In Europe: >get really sick/injured >go to the hospital >stay until you’re better >walk out with no bills and move on with your life
In America: >get really sick/injured >go to the hospital >stay until they throw you out >walk out of the hospital with a big bill which you have to sell your house for or work the rest of your life in wage slavery for
I don't know what you're talking about. I'm American and had to stay in a hospital for 3 days in January. Actually begged to leave on the 2nd day but doc wouldn't discharge me.. Nobody wants to stay in a hospital they want to be at home.
Insurance covered almost all of the $20,000 bill. My measly savings covered the rest. Didn't have to sell any possessions or go into debt.
I guess entirely free stuff would be nice, but it worked out fine.
Kayden Morgan
In Europe: >get really sick/injured >go to the hospital >stay in line while Muhammad’s fingernails are tended to >die waiting
In America: >get really sick/injured >go to the hospital >not be a complete retard and have insurance >stay at the hospital and receive five star medical care >leave the hospital with most of the bill covered >move on with your life
Why are Europoors so retarded?
Benjamin Reed
I never had to wait more than 20mn, most likely 0 waiting if it's an emergency. And the point is that we have insurance (pre-existing conditions loophole don't apply here).
Brandon Ross
In Australia >bitten by snake >18 hour drive to hospital >car won't start abbos drank the petrol >survive because you're not a softcunt
Julian Ortiz
Who would have thought that health costs would get high?
Ayden Hall
Anybody that knows what happen when you give power to pharmaceutical companies ?
Mason Reyes
the hospital wanted you to stay because you had insurance, and they wanted to keep milking it for as long as possible
Christopher Taylor
the "pre-existing conditions" thing was a total myth, and nearly every US state made it illegal for private insurance to deny based on "pre-existing conditions" even before Obamacare. The whole thing was phony
Gavin Howard
What a meme. Alles darfst du hier werden, bloß nicht krank. Verlass' dich auf die Versicherung und du bist verlassen.
Robert Gomez
>thinks doctors want you stay Trust me, keeping our list as small as possible is priority #1. I can deal with one or 2 shitty ass patients just fine. Dealing with 3-4 when my list is 20+ is impossible.
Anthony Sanchez
Welp sorry then, we don't often get information about the details of how you insurances work. All I'm saying is that coverage is way better here and that some people in your country die of stupid thing because they don't have insurances.
Jason Harris
Everything is pretty spot on except >recieve five star medical care That is total bullshit, doctors aren't worth a fuck except for bleeding your insurance dry.
Hunter Jenkins
>sister's daughter gets high fever >go to hospital >wait for hours upon hours
It's so much better, lads
Anthony King
>this is the patient that lectures me about why he's so smart and doesn't need my advice and why he's healthy despite having multiple health issues >this is the patient that leaves AMA after a STEMI and comes back dead from a free wall rupture
Owen Cooper
In america: >get sick >get treated >pay off fees in nice monthly chunks In europe >dont get sick >still pay monthly though
I don't think YOU want me to stay. I think the pencil pushers wants low-maintenance patients with quality insurance to keep forking over for that bed.
Ian Brooks
Well that's the whole point: helping those who have less and couldn't get treated otherwise. You never got to a doctor or an hospital in your life ? If you ever did then you paid for your own treatment. And there's competition in the insurances field as well, you can pay less if you manage to go through their labyrinthic contracts.
Jeremiah Richardson
>low-maintenance >which means nothing but some blood draws >makes us absolutely no cash The money is made on taking care of the rare patient, not the standard. We have a guy here with Guillain-Barre syndrome. He's been here for a month. 2 million dollars billed to insurance so far. He's about halfway done with treatment.
Landon Myers
that's true and it's false. If you show up at an emergency room, they will treat you. they might give you a bill (or they might not: unfortunately they often try to bleed dry middle class patients while writing off broke indigents)
If you have a chronic condition, it's harder to get free long-term treatment. But if you're poor, you have medicare anyway which is essentially what Europeans have
Noah Perry
I meant a guy who's not "a shitty ass patient" not a guy who needs a bandaid on his booboo
Austin Price
Fucking moron. Read your own post again.
Austin Bell
Jaxson Reed
>Giving the ER your name >For any reason >Ever
Ryan Sullivan
>that post >that flag It's literally like reading a cuck post on reddit telling the audience how he gets cucked and enjoys it.
As the guy told you, they were milking you for your insurance money, you're just too stupid to realize it.
Also, you weren't really sick. Wait until you actually become really sick and the insurance drops you because of pre-existing conditions, lifetime limits, or increase your premiums through the roof until you can't afford it anymore.
And you still had to pay a part of the bill via your fucking saving account lmao. At least over here, our savings stay in our savings.
