a gay, communist, Puerto Rican who pretends to be Italian and has AIDS. He's literally an Antifa member...
Wasn't asking you schizo
She must have amazing depth perception.
t. Amerimutt
>muh dicc
Explains above response. Low iq mutt.
Imagine being this ass mad.
>Congo nigger is too embarrassed to show his real flag
Lol. Alright, Tyrone.
You are the one here who is ass mad lmao
aren't they inline in views? There wont' be banter
Guy popped up on my yt feed recently, and I must admit he's the most based out of dumb burger commentators
Lol. You started flinging insults because I pointed out true things about your favorite e-celeb, and it hurt your feelings.
Lel, you are fucking delusional if you think I give a fuck
something about brittany's annoying whining and insane female neuroticism turns me on so much. i don't know why. those big fat tits don't hurt either.
also i feel like she's gonna look dopey and cringe on the stream like she did when she interviewed soph and it's going to make things awkward.
Haha. Alright. You're this worked up because you don't care. Cool story.
lel fag
>you're mad! no you're mad
you're both mad
>something about brittany's annoying whining and insane female neuroticism turns me on so much.
I don't get that. I can't even stand to listen to her. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
Holy shit this is gonna be entertaining
Did you see her trolling people saying they were jealous of her erotic body?
... you're trying to have sex with a gay Puerto Rican e-celeb...
yep, it's not logical. it's retarded. sometimes it annoys me too. but sometimes it turns me on. maybe it's because female insecurity is hot to me.
yea when she phrases stuff like that it's hot as fuck too.
stream on lads
Are you mentally ill user?
She's attractive
Tf is happening
this is fucking cringe, fuck u op
honk honk
What little respect for Nick I had is deteriorating.
Based mutt convention! Al fin la tierra prometida será nuestra!
give me full thumbnail pic please so I can close this tab
Anyone who don't like Nick is degenerate paganigger wignat
Do they debate on who is going to thrown out of the white ethnostate last?
she's super nervous, she's acting like she's into him
Anyone wanna go on a McDonald's adventure with me?
nick wants to leave so badly
Sure, I'm always game for tendies.
yes he is faggot kys
Gonna watch it tomorrow, what am I in for?
Based, let the 56%-ers watch what happens when a gay LGBTQQIP2SAA+-viking combines forces with Leaf that's into dog blowjobs.
Hey... do you think you could be a little bit less handsy.
Why do mutts feel so bad about their heritage. These two are basically competing about who's most white. Srsly, it's painful to watch.
Fuentes is lying about his racial admixture. His 23 and Me showed no Irish dna. If he’s 80% white then his father would be 60% and his grandfather would be 20%. His DNA exclusively showed Italian and Spanish European DNA. His dad is Mexican. Why is he lying?
Whats the song in the beginning?
I briefly checked his DNA-results, it said something about 19-20% Native American yet he said he doesn't consider himself as race-mixed, what kinda BS is that?
oh boy i can't wait for the bit where nick calls himself thot patrol and waves his knife around that's really kewl and funny
Kek Britanny's roastie mods are shitting themselves in the superchat because Nick said homosexuality is bad.
Here's his Dad.
sauce on text bubble?
this but unironically