War. To wage war you need some kind of excuse. Social, Political, Economical, some wars are even racial. When you look at Mass Genocides in Africa, even though they are both Negroid races, one decided the other must go.
What if every excuse to wage wars with high white (European) causalities was just an excuse to kill white people. When we look at the Civil War, World War I and II we see that both sides were European. We also see that one side, always the aggressor, is controlled by Jewish interests.
In the Civil War era, Jews (as they still do) controlled the north through business and manufacturing. While the desire to own the cotton producing lands and the desire to force the South to export their cotton ONLY to the North at a fraction of the market value serves as an excuse what if the real reason is just a vicious hatred of whites (Europeans). Getting Whites (Europeans) to kill each other must be a high honor for the Jewish puppet masters and it also must fill them with glee.
In summary, the basis for all major European on European conflict was to exterminate as many whites as possible and any other reason was used as a backdrop to "justify" such atrocities. When you think about the times these wars were carried out, Jews could not brazenly air their blood crazed hatred of white people as they can now, so they used war.
When you begin to put the pieces together, this seems to be the final plan. There are many other pieces in the plan, but this one is the foundation of their plan because the rest of the stages seem so easy in comparison.
When you look at other races, they already seem to be under the control of the Jews, except for perhaps a few countries that have not been pressed upon.
Look at South Korea for instance, their people decimated, enslaved to capitalism then feminism and now they themselves being indoctrinated zombies to Judaism.
As you can see in their own words, War motivations are fabricated by any means and the need for a War itself is determined by a murder lust to kill whites and Europeans.
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide. Just replace the word Diversity in every instance with White Genocide and it becomes more clear.
Whether by race-mixing or by massive casualties the end result is the same. Eradication of whites. (Europeans) Whether you have a mulatto child or no child suits the Jews just fine. Blacks are so easily controlled by Jews, nearly every single one is a slave or a potential slave in waiting.
You can count the number of non-Jewish owned owned notable black figures in the last 100 years one two hands. And you can count the ones that weren't assassinated on one hand.
>wars in africa >both racial Yes, become a cultureless, passions-driven negro. They knew what they were doing... Culture facilitated the creation of europe. Come back to Christ, amd Greek thought.
Jose Mitchell
Zionism is white nationalism and the holocaust was a white genocide.
Julian Green
>(And That's A Good Thing) >Goldstein I have a feeling this was written by one of us
Leo Reyes
hello, moneyberg. >us If you're admitting you're a Jew and one of your people wrote it, then yes.
The meme stems from that article. It's real. It was on the thought catalog blog. Since taken down for "hate speech"
Luis Roberts
No, a Jow Forumsack. Feels a bit too on the nose (pun intended) to be written by an actual SJW.
Bentley Roberts
It's very Jewish of you to plan the seed that all anti-white propaganda is created and distributed by whites or pro-white collectives. This is not very original of you, but it's Klassic Khazar
Julian Bell
No link from OP Fake and gay???
Brandon Price
I can't link to deleted Jewish sources, Chaim. Of course you know that. That's why you're using that as a reason to invalidate the whole thread. However this is very transparent. I thought the "chosen ones" were all 140+ IQ, what happened? Hasn't been a single intelligent Jew post in this thread. Amateur hour.
Jonathan Taylor
Because (((they))) know whitey is the only real threat to (((them))).
Brody Gonzalez
It is very jewish of you to just add another layer onto the subterfuge to deflect by projecting onto the person before you
Josiah Torres
I can't link to my sources, but just trust me fellow goyim
people don't realize asians have already been subjugated. Economically and Militarily. Japan is beginning the 2nd stamp of subjugation by being racially de-homogenized. Their statistics and well-to-do way of life is a bad example in the eyes of the Jews because everyone can plainly see their society is better and cleaner and more harmonious simply because of their racial homogeneity.
If every location on Earth is like Chicago or Brazil or Mexico City, no one will know that race-mixing is worse than racial fidelity because there will be no examples to compare it to.
>amateur hour The rules clearly state OP must have a link You're too new faggot and you're not gonna make it around here I can tell already Stay salty faggot
>doesn't follow rules of the board >expects posters to respect anything you have to say Ask me how I know you're new here faggot.... >refer to pic Again your pic doesn't have a link to the info Typical kike shit
it has a book source you illiterate jewish scumbag there was a time when people read books and believe it or not people still read books and books are still valued as more quality sources than the internet
Im very aware that you've shifted the argument into link shaming and degraded the quality of the thread by 10 fold. This is a common jewish and leftist tactic so common that it's documented.
Why you lie? You just have to type on the internet to see blue eyes on non white people. You're scared of the truth? Shitting on your pants behind your computer, whitey?
Gabriel Lewis
>Muhammad posting
Charles Wright
Ye sure buddy jews hate whites , and you hate them that's why you gave them jobs in finance , right ?
The reason why white goyim hate jews is purely based of self hatred. Literally everything applicated to jews (controlling medias , colonization,...) can be applied to white people , but you lack self-introspection i see
Stop victimizing yourself cracker , jews and whites are all the same from a poc view. All racists scenarios in porn , who is the main audience? And what prevent you to make babies to counter the "white genocide"?
Adam Sanchez
>make babies All in due time. We gotta focus on killing niggers like you and removing kabob first
>Operation: Kill Whitey What's wrong with that? If you're weak you deserved to be physically removed from the surface of this planet.
Andrew Hill
"diversity" literally means "diverse from white", "anything but white", so when you hear someone say that "US, Australia and Europe need diversity" it actually means their population must be ethnically substituted, as UN clearly wrote in their migration replacement "projections".
Jeremiah Lewis
is Germany the jews' only threat? why are they so worried about Germans and not other whites?
Ian Moore
It was satire.
John Fisher
I think they still old grudges for Roman empire too.