Greta Thunberg

>doesn't buy into the whole man made climate change thing
>still thinks she's a little sweety pie!
>undoubtedly the whole point of this psyop

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it it wrong that i would shoot ropes into that potato?

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>I want you to panic
>I need you to pay

the age of consent is 16 in the UK :)

>doesn't buy into the whole man made climate change thing

And she Rousses the Jew

She is /OUR LADY/

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If she'd actually say that I'd start listening.

dat FAS face

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/our lady/ of the White Environment

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What does it mean?

If we meme it, they'll believe it!

fetal alcohol syndrome.
I kind of thought this at first, but looking at some bona fida FAS kids, her eyes are way too nice looking for her to have FAS imo

>I kind of thought this at first, but looking at some bona fida FAS kids, her eyes are way too nice looking for her to have FAS imo
well your opinion is wrong, it is a syndrome with differing degrees of severity depending on how much mom drank.

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>Be climate activist
>Wear winter clothing
Cognitive dissonance doesn't work for retards.

But most of these kids have weird shaped heads and negative canthal tilts on their eyes.
Greta has positive canthal tilts on her eyes.
A lot of people in northern europe have her features, like button nose, mild epicanthal folds and flatter face.
These are adaptations to the cold.
I'll give you the top lip and the large distance between nose and top lip, and smooth philtrum though, so I suppose she could have FAS I dunno

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>A lot of people in northern europe have her features
Yeah and a lot of northern europeans drink excessively, especially depressing shitholes like the UK, so no wonder you see it everywhere, probably your own household, fucker.


U wot mate?
leather ya bruv!

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When did climate changers become a millennial doomsday cult? I'll entertain human driven climate change, but come on ...we survived ice ages and spread to all the harshest reaches of the world with stone age tools. Rising sea levels and a few bad harvests will be the end of us? I don't buy it.

Can anyone identify this phenotype better? I feel like there's some sort of pattern.

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>When did climate changers become a millennial doomsday cult?
it's not a phenomenon specific to millennials, we had the whole Waldsterben craze in Europe in the 70s and 80s when people were bombarded with fears of the European forests disappearing and never coming back
I bet if the internet existed back then, books made of paper would be illegal right now and nobody in power would question it

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