Realistically, how soon will major food service franchises automate almost all of their kitchen staff/cashiers?

Realistically, how soon will major food service franchises automate almost all of their kitchen staff/cashiers?

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I have built an AI startup for small biz. A lot of businesses are pushing very fast for full automation, especially trucking and food. It is not if, but when. Anything to reduce cost will always win, no matter what.

Most likely within 5 years. It will come faster than you think and there will be some adjustments, but it is become very smart everyday. It is really mindblowing on what is now coming out. Check out two minute papers on youtube to see the most recent AI research studies

I don't know, but it needs to happen.


It's going to kill thousands of people then get shut down

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I can't imagine AI being more dangerous than methed out Mexicans driving for 12 hours a day. Teamsters are going to push hard against automation. It's going to be rough.

It's going to take longer than 5 years for large scale adoption.

Within 5 years we will see the first ones, yes, though they will mostly be test beds.

After 10 years, once businesses are comfortable with the machines and we are on the 2nd / 3rd gen, they will start to get mainstream adoption.

For vehicles, its going to be at least 20 years. It takes roughly that long to replace the entire US 'fleet' of private and business vehicles, no one is going to throw away a perfectly good semi truck, and the cost to pay for a self driving installation into a current truck is going to be several years worth of paying a driver, businesses are all about sustained income, and it's going to take quite a while to repay that investment, it's also going to take a wile for them to trust their fleet of millions of dollars worth of vehicles to AI, along with the laws and regulations that will come with the tech.

so while 20 years is replacement, its going to probably take close to 30 years for a full switch.

100 years for total AI replacement in industry. That's within your grandkids lifetime.

the reason why they are focusing so fast and so much on trucking is because its to compensate for the lack of truckers currently. a lot of trucking companies are now integrating trucks that can automate up to 80% of their trips. it is much easier to automate trucks vs. personal vehicles, so trucks will be the first industry before personal vehicles

not for food. 5 years max. mcdonalds has already passed a fully automated kitchen trial in AZ. once mcdonalds starts rolling them out like the kiosks they did, then the rest of the companies will follow to compete. for vehicles, i see 10 years. waymo/uber are already doing 50-70% fully self driving vehicles in AZ and they are rolling it out as a commercial service to start making cash. in 10 years, you will not need to own a car, as you will just have it as a subscription service and then order a vehicle to pick you up etc.

again, its not a matter of if, but when. i'm sorry guys, but this is the most urgent thing that every top 10 company is working on right now. it will hit everyone like a ton of bricks. and I am being serious on this.

More or less at our rate of change, there again we will probably be moving out into space by then, or have destroyed ourselves in a glorious nuclear war.

Hell, it may even be within our lifetime assuming that medical tech is able to extend our lives, being 29, im gonna guess il live at least until 70 if I don't fuck up, or at the lastest 100, I kinda hope I get to experience the change that my grandma did, going from basically no tech in the 1900's to the crazy wtf tech we have today (well, in the early 2000's at least, she died at 94).

I'm just hoping for full dive VR by the time im an old fuck.

I will always own a car, I don't want a shitty subscription to uber.

That said, the car I would own in the future would be a mix self driving and manual driving, because I love driving. I also own a motorcycle and your never getting me off the road.

Fuck uber.

the sooner the fucking better so i can eat fast food and actually get what i ordered and not have to worry about fucking hepatitis ai overlords when

This but I autonomous cars will roll out sooner

Soon, anything a retard can do a machine can.

probably within the next 10 years. a lot of the technology is already there, so they just gotta figure out how to do it in a cost effective way. big chain first, and then the small businesses will adopt it at a slower pace, but probably will follow suit.

