Basee Bangladeshi

Shitskin over here :)

>be born here
>be born in a mozlem family
>be brainwashed at an early age
>get internet
>get educated
>realize that Islam is a false religion and a death cult
>become atheist

1) Now let me tell you about how mozlems think.

1) First off they hate everybody. On the outside they may show that they aren't that bad they are really that bad. They literally hate anybody who's not a Mozlem.

2) They are racist. All of them. Although a special kind of racist. Let me explain. People here would be racist based on skin color. Niggers, shitskins etc. But they are racist based on religion. They think Muslims are one race and Non-muslims as another race. There aren't any racism in between muslims based on skin color at all.
They think non-muslims are lower than animals on every single scale.

3) They think they rightfully owns every land in this world. Becuase Allah made these lands for them and non-muslims are the ones that are occupying these land. Muslims want to conquer all of the world. They truly believes that they rightfully owns it.

4) They genuinely believe that all Science comes from Quran. And they hate every single scientists. They think all scientists are atheists.

5) Muslims crave European and Japanese/Chinese woman. They absolutely drool over them. That's one of the many reasons why no fair skinned girl should ever step her foot in the middle-east and the Indian sub-continent. You're asking to get raped or even killed.

6) All Muslims hate Jews. It's mandatory to hate Jews to be a Muslim. All Muslims hate Hinduism. Because they're idol worshipers. It's mandatory to hate idol worshipers.
All Muslims hate Christians too. Although the hatred is a tiny bit lower than Jews and Hindus.

7) They absolutely can't stand atheists. Hatred for Atheists are on the same level as Jews. Here if you publicly admit you're an atheist then you'll get hated by everybody and be on a hit-list instantly.

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if you guys want to discus or i will delete thread if you want

Newfags this the continuation to this thread

Will i get a cute muslim waifu if i convert?

>fuck chink mobiles
fuck this link never works


This shill again, get lost Jew.

>no racism based on skin color
Bullshit average Turks are more racist then average Europeans
They hated sub Saharan Africans
Every roach I spoke to was quite vocal about it

-->if anyone of the party from the last thread doesn't want this thread to be up i can gladly delete it

Delete the thread and yourself while you're at it.


i exposed the little shit to be a proxy-fag jew.

the faggot cant differentiate a meme-flag from Pakistan flag.

look for yourself at the lying larper jew faggot

there is no fucking way someone from Bangladesh cant differentiate the two .

he ran away from arguments just like any other pilpul kike faggot

>Sandniggers are your friend!
Into the oven you go, along with your goatfucker friends.

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who the fuck are you?
your flag look likes an ottoman rape baby descendant .

so do you guys want this thread to be up or not

Eat a dick you Zionist turd.

yes keep it up based hindu , or based larping muslim indian.

let him be exposed

Did he just travel to India from Bangladesh?

I have been to Muslim countries before and can confirm most of the points OP makes through simple observation.

men fought over me simple because i'm white and was even asked to be sold as a bride twice. they are crazy for white women for some reason.

also they do indeed hate everyone, but i thought that was obvious by now.

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i would be unfair, if he doesn't relpy in half an hour or so i would have to the delete the thread

when did cosplay get so degenerate?

How did your family deal with your becoming an atheist? Do they want you put to death?

How old were you when you first fucked a goat?

please read the earlier thread op is bases Bangaldeshi

I was adopted into a Muslim (and funnily enough Indian muslim) family and literally none of these things are true. No other muslims I know think like this either so this is either a product of living in a shithole country like India (aka garbage dump) or you're false flagging.


Saying things on the internet doesn't make them true (although a lot of people here will be desperate for them to be true and blindly follow it as if it is true). Literally 2 of my best friends are Bangladeshi sunni muslims and they're the nicest people including their family. This is my word against his but I'm just going to say I already know that his word will be taken over mine because apparently its impossible for a Muslim (the 1.8bn of them) to be humble and nice and not follow an extremist sect.

>trying to delete the thread
this chink piss bottle thread never works properly

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