Was Light based? Or is he a portrayal of how Jews control everything?

Was Light based? Or is he a portrayal of how Jews control everything?

>Lowered crime by 80%
>Cucked the police force investigating him
>Chadded two girls at once
>Chadded big corrupt businesses
>Cucked the FBI
>Killed a literal God of death
>Killed the virgin L

Was he based and redpilled? What would you do politically if you got the chadnote.

Attached: Light_YagamiHD.jpg (1977x2004, 1.48M)

>blocks your path

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Code geass is better

Lelouch was definitely based, fucking zipperhead Japanese.
Fuck the new film though

>Gets a fucking heart attack

>Imagine liking Light.

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Light still got btfo by L by proxy, through his successors

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>Was Light based?
you tell me, OP. I don't watch programs meant for little children.

>code gayass
found the normie

He is the personification of divine justice.

>Get a Deathnote
>all politicians are public profiles with lists and public faces
>Doesnt kill all elected politicians

no, he is homosex.

He is litterally homosex btw.

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He was batshit insane and needed to be sopped. L was right.

>get death note
>kill all criminals to save the world
>look up news to see all the praise
>media calls me a racist god for killing predominantly black people

No that's Poundland L

Anything that happens after L death this shit

He could've used the Death Note less autistically and you know... Not getting caught. Now that would be based.

Who do you prefer, Shatalonian?


But wasn’t he a globalist?

Yeah, no.

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Imagine possibly getting caught just from writing names in a book

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>have untraceable killing weapon
>gets caught
Has there even been a bigger idiot?

Yes, but a British Imperialist too.


Clearly not untraceable then is it

By rebelling against Britannia and creating a worldwide democracy? Wut.. Lelouch was cringe and blue pilled. Charles on the other hand.... absolutely based


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Lelouch told God to kill his dad. Basr

The weapon itself was untraceable. It is the people he choose to kill that screwed him.

He should have started killing in other countries at first.

literally everything lelouch did was to try to fuck up his father
pretending to protect his sister was his way of convincing himself he isnt a crazy bastard
notice how when she dies he has a brief breakdown and then after he is perfectly fine
any "morals" or "principles" he appears to have are illusions purely for the manipulation of others
hes not a nationalist or a globalist or anything

hes a psychopath who gets pissed off at people who attack people who he thinks belong to him and nothing more

His real mistake was killing mostly japanese criminals and getting all his names from a few japanese sources.

So he’s a straight up psychopath with no morals at all? Damn, very bluepilled. Charles will always be redpilled

Wtf I love Lelouch now.

No, his real mistake was not using the world leaders as hostage. He did something like this when Nears organisation was running about. He could’ve literally controlled the world completely and forced the President to execute Near and provide proof.

If this was the case Charles wouldn't have been chadded by Lelouch and literally God. Charles is blue pilled

Could've forged proof and executed an actor

I would kill the most powerful person in the world each Tuesday at midnight.

Like who

World leaders, bankers, CEOs, media people... The most powerful in my opinion, every day.

those people woudnl't take chances. they would literally start bombing every suspected location

What would be your desired outcome?
And why only 1 a day? Why not all at once?

You need to go back.

Which roughly translates to pic related

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where do you think you are newfag

You’re right. But could light have asked the a President if he had a picture of Near. If the President said yes, Kira could use the death note to make the President send a picture of near to Light and get Misa to get the name of Near?

i would personally start by compiling a list of all of the people i would kill over a few months
and i mean like all the important politicians bankers ceos and shit and the second in line and third in line people as well and then go just start writing it down

One every week. They would first try to reinforce their security. Then when they'll understand power means death, the fun will begin. Everyone will try to be as powerless as possible, offer their fortune, favor true democracy...

If someone did this in real life they'd probably just fuck the world over more than they could possibly imagine.

It'd be like the plot of Spider-Man PS4 where the bad guy keeping things in order is taken out and then it's complete chaos.

Code Geass is as bluepilled as they come.
If you agree with Schneizel, then and only then you are redpilled.
He did nothing wrong, and he should have won.

or maybe do some random shit until then like making some president have a heart attack after saying the holocaust isnt real in a conference
or like its all the jews and then just dropping dead

Yeah good luck with that. They don't need you to know their name to pull the strings.
Also democracy is a complete sham.

Without any puppet to control they will be powerless.

Death Note was all about the hero (L) vs the anti hero (Light). It was a battle between two persons trying to reach a goal: the annihilation of crime.
Kira was all about "the end justifies the means" meanwhile L wanted other ways.
In a christian moral sense, L is more based. with 'end justifies the means' then everything is permitted.

Code Geass and death note are definitely some of the best manga/anime out there but berserk is better and truly redpilled

>Inb4 Griffith cucks appear in this thread

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>crime rate shot back up after he died
>He was killed btw by the wimpiest weakest joker member of the police team
>Both girls were yandere and very nearly gave him away
>Created another big corrupt business in his name
>Was played like a fiddle by the autistic virgin NEET Near

season 2 was garbage bye animefags

Killing L ended the show.

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That would be a wonderful timeline to live in

The most based of all anime is Madoka.

L was a sociopath. If immoral means were legitimate to obtaining righteous goals, then Government would be easy.

True, Light was becoming increasingly more tyrannical across the series. I swear there’s a scene where Mikami slaughters several Kira critics

This is true. After L dies, Deathnote is practically unwatchable

i dont remember much about mikami sadly, its been a long time since i watched the series (i need to read the manga someday)

A stupid goy manipulated by (((Light)))

>Fucking whorechild namecuck comes to Jow Forums
>sucks jew cock

Classic German, shitting on everything they see.