Daily reminder that electing an official by a pure popular vote is a horrible way to elect someone

Daily reminder that electing an official by a pure popular vote is a horrible way to elect someone.

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>uninhabited areas must have the same electoral say as densely populated cities
>mutt education

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because allowing just 25 of the largest cities in the US to decide a leader is the most appropriate way to elect a leader.

If they have more voters than the rest of the 6 trillion counties, then yes, absolutely.

1 man, 1 vote. Equal say.

Because those 20-some cities represent the countries best interest.

> we are equal but someone are equaller
Mutt """democracy""" right here.

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I dont need a meme to show how fucking primitive and dystopian india is, pajeet. Go clean your holy river or worship a cow.

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> american elections is wrong a-

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>a democrat who thinks democracy is a sham
Good thing we have that electoral college to keep retards like you from running things, eh?
>uninhabited areas
Clearly they're not uninhabited, pajeet, or else the vote wouldn't have been so close. It's okay, though, English is a hard language to learn. You'll get the hang of it eventually.

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>muh pooperpower by 2020

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How is it wrong you impoverished neanderthal? Major cities are echochambers and cant alone decide whats best for the rest of America.

No. We should just give more autonomy to counties.

Daily reminder, voting is for slaves.

You don't eat without our say so nigger.

We’re not a democracy. Read a book.

We are a representative republic, not a democracy. Also says the country with a dictator.

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yes every non retarded nation uses epresentative democracy

People from cities should have no influence over actual Americans, period.

name one, and I'll tell you how it's retarded

shit in any good streets lately, subhuman?

Yup thats how we became the most powerful and wealthy country for our size and population

notice how very non shithole uses representative democracy

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By making profit out of two world wars almost without direct involvement and destroying и enslaving middle East for resources? Yep that's good strategy.

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We were a superpower before the middleast, also dont act like russia didnt do anything either. And its europes fault they wanted to fight each other, we were already well-off before WWII.

>let coasties dictate legislation on the people that provide them food
Have you ever read up on what happens to country folk in countries that follow that line? Look up the arduous March and famines in the Soviet Union.
>but muh democracy!
We aren't a democracy. Get over it professor shillenstein