i should also add one of the main factors that is pushing mcdonalds so fast to automation is the fact that their sales are declining. no one wants to eat shit plastic burgers made by nigs anymore and the boomers are the only ones that are eating it. the other generations go to in-n-out, hell even wendys has stepped their game up. but mcdonalds has diversified their menu too much, so in order to compete, they are throwing the finger up and going to automate everything in order to stop the eventual death of mcdonalds that will occur within 10 years. this is what happens when you stray away from your main product as a business and focus on stupid shit

legislation will eventually make it illegal to drive your own vehicle unless for emergencies. this will be combined with police orders for security/safety, and eventual car manufactors and insurances. it will be hard for insurers to split between those who drive a vehicle, or fully automated, so they will force the one that makes them the most money. and suprisingly, that will be fully automated vehicles, as the insurance will be pre-built in automatically with the car or software (that is still in the air). no muss/no fuss

again guys, I work in this field, heavily. What is coming out is very concerning. This will not affect just trucking/food, but anything creative (writing, music for example), and anything technical. Ironically, the ones that are most physical (trades) are the safest. Obviously each is safe for a different length, but physical jobs should last for a good 20 years.

>can automate up to 80% of their trips
>I can't imagine AI being more dangerous than methed out Mexicans driving for 12 hours a day.
That's because Mexicans are like 1% of the drivers.

If you knew the roads you would know that those things are going to fucking kill so many people. The road isn't a mapquest or google captcha game.

Tech Nerds have no real world experience. It's all hypothetical unless they put them on their own roads line train tracks. They'll be shut down within 2yrs

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>legislation will eventually make it illegal to drive your own vehicle unless for emergencies.
fantasy world thinking

they already did 100 years ago. people didn't like the old automats. turns out a lot of food service is cleaning up shit and puke and trash and food waste. who knew?

>legislation will eventually make it illegal to drive your own vehicle unless for emergencies.

Yea, probably....

I still won't give up my motorcycle, fuck the world at that point, il move out into the boonies.

I would rather tent camp the rest of my life and give up electronics than live in a world where I have to go to a track to drive.

>legislation will eventually make it illegal to drive your own vehicle unless for emergencies.
nigga if i'm not letting them take my armalite, no fucking way they're getting my f-150.

I work at dairy queen and everything is done by hand

im sorry user, but your understanding is limited. You don't know what you are talking about. They have been on these roads, in fact, all of the USA roads, for the past 10 years. Why do you think google maps was created, just so you can see where to go? No, it is for the AI. They have been testing these things in the ten's of millions of miles and for each car that includes AI, the smarter it gets, providing real time data for anything (like Waze). Data points for everything. Your understanding is very naive. Amazon, FB, Google, Microsoft, etc, what do you think they are doing right now? They are all racing to get to the motherload AI. Why? Because whoever gets there first, wins. It is that simple.

There is a huge trucking shortage. That is a fact. Do you think the trucking companies are looking for teenagers to solve this, or robots? That is your answer. And it is not young adults.

Driving is considered a privilege, not a right, and will be worded as such.

Fucking this. I vote for every single minimum wage increase just to expedite the change. People bitch about how little Walmart workers make, but ffs, I use the self checkout lanes where the only reason they even have one person for 8 registers is to check IDs for booze and discourage theft, and these retarded fucking goblins manage somehow to fuck that up. UBI, whatever, I just don't want to have to deal with these...humans.

Why are there no surveillance cameras to avoid this type of shit????

No one wants to admit this and companies do not want to pull the first trigger. It will be a slow phase-in as companies attempt to compete with each other, step by step. If they jump too fast, it will fuck the economy up with displaced jobs. So they will simply inch their way into fully automatic robots are doing everything. But, this will follow an exponential path and towards the latter part, the top 50 forbes companies will all be racing to be fully automated to compete and offer more/better services.

then the hordes will be unleashed. millions of more nigs/spics with no jobs. that is when the DOTR will occur. This current financial system, or ANY economic system, has ever factored in AI. So socialism will not work, capitalism will not work, and what other ism. It is a problem that we are hoping AI itself can solve.

>Driving is considered a privilege, not a right, and will be worded as such.
come and get it, faggot. better bring a fucking robot army. no fuckin way i'm payin taxes to build roads exclusively for some silicon valley google faggot.

again, it is not a matter of if, but when. To deny the purpose of AI, is to deny God himself. AI is nothing more than the continuation of evolution, something that started with the the big bang.

Depends on what style of food, and what position.

>Many of the machines can be more automated.
>Production for preserved food will become more automated but the inspection needs to be done by people
>Prep cooking to a degree can be cut down with food processors and so on

A lot of the work especially in kitchen needs to be done by hand still.

