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Other urls found in this thread:

The entire clown world philosophy came exactly at the same time. Trump was indeed our last hope to a somewhat decent and NORMAL world and society. The world is Nothing like it was 10 years ago and it will be a lot worse 10 years from now.
I gave up hope when it turned out that trump is yet another zionist puppet. If he couldn't save us, probably nobody can. My 15 year old self from 2008 was right:
>''It really does Not matter for whom we vote for. It's all the same thing''
I've gone full cirlce these past 10+ years. Unelected elite will always take the decisions that they want.

clown world is a forced meme and literally only tells users who is JIDF. Thanks shlomo.

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came exactly at the right* time.


thank you JIDF.

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I doubted Trump in the beginning. I think many of us who were older knew what Trump was but all had different reasons to have hope. And he told us exactly what we wanted to hear. I had been worried for awhile that the open border would bring terrorists into the country. I didn't care about racism or any of that.

>If he couldn't save us, probably nobody can
Save you from what?

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There is no point in giving anything to palestiniggers since any gain will just disappear
You give them more land - they just poo over it and more land becomes unusable shit
You give them money? The money disappears into rich Arab princes wallets and the only thing you get are more printed Korans across the globe
You give them recognition and rights? They will still scream as if they are victims and cry for more with no end.
The only solution to Palestinia is glass all palestiniggers and journos so nobody will find out.

Nice trolling.

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So if we give Jews things then what happens.


Don't give it to Jews just nuke it with cobalt to make the land unusable for next 5 centuries

They will accuse you of not giving them enough and call you an anti-semite.

Why don't we just give them a colony in Syria, in return Israel stops fucking with Assad. Win win.

Because no-one wants palestiniggers, neither Jordanians nor Egyptians nor Syrians. They will pretend that they love them but once it comes to accepting them they will suddenly go silent.

Say it with me lads:

Jews take and don’t give back, what had the US benefitted from giving Israel all those weapons, nothing.

The Israelis setltled in historic Palestine and kicked all the Arabs out, they also harass the Palestinians in the small territories they have left. Palestinians wouldn’t resort to terrorism if the Israelis learnt how to share. It’s a very simple concept we learnt in Kindergarten but actually is very beneficial.

If the Israelis didn’t kick the Palestinians out and instead, considered them citizens as well, many conflicts could’ve been avoided. From the 1967 and 1973 Wars to the Palestinian terrorist attacks everyday.

Wake up America, your drowning in debt because some Jews want to steal land and not share it. I call it stealing because it was taken from the Arabs

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Absolutely based


and unit 8200.

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Go for basic income instead. Treat yo self.

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based and redpilled

is a bretty gud image to get your point across

No more wars for Isreal

Let the Jews piss everyone off and see what happens when trump refuses to send out troops

Jow Forums is pro-Israel. Jow Forums has always been pro-Israel.
We are at war with leftist anti-Zionists. We have always been at war with leftist anti-Zionists.

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DISCORD TRANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Jow Forums is pro-Israel. Jow Forums has always been pro-Israel.

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>he doesn't get the reference
you're not old enough to be here, son

>Trump was indeed our last hope to a somewhat decent and NORMAL world and society.
It just goes to show that gambling on blind faith isn't worth it. The house always wins.

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> when trump refuses to send out troops
Your ass is getting drafted boi


I see nothing wrong with with. But I do see something wrong with your flag. It's not american. This isn't your politics, fuck off.

he wont refuse , its retarded to think other wise , by recognizing golan heights trump has given israel assurance that if syria attacks , US will , at least , send a political objection
but lets keep it real here , if trump cucks on israel his fanbase will come crashing down in flames , he wont do it

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Jews > Muslims

Israel is a great based country.

I love it, nothing will awake the world and align the world against Israel and their machinations faster than Trumps support. Israel will be the central focus of attacks on Trump by 2020 and will be a major debate piece during the election.

