Fucking disgusting, slimy, evil fucking maggots.
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People who point out that Christians are under attack are far right.
archive link
user, this is going to sound like a bit of a shocker, but Jews and prominent journalists (same thing for what it matters) have never been on your side to begin with. They will side with Arab oil lords and their Muslim slaves over Christian goyim 100/100 times and that is no exaggeration.
Watch out, the poolice will behead you for having a photo of toilet on your computer.
Also 2020 Superpower thread,
Right off the presses
Church goers down to 50% in the US. >When you have sex with children you push people away.
>When people find out there religion is from some Roman emperors idea to take down Jews you lose people.
Fewer and fewer people daily care about shity churches. Maybe focus on making women respectable again & we might join you again.
wow, the mainstream ((far right)) parties are using this to stoke hatred between Europeans and Sandpeople - and the ((mainstream news)) promote their stuff.
Why am I not surprised.
a poo in loo posting a toilet. now i have seen everything.
Kill them all.
>Fewer and fewer people daily care about shity churches. Maybe focus on making women respectable again & we might join you again.
They do, it's just that a lot of women are following the religion of Netflix/HBO/Hulu shows now.
That piece of shit "woke" rag...fuck 'em.
People who consider giving 4 year olds permanent life altering hormones is child abuse are called far right nazis.
Fuck these “people” the only cure for them is death
That's from China, you dumb mutt
Those disgustingly obese, ugly "white savior" bloggers who wrote that are white,-knighting terrorists, by claiming Xtian racists are angry that brown people killed brown people.
They have balls putting their name to that shitpiece.
they have no shame
i didn't say pic related you dirty paki. if you had any heart you would be bombing and if you had any brains you be in a call center being tech support you fucking street shitter.
This is so stupid. It's like these journalists don't read the news. Churches have been targeted with attacks for years in asia and north africa. A priest was beheaded in France just a couple years ago. No one even needs to point it out, it's clear what's happening.
Christianity has always been under attack and it was kikes who dealt the deadliest blow.