Also, If I saw anyone do that I'd take him out back and beat the fuck out of him. I've never EVER seen anyone do that. I see people pick bread up off the floor and cook it and I still told them never do that again.

I DO NOT like people fucking with food. Some people are degenerate fucks. The only people who should work in kitchens are people with certificates. Those off the street shouldn't be allowed. Too easy to make people sick.

I used to think universal basic income was socialist nonsense, but I watched Milton Friedman ((yeah, yeah, I get it, racists)) talking about it from like 1970, and I think it just might work. But build that fucking wall.

only poorfags use self checkout, user. the stores i go to don't even have it. just like i'd never eat food out of a fucking vending machine. i don't even like having to put my own pepper on. service is service.

There are enough people who will legislate to keep being able to ride, let alone drive, to outnumber the fuckheads who want to ban being able to drive.

All fast food and major chains can already be automated fairly easily due to the fact that all of their locations use a uniform product. The reason it hasn't yet is because the maintenance of those robots is still more costly than paying people to do it. Fine dining will likely never be automated because the stupid fucks that pay for that shit are all entitled faggots that think they get to create their own menu every time they come eat, even on prix fixe menus. I just hope fine dining becomes more exclusionary and doesnt accept all those fast food workers that will be out of a job. But that's a pipe dream since the restaurant industry loves downward pressure on wages.

*Mexicans on amphetamines

it is nonsense. nixon tried it. his version would have supplanted all welfare. dems didn't bite. dem version is in addition to welfare. reps won't bite. everyone thinks it's a good idea till you get down to details. then nobody agrees.

To be honest, you will not do shit, just like the other stuff that you haven't done shit on that has destroyed the USA. The vehicles will know when you are self driving, and if it's not for an emergency, or you are not a police officer, then a small alert will be sent and recorded in the servers. This will be sent out via a ticket to you automatically and you will explain your case to the judge, just as we have always done. And if you don't have a good emergency story, then you will keep getting tickets until your license is suspended, just like anything else. We are 10 years away from this

It's already happening

>A lot of the work especially in kitchen needs to be done by hand still.
It depends on the food. The final prep still needs to be done by hand, but a lot of shit is just prepackage microwave stuff. You can sous vide a shitload of steaks at once, freeze them, then thaw some each day and finish them off with a torch or whatever. Nobody will know the difference. Hell, it's what I do at home.

Nah, I'm a misanthrope, not poor. The less interaction with people at Walmart and fast food places, the better afaiac.

Amazon's grocery store, the one where you just grab stuff and leave and you are billed later, is a success. Expect other stores to follow suite quickly to compete. Again guys, it's about competition and companies will murder each other and that will eventually automate everything at an exponential rate.

no fucking way. you can't force everyone to buy a 50,000 luxury car or a subscription to a stupid fucking service. people are gonna flip their fucking shit before they allow this. in my state, the tea party burned down the tolls they put in 10 years ago. imagine what would happen if they tried this shit?

if you're shopping at walmart and eating fast food, you're poor.

Get out here Warren, you aren't fooling anyone here with that humble pie routine.

doubt it

kek, exactly what always bothered me about her, even when she was running for senate. aw shucks. golly gee.

Didn't know trump was poor

Again, depends on restaurant style.

The restaurants I worked in we cooked from scratch, portioned, and heated for order.

I would never do a steak that way personally unless someone made one for me and proved it could be as good. I've never pre-cooked steaks.

that nigga doesn't shop at walmart. have you seen what his kids wear? the mcdonalds thing is just to make the poor hick goys think he's one of them.


i bet he spits every bite out after they turn off the camera.

Trump actually likes fast food just like every sensible American, rich or poor.

>100 years for total AI replacement in industry.
Want to know how I know you've never worked in a factory?
If anything it will be pencil-pusher jobs that are replaced first.

