Why are white women getting more mentally unstable these days?
Why are white women getting more mentally unstable these days?
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She doesn't look good.
no children + the wall = bad time
do you live under a rock?
the white race is under attack. do you think women are getting spared?
I thought she had a kid
she took too mush jewjew cum
talking about white women in general who are increasingly having pets instead of babies
She did.
Ive noticed it myself and I don't really understand it.
she does. K. Fed has custody because she went coo coo for cocoa puffs
this girl was MK ultra'd before she hit age 10. She's never NOT been under mind control and some form of micro dosing of trippy drugs. She was just basically born into being a cock-slut jew slave songbird.
is this guy her handler..I mean new boyfriend
living in the united satans is bad for ya mkay
it fucks ya up mkay
considering you're on pol and don't understand why white women are not getting children anymore, your IQ must be under 70 and you should probably kill yourself.
Oh my God. She looks like SHIT.
Kek, holy shit Britney hit that wall at a 1000 mph.
cos of the shit they have to put up with from men
>Be a Pop Culture icon for a short period of time for kids and teenagers
>That time passes
>Lose Relevance
>Do lots of drugs and sex
>Turn into a total degenerate
Really speaks on how unstable she is when this gynocracy would rather trust the upbringing of a child to him.
Because they’re emcels.
hypergamy and ignoring their biological impetus because they erroneously believe they are equal to men
I'll kill you first. I don't get how they can find it satisfactory as child and bf replacement.
What the hell happened? Didn't she already go through this before? She got everything back together really well for a while there.
Jesus fuck. This is the doing of that vampire madonna.
Reeeeeeeeeeeee muh entertainer noooooooo
It's because they have no logos. Women are gaslit their whole lives into thinking everything about them is wonderful that they never learn self control. So everything about them is nothing more than a constant expression of and acting out on untempered urge.
It's all subconscious. It's a conflict between the rational and irrational mind. They don't even realize that is what they're doing.
the further developed you are from an ape, the more mentally unstable you become
>cos of the shit they have to put up with from niggers
>25 posts in
for shame Jow Forums
Drugs can cause psychosis and it depends on your body how much it can take before falling apart. And once you get there it is hell on earth.
Less commitment and responsibility. They can pour their love and attention (maternal instinct) to the pet without the responsibility of a concrete relationship or parenthood. (They also die much earlier than a bf or child so they can replace them much easier and enjoy the feeling all over again.)
Also, no arguments. A toddler can throw a tantrum in the middle of a store and yell at their mom that they hate them, but a dog is easier to control, fully trainable.
thats all a facade for hollywood tabloids, but you cant keep that shit up forever.
Apparently she's not there out of free will? That's why #freebritney was trending. After her mental breakdown in like 2008 (where she shaved her head) she was apparently signed into this mentalhealth thing where she wasn't allowed to have a phone or couldn't marry without permission? Basically being controlled.
Rundown? Who's Anderson?
it isn't satisfactory.
people are getting brainwashed by eugenics.
why do you sit on your fat ass, eat cheetos and shitpost on pol, instead of finding a woman build a house, produce and raise beautiful children?
is it satisfactory? or are you just brainwashed?
sorry for being mean, but it feels like you people are in some kind of trance. it's scary.
Because White Men are meant to be the Rock on which they can rely but they've been emasculated. Has Britney Spears ever been with an African?
What do you mean you people? What people are you?
Because they're born to have babies and raise families, and when they don't do that and are sold a packet of lies by Jews their life is destroyed. Being childless and with no possibility of a permanent suitor in their late 30s is essentially condemning them. They know their life is over. Every source of depression in women revolves around their paranoia of when, or if, they'll conceive. The happy bubbling single girl in her early 30s you know is not actually happy or bubbling in private. She's a fucking trainwreck on multiple depression meds who probably smokes weed and does other drugs to cope with being childless and alone.
Everyone that cared about Britney told her she'd ruin her life and career if she married Kevin fed her lines and shit out his sons. As usual the young hormonal dipped shit was sure she knew better. Tho to see her try to make a go of it after the fact is difficult to watch... If Britney couldn't even come close to pulling it off what in hell chance do girls of today think they have? At least Brit was married before she committed career and social suicide. Tho to see her wanting to be taken seriously is sad! Go back to your baby's daddy Britney, sadly that's the best you can hope for at this point...
someone who realises that we live in a giant slave system run by hyperintelligent eugenics.
the world is just a human farm for more intelligent humans. they treat you like cattle.
