Hard water is not a meme

Claws up motherfuckers! WhiteClaw is a carbonated beverage with no added suger and 5% alcohol.
Drinking a Claw is literally a diet that helps you get skinny and fuck.

At $4.99 a six pack, going Claws up is the best way to ensure you smother yourself in pussy this weekend. My friends, Whiteclaw is changing the face of America and you’d be a fucking psychopath if you ignored the calling.

Head out now, secure your pussy for the evening and start hammering white claws. Thank me later faggots!

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just read the ingredients. shit tier.

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a drink for real men

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>buy vodka
>buy mineral water
why are you faggots so useless?

This is a step below drinking wine coolers.

It's a vodka soda in a can. Just make a vodka soda like a normal person.

>5% alcohol
>literally a diet bro
fuck off and keep poisoning your organs

Owen Benjamin is a faggot and so are you.

>$1.10 a can

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Black cherry is garbage. Haven’t tried the other flavors.

go shill your alcopops on reddit, I'm sure you'll have more luck there

Cheap alcohol,lime, sugar and fizzy water you pay up the ass for

>he buys 6-packs

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Holy shit, you can sell dumb Millenials pretty much everything these days. Just give it a fancy name, high price and pretend like it's totally innovative and new.

>when a guy takes care of himself and has modest drinks
>pic related is my pants

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> drinking the fermented jew

Fuck off kike, we have no time for your mind-weakening intoxicants.

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>being seduced this much

be a man and drink whiskey you faggot!

4.99? What region are you in? I only ever see these at like 12 for 13.99. Just buy some vodka and soda water.

Enjoy your heartburn drinking these gay things

>be incel marketing intern
>paid less than jannies
>try to impress the boss by shilling shitty products on Jow Forums

Way to go bigshot

I knew a guy who drank those
He grew a vagina

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Why is Peyton Manning super gay now?

>no added suger
>5% alcohol

Somebody sucked at chemistry

What the fuck. This was funny the first time i read it but fuck if this ad spam is gonna be a thing.

Suck a dick clawfag

vodka and seltzer. the blandest thing I have ever heard of. oh a smattering of some flavoring too. this is what drinking onions leads to.