I think what is interesting about fast food and convenience stores is that, with the advent and rise of AI to "do it all", it will spell the end of franchise operations. It will all be corporate owned and purely money-making operation aside from maintenance costs. That alone will wreck havoc on what far more Americans than people realise use as the stepping stone. It will also ring in the era of "closed" because there's not enough money to be made in keeping things open 24/7 in most markets (which is what kills franchises ... having to determine when to staff and what corporate wants). It's going to be a wild ride. Imagine leaving a town because the AI shops are never open when you need them because there's not enough traffic. Push to cities and magically freed up rural land for the "taking".

A good solution is to stop hiring nonwhites.

Yeah I don't get this. It isn't high cuisine, and it certainly isn't healthy, but the shit tastes good. Yeah, I'm gonna pay 3 bucks for a mcdouble and a large ice tea once a month. Y'all gatekeeping motherfuckers can suck my taint. I'm lovin' it, bitches.

You just don't understand what is occurring right now I'm afraid. I'm not expecting you to, because it is too much. All I am explaining to you is what WILL occur, or a variation of what will happen, and it will hit you like sledgehammer and there is nothing you can do about it. Not a single thing because you cannot stop technology or evolution. Plugging your ears and closing your eyes doesn't do anything.

I see it everyday, and work with it everyday with some of the top minds in the country. You, along with about 90% of the world, are absolutely clueless. And that is completely normal. It will destroy everything, eventually.

Jesus, I was talking about Warren Buffett. Fucking zoomers.

>I see it everyday, and work with it everyday with some of the top minds in the country. You, along with about 90% of the world, are absolutely clueless. And that is completely normal. It will destroy everything, eventually.

Nice Larp faggot, go fuck yourself kike.

Unmanned vehicle fleets are being attacked, tires slashed, run off the road in Arizona already.
Think of what will happen when the trucker unions get involved. At some point, hiring security escorts for automated trucks will be more expensive than a driver.

>im sorry user, but your understanding is limited. You don't know what you are talking about. They have been on these roads, in fact, all of the USA roads, for the past 10 years. Why do you think google maps was created, just so you can see where to go? No, it is for the AI. They have been testing these things in the ten's of millions of miles and for each car that includes AI, the smarter it gets, providing real time data for anything (like Waze). Data points for everything. Your understanding is very naive.
You talk like a fucking nerdy douchebag.

And your understanding of America's roads is very "naive". Google cars don't drive where truckers do. They drive main roads in usually reasonable conditions with a hipster determining when to get off the road being paid to sit back and monitor. Try sliding down black ice on a rainy mountain top where if you tap your breaks too much they catch on fire, too little you reach 200mls per hour, so you're flying 80mls per hr with 1ton of steel pushing you forward with the tinest wheel turn = instant death... and a family of 3 in front of you that doesn't see you coming
and a cliff to the right of you, or a total wipe out to the left that will send the truck spinning.


= 10000s of deaths = end of self driving trucks

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imagine it
fastfood machines
they get your order exactly right every single time and it is exactly the same every single time
the mere thought of this soothes my autism

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sorry but your wrong on this boomer.

easy roads, no weather problems. Id love to see a robot drive around crazy shit like Montana or near NYC with Puerto Riccan suicide sqauds trying to clip your wheels

That is what really makes this so difficult. How will small biz owners, or franchises compete against each other? and with installation? Will the legacy companies be able to stand? No one knows. The economy never factored in AI when it was created, and no one knows. We can only ASK the AI to help us create the model for us on a new paradigm of society never previously thought of.

One good thing is that AI cannot be built with bias, as that is fundamentally impossible. Even with feeding it biased data or changing the reward point system, the neural networks will always derive at the most fundamental and best solution, as if you do change the parameters in the short time, it will give the incorrect results and thus proving the AI ineffective. this means that there will be no "bias" and "diversity" or anything like that. an AI would and HAS flat out denied applicants because they were black, or a non-white person. Not only does it have connection to all the data on social media, but the entire internet, including DM's, statistics etc. Overnight, it will change everything on it's head. It will be a wild ride

same thing occured with the weaving machine. they burned down the first automated weaving machines way back in the day. that doesn't matter and will not stop it.

nah, you are just naive.