The relationship only works if no light is shined on it, Israels relationship with Trump cant stand up to even a cursory investigation.

>if trump cucks on israel his fanbase will come crashing down in flames
He cucked on the wall and immigration and numerous other promises.
His fanbase should already be going down in flames, but most of them are stupid faggots that like tax cuts for the 1% and moar immigrants than ever apparently...

>implying 100 years of enforced degeneracy can be undone inside 4 years

rome wasn't built in a day

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if americans cant see the bullshit that trump is putting out , i guess it is up to europoors to show it

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>rael will be the central focus of attacks on Trump by 2020
No it won't, dummy. Dems wouldn't dare attack Trump over his loyalty to Israel.

>rome wasn't built in a day
Trump already signed the bills that said it won't be built. He failed. We lost.

There is literally nothing wrong with supporting isreal over the sea of shit skins that surround them

>tweet from 2015 showing Trump's support of Israel
>Jow Forums is suddenly shocked that Trump is pro-Israel
I know that #YangGang was some pretty hard core shilling, but you all didn't actually get amnesia from that, right?

>There is literally nothing wrong with supporting isreal over the sea of shit skins that surround them
As long as we achieve peace.

Tulsi will. She will have no choice once doubles down on attacks on her. Being anti-war means anti israel as their primary goal is war using the US military. AIPAC will attack her in full force and she will hit back.

at this point im all for the kikes wiping out as many shitskins as possible.

And the Dems will turn on her (same way they did with Omar). You're living in a fantasy land.

Everyone knew Trump would be pro-Israel.
We just didnt' know that he would be 100% Israel, 0% America.

>this is what Boomers actually believe

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>0% America
>arguably the greatest economy we've ever had
Don't you think you're exaggerating a little bit?

Are you shitting me? With their new super-intersectional anti-israel Ilhan Omar, they're falling all over themselves to piss in Israel's eye. Trump's 'loyalty' will most assuredly be a point of debate, and he's going to be the one pushing the buttons. Considering we know Jews in America put 95% of their money against Trump and every member of congress with US/Israel dual citizienship hates trump with a flaming passion, it's going to be a screaming conflagration all the way down.

And when the jews continue to give money to people who outright state that they are against the goals of the zionist jews and the establishment of the state of israel, then it'll be utterly undeniable who the jews truly support.

>implying the jews aren't the ones keeping the shitskins at war

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We already saw what the dems will do when jews attack a strong woman of color, like Ilhan. It will be Ilhan X100 and serve as a massive momentum builder that will snowball. People love supporting the underdog.


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Ilhan actually caused the country to Rally around her, and expose the biasedness of the upper dems. Ilhan is a perfect example of how to expose Israel and gain strength and support.

Only this time its not a Muslim woman with a history of questionable statements but a fucking war hero.

>economy was improving under Obama
>tax cuts for the rich tend to improve the economy (see Reagan)
>most jobs going to foreign born people in the country
America didn't elect Trump for a better economy. Romney could have done that. They wanted to bring back AMERICAN jobs, stop illegal immigration, cut work Visas, and have a fair tax plan.
We got none of that.

>lhan actually caused the country to Rally around her
No it didn't. You're just looking at a few lefty faggots on twitter.

So get in bed with Mephisto to go to war with Asmodeus? I thought before Israel we didnt have any enemies in the middle east...

What specific thing that he has accomplished do you agree with?

>With their new super-intersectional anti-israel Ilhan Omar, they're falling all over themselves to piss in Israel's eye.
Where is this happening?
EVERY Dem gov't came out against Omar.
So did the media.
The only people praising her are extreme leftists on twitter.

The extreme leftists on twitter are the only part of their voterbase that's engaged and active. The old guard is pissing off the active lefties, who are their footsoldiers. It was only through marshalling every force at their disposal that Hilary was even able to run for president.
Now, they have an entire field of literally whos, and the only people running now are driving away their only support.

