Is it accurate to say that the Jew is to the White as the White is to the Black?
Is it accurate to say that the Jew is to the White as the White is to the Black?
the Jew is to everyone what the white is to the uneducated black. Blacks just cannot grasp the next level of involvement so they go for the majority ethnic group instead of the actual people making the calls. Ultimately, your comparison is fair but not correct. It's just that blacks don't know any better.
Now do the Jew be upset towards the chink then we have it.
It's easy to get the pussy if you don't follow the rules.
>whites prosper and do better without jews
>blacks without whites are not pretty sights
Niggers are apes. Whites are people. Jews are parasites.
You may not like it, but this is what peak truth looks like.
>whites prosper and do better without jews
USA> Europe
So no you are wrong.
>Niggers are apes. Whites are people. Jews are parasites.
>You may not like it, but this is what peak truth looks like.
Build and live in one fucking country without whites help or it being totally fucked and I'll start believing you're smart
It's worth an experiment. Let's have blacks, whites and jews each separate to their own country and adopt a hands-off policy toward the other. Then in a generation we can compare how Israel, Africa, and the white countries are doing.
I wonder how that will work out.
>there are no Jews cucking Europe
WTF is wrong with you?
Here's a little secret i'll tell you
It fucking sucks in most places of america
USA still trashed Nazi Germany.
Bullshit, jews control media from beginning. In other things they lose to white bulls.
Europe apocalypsed itself. Without the world wars France, Britain and Germany would still be dominating the world.
Yes, the only difference is there are a lot of whites capable of competing intellectually with Jewish people. The main problem is that many intelligent whites lack the overachieving drive that Jews have hammered into them from the moment they're born. Intelligent whites achieve less than intelligent Jews because they're less motivated to achieve. They're fine with being good rather than the best at something. Jews are guilted by their parents when they aren't the best.
Blacks, for the most part, are a lost cause. Most of them really aren't suited for 1st world countries.
There is a reason why the colony tried to fuck off from Britain. Monarchy was a total mistake and it shows. Look how fast USA progressed on it's own compared to Europe. You know it's bad when a country with 230 years of history blows a millenium old continent out.
The USA progressed on its own to superpower status because it's a continent sized country built on the anglo traditions which propelled an island the size of Michigan with no natural resources other than coal to conquer two thirds of the world. It's no surprise that the fall of the US corresponds with its increasing diversity, and the tipping point where the US hegemony ends will occur within our lifetimes, to be overtaken by a rival homogeneous power.
racism has turned this board into such a bore. I'm sick of it. every black or jewish person I've met has same intelligence range as white ppl. for fucks sake put it to bed and think about the real issues like greedy fuckers doing over everyone else on the planet.
i just really hate jews with a passion
Yes, wypipo want to kill jews as much as blacks want to kill wypipo.
The real issue is the 99% vs the 1% but even if that issue gets solved, even then something else will take its place.
Seems like something a nigger would say
The problem is Jews don't actually have that high of an IQ. High Jew IQ is just another one of their lies.
Ashkenazi is only a Jewish diaspora population group, and have high IQs mostly as a result of their low sample size and self genetic selection for intellect. It is not reflective of all Jews and thus does not explain the over-representation. Israel itself, which is a far more accurate sample size, actually only has a LOWER average IQ than many European countries. Using Ashkenazi IQ to represent all Jewish IQ is about as honest as using rich white families from New England to represent all whites.
What DOES explain Jewish control over wealth and politics is their religious beliefs. Jews are taught to operate on a two tiered system of rules: One set of rules for themselves, and another for the gentiles. So when whites do nepotism, Jews call it out as racist. But then Jews turn around and practice 100x more nepotism than whites ever did and it's OK because they are Jews. They mark themselves as "chosen" and everyone else as not.