>sorry but your wrong on this boomer.
Not a boomer, faglet. You hypotheticals are off

As long as the robots can't repair and service themselves I'll be sitting pretty. Remember anons if you aren't getting certifications in servicing or repair of automation systems right now you are fucking up.

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Imagine a world with always perfect, spitfree fastfood.

The solution to so many people's labour no longer needed isn't more welfare, it's depopulation, something they're already in the process of doing slowly as to avoid shit hitting the fan. Why keep these useless people around to consume finite resources?

by 2035 the vast majority of large scale food service businesses will be fully automated.

>certifications in servicing or repair of automation systems
pfff you're certs will be out of date by the time they get them working properly and the designes will be totally changed, programming too.

Why did you link me in with the robofag?

I just want to keep driving and riding. The only time I want to have my car drive me home is when im piss drunk or sleeping in the morning on my way to work.

You are funny. If you actually knew what you were talking about, you would know that this has not only been tested, but hundreds of thousands of times, and does it better than your meth-addict self. Again, you just are too naive. This may be complicated to your small brain, but to an AI, this ain't shit. I know it's hard for you to comprehend, but this stuff has been in the works since the 60's. You are just too stupid to understand this.

>The solution to so many people's labour no longer needed isn't more welfare, it's depopulation, something they're already in the process of doing slowly as to avoid shit hitting the fan. Why keep these useless people around to consume finite resources?
Because your robot fantasy world isnt coming until after you're long dead, pleb. You're falling for shitty Joe Rogan Yangang propaganda. It's like 50yrs away. Shitty McDonalds is closer though

Because you're falling for his science fiction

We're nowhere near a time where robots take care of everything.

I think you're missing the point. Even if it's just replacing a CDL trucker with a minimum wage liberal arts major then they're going to do it. The truck will do most of the driving. You don't need to train the truck. The truck will never call in sick. They don't need to pay it benefits. It can drive 24/7 because there's no restrictions on how often it needs to sleep like regular truckers. All of the sensors that self-driving cars will need are going to be standard in the coming years, even if only for accident avoidance.

does that mean andrew yang is actually right bros?

They will never be able to compete with corporate in the near future. the cost alone will drive most out. Kind of sad. I'm not even talking about AI taking jobs, I'm talking about AI "deciding" if "your" town or suburb is worth servicing. You are on the mark all over this thread. People just don't get how fast and how drastic the change will be.

"only poorfags use self checkout"

what kind of dumb ass reasoning did you use to come up with that gem?

>I have built an AI startup for small biz.
Me too. Post Discord/Signal, we should talk.

Also, to add to my previous comments, it really is important that we automate truckers first. A majority of them are on drugs and are mentally ill. Or bad health, lack of sleep etc. They cause a lot of danger and deaths to the road. Thru automation, we would save a lot of lives so this user here will stay away from the roads. This is something that we are working full time on and rolling out asap.

uk mcdonald's already have automated ordering systems instead of cashiers

It's a good idea to have the self-driving features for collision avoidance, even if you like driving yourself.

Yeah yeah, I'd believe you IF you knew wtf you were talking about. Calling truckers meth addicts is so 1980s, you're not even in the modern century. And you're talking about the conditions I named being tested 100,000 times. You're lying and you lost the argument. Like a woman, you lie to win.

I'd bet money my IQ was higher than your's and you're larping as an intellectual because that's how medium-range retards talk.

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My uncle was a trucker and he was one of the most mentally unfit people I've ever known personally.

so youre just some angry dumb ass who unironically thinks trucking is a mentally profession? damn.
also I heard all this working for the Rail Road about automation and guess what?

That idea relies on the notion that it's cheaper to fix than replace. I don't think you're necessarily wrong. I just think the "fix" is going to be pushed higher and higher up until it's essentially worthless or subsidizing an entire after market that will never and can never truly exist in an AI dominated world.

I walk right past them and order in person. I dread the day I can't as those shitty touchscreens have had every fuckers hands, coughs, and sneezes on them (and probably some drunk fucks ass and vomit at some point), run slow as shit, and are just a pain i the ass.

Automation will improve food quality 100%. No more niggers not following instructions means food cooked at the appropriate way that the food scientists at these corporations figured out.