Oh, and let's not forget the other champion of intersectionality that they've been touting.

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>The extreme leftists on twitter are the only part of their voterbase that's engaged and active.
Not really. Come election day that's all that matters.
If you really think Trump will be attacked by Dems and the media in 2020 for his support of Israel than you are insane.

to all the faggots to support israel because of "muh mudslims" , there are Palestinians who are chrisitan and they get the same treatment the muslims get, the kikes prevented the christians from entering Jerusalem to celebrate easter

Sounds mildly racist, to be honest. Maybe you should read a book?

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John Kerry will make a late entry into the Dem race and accuse Trump of being a literal Israeli agent who is guilty of treason.

I know this must seem very outlandish at the moment. I suggest to everyone here to screencap this and save it for later. Your mind will, in time, be blown.

>>arguably the greatest economy we've ever had
Time to look at income distribution also.

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Only the establishment shabbo goyim. The progressive/socialist base all defended her and made Pelosi water down her 'Suck Israel's Cock' resolution.

"Fuck Israel, they took muslim land"
>Also Pol
"Fuck jews, they should get off my land and find somewhere else to live"

There will be peace when the enemy is dead.

So, McDonald's and "clean, beautiful coal" that has no place in the 21st century? Automation is coming. Vote for free education.

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>muh Obama's economy
Obama also claimed jobs weren't going to come back. Magic Wand and all. He was wrong. How can this be his economy when he didn't even know what was going to happen next, let alone be completely wrong about it?
>They wanted to bring back AMERICAN jobs
Record unemployment hasn't done this?
>stop illegal immigration
Bring illegal immigration down to 0%? Impossible. Work to put legislation forward and have the whole country discuss the issue? Done. Granted, Dems aren't letting much happen. If Trump was a dictator things would be different.
>cut work visas
When did Trump ever promise this?
>fair tax plan
Even fake news media is praising the tax returns.
It's strange how people think Trump has "done nothing" when they're just wrong. It's actually mind boggling. It makes me realize how effective the #YangGang shilling was.
Well recently he signed an executive order to cut federal funding to college campus' that were caught attempting to squelch students, so that's one thing I'm pretty happy for. The economy is excellent under trump.

If I'm being honest, I'm scared for the future. Not my future, but the worlds

At least we have the economy....
>houses are over priced. Going to see another housing bubble pop soon.
>student loan bubble is still expanding
>renting prices are insane.
>prices for food are up
>wages have stagnated
>illegals still incoming in large numbers to take more low skill labor jobs and welfare.
Thank God the stock market is up though. I spend 400 dollars on groceries for bare minimum.... while only 12 years ago I could go hog wild with 400.
I thank God emperor trump every day for making the rich richer and for saving Israel from the evil white nationalists.

>Automation is coming.
If "automation is coming" why is EVERY company sending jobs overseas to have their products made with HUMAN hands? GM being the most recent one.


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Every nation is arming for a great war. There is no such thing as diplomacy anymore, might makes right. Mt guess is the remaining Palestinians will be driven out and given land in Jordan. It's also about ownership of the Leviathan gas field. There will be "peace" until there is war.

its wierd because i dont give a shit about either pally slime or pissreal, like, they can both get fucked.

Any minute now all those bad pedo goyim will go to Gitmo.

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go to gitmo? why for, is that where the rabbi convention is being held?

Good, fuck Palestine.

I’m not happy Israel is benefiting but so long as Muslims lose it’ll count as a win.


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>If "automation is coming" why is EVERY company sending jobs overseas to have their products made with HUMAN hands? GM being the most recent one.
That's temporary. But it's not always obvious which jobs will be automated. Doctors might be next in line (diagnosis).