Noah Williams
>giving free stuff to people because you are dumb and being taken advantage of >not understanding what exponential dependencies are
>If you have a chronic condition, it's harder to get free long-term treatment. You mean because of the cost of it ?
>they might give you a bill Well that's the difference there. I dont know how much are medical treatment because I've never asked about the cost. Also it means it will make people not want to seek medical care, right ?
Leo Martin
I understand what you mean, so what ? Let people die because they can't pay ? Nice. It's not ideal for sure and there will always be people taking advantage of it.
Hunter Cooper
I don't think he's advocating for african refugees. Look at Denmark. They keep their population in check.
Evan Peterson
Europe: >Get sick >Wait months to get a transplant because of long line of migrants and lack of donors >Die Be American: >Get sick >Pay through line of beggars and lower class faggots >Receive premium healthcare because have the funds to do so >Live to the old age of 89 or 50 when the body collapses under a mountain of fat
Healthcare should be privatized if in a multicultural world, Universal healthcare is fine if we live in a mono ethnic nation
This shit applies to a small minority. This is like saying just be born rich and not die.
Hunter Harris
Well our system is part private and part public. If you have money and don't want to wait (treatment is also arguably better) you can go faster too.
Mason Richardson
You forgot the part where the government taxes you for 30% of your income and makes you wait in line for care--and that's only if they decide that you're worthy of getting health care. But don't worry! We'll make sure your 8 year old child can get its gender reassignment surgery.
Luke Cox
There are pros and cons to our system vs a more European one.
Yours people have far more incentive to come in early because it's cheaper. Dude comes in with a lipid profile of >200. He's asymptomatic. He gets a statin and his issue is controlled. Problem is that the patients who need highly advanced care struggle to get it in a timely manner because the "wait" list is bogged down and specializing isn't incentivized as hard there so there's just less of them overall.
Here our flaw is preventative care. The dude with a lipid profile >200? He never came in. He didn't get the statin. Now he keels over from a heart attack and gets a bypass done and has to have vascular surgery for his necrotic foot etc. etc. But we have specialists. Because specializing here is $$$$$$$. So he gets seen quicker and with far better equipment.
tl;dr you guys get seen sooner. We get better care after shit's already fucked.
Cameron Foster
> if they decide that you're worthy of getting health care. What ?
Easton Murphy
Because their industry is literally run by a corporate marchine. This is why hospitals work with third world countries instead of merica where they want 10,000$ for pills.
Hunter Flores
You think doctors don't get paid?
James Price
That's about 6.6k per day, which isn't that much considering you're taking a bed with medical equipment, medical staff and medicine. Hospitals in the west are expensive, we don't have hospitals with holes in the walls, mold in the vents, bed bugs in the bed sheets and dogs walking in the hallways.
Gavin Myers
I agree with your point. But seriously this "everyone wait hours to get treatment" is really not true, at least in France.
Luke Richardson
For the work and time we had to put in? Not enough I think. I remember some study that if we went and got an engineering 4+1 and started working, we wouldn't be making more as an MD until we hit 50 or something. Shit kinda sucks.
I don't mean that as in your ERs are full of dying people. It's more that people who need highly specialized care wait longer than here. So like a salpingo-oopherectomy from door to procedure is longer there than here.
John Thompson
Taxes. T a x e s pays. We too since early 90-s. I'll be in hospital tomorrow for giving blood sample, free, without queues. I think this. Big Pharma, eh?
Wyatt Morales
Oh ok I see. It's true that our medical study-line needs to change a bit. Also the Government has been shrinking the budget for years now to please private companies (since Macron is the biggest sellout we ever saw).
Gavin Smith
I went to a doctor to get a perscription refil as required. Insurance paid 150$ and I got a bill for 170$. After all the money I pay they wont pay the cost of a basic visit. They can never tell you what something is going to cost and they can bill you whatever they want. Obama had to fight to prevent insurance companies from dumping you when you get sick or refusing people coverage. Even then they can just say that what you need is not covered. You end upp paying the rest. God forbid you cant work and pay for insurance. 17% of gdp vs 10% in socialized countries. I cant afford the billionare tax they put on everything the fucking vultures.
Jordan Thomas
It's only true for people coming in with a cold. You get treated according to severity in the ER, that's how it's in every single country including the US. If people could afford to go to the ER for minor conditions like in other countries, their ERs would get packed and wait times would sky rocket.
It's like saying I like to shop at that expensive and empty hippy store where everything is marked at 10x the cost, and then boast about how there are no cash lines, and then taking a piss on people who shop at walmart, where people get the same exact thing for 10 times less, because they have to wait in line.
Americans are delusional.