Self-driving cars are already extraordinarily safer than humans, and they're half a meme still.
They'll be implement increasingly quickly due to pressures from insurance companies. Insurance companies love any system that will lower their payout rate on average, and give them an in for spiking costs on consumers who don't have modernized vehicles.
Another area that is sure to see extreme automation is also commercial aircraft, especially with the recent crashes that were caused purely by human incompetence interfering with the automation that's already there, with outdated/untrained pilots not knowing how to turn the autopilot on properly.
Another area that, in the realm of investment, has been making huge waves is the military aspect. It's a logistics nightmare to have a living human inside a fighter-spec aircraft currently. But multi-mission craft beyond what would be called a drone currently are extremely wanted and needed in the arsenals of major powers. So unmanned jets are being pushed at full steam ahead by Boeing et al. at least according to a few different investment gurus I follow. A trend I've noticed mentioned by more than one.

The kiosks are for luddites. You're meant to use the app on your phone so your order is ready when you get there.

You're absolutely out of touch with reality of you think this is going to happen, let alone being 10 years out

>Even if it's just replacing a CDL trucker with a minimum wage liberal arts major then they're going to do it.
Yeah more fantasy world hypotheticals.

You can't sleep on those trucks when they're moving. Nobody can. A lib arts major will be awake for 30yrs a day sometimes, no rest, no family, no visiting, no life. It's a prison box.
Also the road conditions you're use to don't exist in place where there are still fucking barns left up from the 1800s.

The world is bigger than your perceiving. Also aggressive drivers and STOP TIME on trucks in places like Ohio, LA, New York... only a human can adjust to those psycho-fuck drivers out there because the stop time is so slow that you sometimes have to drive off the road and up an embankment to save people's lives.

Snobbery is a fallacy, user. You're not intelligent through assumption. Read this post and this post

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exactly, well said. There is a startup right now, I cannot remember the name, that is doing this exactly. The truck already drives 80% automated (since it's mostly highways) and then not-automated when loading, docking etc. But they are making it fully automated this year. Then, they can stick anyone behind the wheel and save millions of dollars. Our generations see and understand this, and that is why no one is becoming a trucker and the shortage of truckers (its an epidemic right now and the only solution is AI)

No, I'm being serious. You are too stupid for this. You are the same person that was arguing that the internet was just a fad in the 90s, I can hear it in your voice. Do you understand that a majority of the internet is now being controlled by this AI, the same technology you are slamming right now? You lack understanding, hence why you are so defensive and never really made a point except "muh trucker experience". That is nothing to AI. You fail to see the bigger picture, this has been going on for hundreds of years. Jobs come and go. It is apart of evolution. To deny this is to deny reality. You are the one that lives in a fantasy world.

Most are because the roads kill them. Like this user here Its the shittiest profession

>Self-driving cars are already extraordinarily safer than humans
OMG everyone here is like talking to fucking Joe Rogan.

Idiots with no life experience

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I promise you that 40% of the western world's jobs can be automated by 2024 this is when they will start to roll in the robots on a mass scale from 2024-2030. If you work in blue collar or repetitive white collar work, I would suggest studying at college/University now. Im unsure myself what I should study but it needs to be something robots can't replace in the next 20 years.

you have no clue what they really think of you. you're a nigger to them, user. worse than a nigger to the liberal ones.

>You can't sleep on those trucks when they're moving. Nobody can.
Truck drivers fall asleep and cause accidents all the time.

>A lib arts major will be awake for 30yrs a day sometimes, no rest, no family, no visiting, no life. It's a prison box.
Yeah so is working at Starbucks or being unemployed.

>only a human can adjust to those psycho-fuck drivers out there
Computers are objectively better at avoiding accidents than people. They can see 360 degrees around the car at every single millisecond to predict when any of the cars on the road might be in an accident, even in total darkness. See

This is actually very interesting. Traditionally, I think of all those people as pontential consumers. But if there comes a time when there is nothing left for people to do, where does the money to buy things which keeps the whole game running come from? The owners will have to come up with something for people to do so they can keep selling and lending to us so they can maintain their status and power. Hadn't really ever thought about that.

Top left looks like BETO for president