>Why are white women getting more mentally unstable these days?
Hormonal birth control ruins them. What would you think tricking your body into believing it is permanently pregnant while not producing any children would be healthy? Also causes breast cancer.
Someone should slip her a razor blade
This is him now
i just listened to some of her old music again
she's gone crazy again?
what a weird pose
The crazy cis sexual scum girl in glasses and the shaved head is all normal now too
>Who's Anderson
this is an 18+ website kiddo
zoomers will never appreciate this classic
Called “peacocking”
They traded their husbands for an abusive relationship with kikes and the state, who use their ex-husband's money to act as their new provider.
The pill. Also, them being forced into making decisions that for millenia men made for them. They crave to give up those responsibilities to a man. They have an emotional need for security, not liberty.
shes alive?
damn, jewtainment and drugs did a number on her
High up on fame in their teens and tweenties, now she is irrelevant, depression kicks in, drug abuse etc.
Obvious MK Ultra victim. “White women.” Lol
>what?? no I wasn't masturbating
That's a virulent redpill.
You just know...
She looks good there. Must've been a second wind.
How so? He's still a fag, I assume?
Thats what all roasties look like when they hit 25 now, no wonder they have to adopt niglets and force them to be girls
she was always
Not surprising. Anyone who dates THAT thing must be doing it because they're a closeted gay with intend to hope it cloaks it as they fuck
men at the club and struggle to maintain high social status within their wealthy straight circles.
she cute
For your consideration:
Her entire life and career has been about her SMV, but once that plummeted...
Women hitting the wall is hard enough, women hitting the wall and then losing their career on top of it?
That being said, I don't know Brittney Spears' professional history. Did the crazy happen before or after her career went down the drain?
>talking about white women in general who are increasingly having pets instead of babies
>Ive noticed it myself and I don't really understand it.
google statistic on women owning dogs vs men
reason is simple: actual relationships require teamwork and social skills or else they end up in fights.
women (and men) can endure the kardashian style fights and drama in their teenage and 20s but eventually snap by 30s.
instead of fixing themselves, women find it easier to get a pet because the pet is basically a slave
they can bully the dog and force clothes on it and force it into their purse
easy way to get the biological urge of rising a child met without doing the hard work of finding a good husband or changing their behavior
maybe they don't even know what's wrong with them because feminism is the norm.
it started 2007
she has the same look as someone with severe Alzheimers that gets lost at the mall
A fucking leaf.
It's ok, they want to be crazy and don't care about white men. Don't even make eye contact to crazy bitches.
As a consequence of all the (((freedom))) women gained from feminism, they now have more responsibilities too and are cracking under the pressure.
oh dear poor britney :/
No, really, 18+
IIRC she still had a solid career. It wasn't her heyday but she could still sell albums and tours. It was more the personal stuff. First, she married her childhood friend in Vegas and annulled it. Then, she got with K Fed, while his nigger ex was pregnant with his child, married him and had two children and had a mental breakdown.
It's the culture of seeking mental health help from Jews. They don't want to cure it, they want to make it chronic and profit from it.
There are better ways, for example in Germany if you are stressed you can take a paid holiday at a health camp where there are saunas and stuff and you give your mind time to re-balance itself.
I don't know, I remember the video from back in the day. It's a redpill for me in the way a man can drastically change his appearance v the way a woman ages over the same stretch of time.
I thought that was slang for having a massive stroke.
She won't answer my calls. I think she's just saying that for attention and isn't interested.
>stead of finding a woma
I have no clue where to find good women.
Holy crap she used to look so damn amazing. Granted twenty years passed between these two images, but holy hell she aged like milk. What a damn shame
They have nurturing instincts. Often having a pet leads to having a baby.
She's a boomer now
Based and mentally-unstable pilled.
Drugs. Orgies and Alcohol
Nah. Media only focus on crazy ones
That Mkultra has really done a number on her. Sad, lifeless eyes
he's clearly a fag still, look at that fag sparkle in his eyes
Wooo. Bad. I remember her hot. There’s a lesson to be learned here. Careful what you wish for.
The low IQ trash anons in this thread.