Connor Wright
Theres a big difference between giving blood and being admitted for treatment at a hospital. the two are not even comparable. It sure as hell doesn't cost anywhere near 6k per day giving blood here as well.
Kevin Walker
>Even then they can just say that what you need is not covered. What the hell ? You're supposed to have a contract and most of the "what is covered or not" is kinda prepared by the Gvt here.
This, priority to emergency/bleeding/sevre pain/children. If you have a boo-boo get some band-aids or wait.
Chase Nelson
Don't listen to the edgy leaf. It's the same here. We don't see the person with sniffles when an MI is coming through the door.
Connor Perry
No I was just agreeing, the "you have to wait hours iin Europe to get treated" meme is not true, that was just that.
Bentley Brown
The trick to cheap healthcare in America is to have no health insurance. Neighbor has CANCER surgery. No insurance, cost him 4k total out the door for the 'self pay' cash price. If he'd had insurance it would have been 10k-20k in deductibles alone.
Having your blood work done, the routine every year stuff, costs $125 cash. But they bill the ins. 1k+ for the exact same thing.
My neighbor goes to same primary doc I do. I have to pay $65 PLUS insurance payments every month. He pays $50, the end.
I'm healthy. Seriously considering dropping my ins. It's bullshit. Far cheaper to pay as you go and bank those premium payments.
Jaxon Allen
>Having your blood work done, the routine every year stuff Why ? Are you okay ?
Austin Miller
>well that's the point helping those who are useless lazy pieces of shit If you cant afford insurance, you don't deserve to get treated. Also this would start incentivizing the church to start doing some good again, like they used to. Also this: State mandated health insurance is shite. I was making a point autist.
Alexander Reyes
It's a regular checkup, you're supposed to have one every year, less if the doctor is worried about something
Logan Campbell
>Thats only $7,000 per day Goy, that's a steal! If anything you should be grateful!
Juan Morris
Ok, I stayed 3 daysin hospital after my big *BOINK* in my head in underground, taking drugs and eating free food with doctor inspections. For free.
Ryan Morales
As I said before, of course some people will abuse the system. But the system like to give basic coverage (the lowest we have - basically "don't die" coverage) to lazy shits to gain votes. But look, USA does what you want and surprise it's still full of lazy shits.
Seriously ? I haven't seen my doctor in years. Last medical act I did was go to check my eyes for new glasses and lenses. Whole thing costed me around 150€ (with glasses) while still covered by my previous job insurance (cashier insurance was surprisingly good).
Juan Gray
They won't even give you painkillers if you don't give them your name
Parker Collins
>But look, USA does what you want and surprise it's still full of lazy shits. Yeah, most new technologies and scientific advancement also comes from america. Europe is finished if we don't stop coddling every retard at every turn.
Zachary Reed
>hurr durr, jew blaming, autistic rambling, hurr durr 6k per day is what it costs for a bed at a hospital. It's what every fucking country in the first world charge for their beds. The US is nowhere near close 6k.
>Ok, I stayed 3 daysin hospital after my big *BOINK* in my head in underground, taking drugs and eating free food with doctor inspections. For free. A hospital stay is covered for free here too, it doesn't mean it doesn't cost 6k per day. It still costs about 6k per day.
Christopher Wood
judging by the fact all the people on the right have hooknoses, if we get rid of those, then America and the world can be healthy again.
You heard it America from your Press, now lets make it happen!!!
In Europe: >Have a great idea for a medical procedure >Need $50,000,000 investment for R&D >Realize there's nobody investing in medical technology because there's no profit in it. >Move to the US
In America: >Have a great idea for a medical procedure >Need $30,000,000 investment for R&D because regulations are more relaxed >Corporations get into a bidding war to invest. >After 10 years of testing bring product to market >Forced to give it away free in Europe
Fuck Europe
Robert Green
Well start on your own door, or your next Merkel is going to have fun.
Adam Jones
You're supposed to go to the dentist and doctor once a year, they do a regular checkup to look for early signs of illness. Just because you feel fine, it doesn't mean you are. It's preventive medicine, which is countries with "free" healthcare have better outcomes. People don't wait until they are sick to seek treatment.
Oh yeah I do the dentist one, my bad. But not the doctor one.
Ayden Ramirez
You really should. A lot of diseases have no symptoms in their early stage, regular checkups allows physicians to catch it early when treatment is most effective.
Daniel Anderson
>There are pros and cons to our system vs a more European one. No. Only cons. Your medical system is third world lvl tiers. Costs more for less results. End of story.
Adrian Wood
I guess you're right. Btw, is that in Canada that you have the whole "family doctor" stuff and the no one can find one anymore ?
Because we have what we call a "médecin traitant" (treating doctor ?) which is the one that follow you regularly, but that's not the same thing, right ?
