Did anyone find this cunt yet?

Has anyone found Rebecca Mankey yet? She's the dumb cunt that attacked a jew wearing a MAGA hat. She's been missing for a couple of days now.

Attached: SJM-L-MANKEY-0420-1.jpg (497x349, 45K)

No way this fuckable person is 46 years old. Do we have her social media?. I want to see her body type

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christ, wtf is wrong with you?

Oh no, the horror. Someone in a magatard hat was attacked.


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>christ, wtf is wrong with you?
Implying you wouldnt fuck her given the chance. Shut up dude

shes hiding in washington according to the news stories, any aons there

Get some standards

Lose weight.

Braver than the troops

Could be impossible...I heard she let her beard and mustache grow out...no telling what she looks like now

everything about her is repulsive

Creatures like that are designated as "it", because it's just not worth the risk and effort.

I think I'd rather stick my dick in an anthill

Haha she is missing this is hilarious
She is that CUNT that went on a ramapage and tried to publicly humiliate that old man


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So they're having a nationwide manhunt for this person because she attacked a Jew? LMAO.

If humanity's fate depended on it I still wouldn't touch that.

Why does anybody miss this cunt again?

It seems more like she has disappeared after the attention she received for harassing
the old man. Either shes hiding due to the pressure and someone is worried about her or someone has done something to her in retaliation. Its a missing persons report not a wanted poster.

Hopefully, she pulls a Thelma and Louise off a cliff on Pacific Coast Highway.

Not everyone is a desperate loser.
Shes absolutely rancid, inside and out.

What the fuck is with guys who have this distorted view of beauty? Its like those guys who love morbidly obese women.

The Alt-Right are threatening her life, she is in hiding.


I've looked everywhere. Nothing yet.

is that legit? I mean was there evidence she left California and went into hiding?
>Tries to use the power of internet mob to go after people you don't like
>get chased into hiding from internet mob
ironic justice, imo

Hopefully they find her decapitated head in a dumpster.

I would fuck her cunt with a chainsaw.

Rebeca, at once, tried to entice me to her trap boyfriend or, the trap was trying to entice itself to me. This all occurred on FB which I haven't had in around three years. I still really like JE WISH girls but this one wasn't for me.