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The Jews will destroy Israel. The can’t help but subvert and destroy everything

>Obama also claimed jobs weren't going to come back.
They still haven't. There's been an uptick (as happens with big tax cuts), but tons of factories are still closing and those jobs going overseas.
>Record unemployment hasn't done this?
3% of those jobs went to American born workers.
>Bring illegal immigration down to 0%? Impossible.
True, but you should at least try. Trump caved on every fight on this issue.
>If Trump was a dictator things would be different.
Or not cave on the shutdown like a faggot (after tweeting NO CAVE the day before)
>When did Trump ever promise this?
He flat out said in the campaign that he himself uses H1B visas to compete and that it hurts the American workers and that he will limit them. Instead H1B visas barely changed and H2B visas have INCREASED.
>Even fake news media is praising the tax returns.
The NY Times and WaPo are happy that their billionaire owners are getting big tax cuts? Shocking. Amazon paid $0 in taxes. Trump promised to close the loophole and have a fair tax plan. This was a PAUL RYAN tax plan with ZERO Trump ideas in it.
>It's strange how people think Trump has "done nothing" when they're just wrong. It
He hasn't.
>tax cuts for rich
>still Syria, Afghanistan, he vetoed stopping interfering in Yemen
>"we need a lot of people coming in so our corporations can have workers"
>"don't worry H1B visa holders, you're safe!"
>signs worst immigration deal in history

why should I care what brown terrorist gets the shitty desert land?

whats the cons to palestinians being genocided? i cant see any.

>That's temporary.
So they spent billions to open new factories overseas because it's "temporary"?
You're delusional.

Lol even bernie was defending her on fox town hall saying what she said was not antisemetic and we need to be able to criticize Israel. Thats the first hole in the dam :)

Less people to pester the chosen ones obviously

>They still haven't. There's been an uptick (as happens with big tax cuts), but tons of factories are still closing and those jobs going overseas.
That's false.
>3% of those jobs went to American born workers.
You were wrong about your previous point and you haven't provided a source for this... so you'll need to do so.
>True, but you should at least try. Trump caved on every fight on this issue.
Caving implies he tried to begin with, so that's an exaggeration. But are you suggesting he isn't still fighting against illegal immigration? Because that too is wrong as it's still being fought right now.
>Or not cave on the shutdown like a faggot
The longest shutdown in history due to Shumer and Pelosi?
>Instead H1B visas barely changed and H2B visas have INCREASED.
I'll wait for a source for this as, again, you have been objectively wrong.
>tax cuts for rich
Tax cuts for everyone. Did you not read the plan?
The rest is stuff you've already stated.
I think I see the issue/s. You're easily manipulated by memes, for starters. You're objectively wrong when you say he has done "nothing." He just hasn't done enough for your liking, which is fine, Just don't say nothing.
You're looking at a big Walmart being built and you're saying, "THERE'S NO WALMART HERE I WAS LIED TO."
I'm saying, "Look. It's being worked on."
Has Trump done nothing? No. Don't be dishonest. You look like a fool making this argument. You just want things now now now gimme gimme gimme (like the memes tell you how to think). There's a name for that kind of mentality... Starts with an N.

>So they spent billions to open new factories overseas because it's "temporary"?
Depends on your time scale. Obviously they've calculated exactly how much they need to produce to make it profitable in x years. Maybe ten is enough? And then they can replace those people with robots in China or Mexico instead of in USA or EU.

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Agreed, we must join forces and fight the common enemy

I'm gonna be honest with you, i'm sure that Netanyahu will not accept the plan, given how good a leader and politician he is. And that's a good thing, because to be honest the status quo is great. Being always in a state of war without being at war is very benefitial to the social cohesion of a country and prevents it from being cucked. It's not ideal but i think it's a necessary evil at least for us, to not lose our fragile identity. Israel is actually the perfect recipe of having a proud, strong, nationalist and yet developed country : Having your enemies far enough to be able to develop and not assimilate with them yet close enough to always have this threat who reinforce our love for our brothers.

>Arabs BTFO
how could he possibly be more based?