Owen Reyes
Top tier care here >>> top tier care there. Guarantee you that. I won't defend our system as better but there are pros.
Blake Young
No. There are none. You pay more for inferior service.
Kayden Jackson
You've clearly never been to the Mayo clinic. Anyone of means is flying out of their countries and going to Rochester, Minnesota to be seen by the worlds best when they really get sick.
Noah Nelson
>NO Ok. Agree to disagree. What do I know?
Christian Wilson
Yes. People who do not have family doctors can still go to public clinics. The government has a website where you can sign on a list, which will let you know the doctors available next to you, or when a doctor becomes available.
We have a shortage of family doctors since students tend to go into specialties instead, since they pay more.
Robert Long
Samuel Price
Hint: go to cuba, you will find doctors interested in something else than your wallet. It is close, and cheaper.
Robert Lee
Well that's sucks. I think we have the opposite problem here. General medicine is always an option here, even tho they tend to centralise too much in certain areas (especially around old people).
Matthew Thompson
in europe: get RAPED for higher taxes. Dont NEED tpo pay for things like MILITARY, so, they pay even more for health care.
in america: we have to pay for the whole fucking WORLDS military, so yeah, we cant give away health care.
Gabriel Kelly
>What do I know? Nothing obviously. Your fucking system is seen as awful in the whole world. Why defending it instead of fixing it ?
Kayden Torres
>an edgy 16 year old gonna lecture me about healthcare Because I don't need to fix it. Nor do I have the ability to do so.
Benjamin Jones
They are trying to fix it though. Healthcare has been the main issue in the past 2 decades in politics, and most parties are working on improving access to family doctors. We don't have a shortage of doctors, just family physicians. It could be easily fixed by increasing their pay, but I guess most people don't want to spend more money on healthcare than we do now. But that isn't an issue of a public system, we just chose not to increase spending. We spend half of what americans do on healthcare per capita. Most of our problems would be gone if we were to spend as much as them.
Daniel Cook
>Go to mayo, get a team of the worlds best doctors, from all over the world, extend your life by YEARS despite chronic lymphocytic leukemia My dad used to give all the the doctors shit about their accents >go to cuba, be given sugar water instead of chemo by some wetbacks, still wake up missing a kidney. I'll pass.
Tyler Ross
Hint: many countries get by without your military. And do not have rape and murder rates straight out an african civil war. Unlike the US.
Evan Wright
I see, thanks for the explanation.
Aiden Diaz
Dont forget we subsidize pretty much all the worlds medical advancements. You're welcome, baguette.
Cameron Clark
it's true, even spending your whole life being a loyal NHS toady won't save you in the end
>my strawman is an argument My fucking sides. You spend more public money, and topple it with private bucks, for a shitty system that is the laughingstock of the civilized world.
Ethan Russell
>I'll pass. Too bad. Because you could get cured. Just saying.
Caleb Brooks
>strawman Kid you don't have the faintest clue what you're talking about. I don't need to humor you.
Lucas Gomez
Wouldn't it be NICE to not have to wear a bomb vest to go to church or a concert? It would probably be pretty NICE to have armed citizens that can end an attack almost as soon as it starts.
Jose Moore
Because they are just curing incurable diseases in Cuba. Ridiculous.
Dylan Davis
France is a leading country in pharmaceutical and research. What are you talking about ? Of course you're a research powerhouse, that's not the issue here.
See my flag ? see yours ? Now google shit. Just to see how it works. Then dig. And witness how you spend twice the money on average that i do, to get "treated". Its official. Stay mad mutts.
Logan Gomez
Did you know that my insurance policy forces me to pay for breast cancer, gender disphoria and homeopathy coverage? Did you know that far more of my pay check goes into medical insurance than the average American would pay for theirs? Did you know that I have to wait weeks to months for appointments, even with urgent issues?
The more I earn, the more I have to pay for insurance, even though I don't get any better or faster treatment for it. I'm the one paying for everyone who's be too dumb or lazy to insure themselves in an American model. Stop taking about the Oh So Great European health system. It sucks ass and I'd gladly trade it in for the American one any time of the day. The only key difference is that I'm forced to pay for this shit while Americans aren't.
Charles Jones
more like in Europe >Healthy state above all cuts to common man illnesses increasing >oh no, some people are paying for better healthcare oh no thats bad i cought up blood every morning, i went through lole 6 weeks of lost pay where i had to go to doctors who constantly called in sick, just for them to say "lol u sicc, u dont haver cancer or another meme condition
>me here still going to work every day couch up blood every time i shower for over a year now
Christopher Collins
>google it!!!! Lol
Michael Martin
You cant cure uncurable deseases. So whats your point ? Is this your brain on burgers ? Nonsense ?