Why does every go on high cruel and evil muh Dresden was while TOTALLY ignoring how Germans literally bombed London to...

Why does every go on high cruel and evil muh Dresden was while TOTALLY ignoring how Germans literally bombed London to shit, resulting in double the amount of Dresden's casualties?

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it was just some brits no big deal

Dresden was totally unprovoked. We've also covered it up to ourselves. It was an allied war crime. The wrong side won that war

Germans deserved it for trying to mess with us

London was bombed first.

Because Brits will just fuck nearest cousin and reproduce back, krauts were actual people.

This, also London was bombed back in WW1 too.

Coventry was the first big bombing raid. Supposedly they knew it was coming because of the code-breaking but couldn't evacuate as that would give away the fact they were reading the German communications. Huge bombing at Portsmouth, some civilians machine gunned on the beach along by Poole Harbour iirc. Very bad times desu

I'm really sorry.

It was a mercy killing to spare them the trauma of seeing what has become of their country today. Be happy for them, sorry is for the living.

that's ok user

Because brits are cucks

> Germany bombed London first
Pea brained uneducated idiots. Within a few days of Churchill coming to power (without any process that put him there) began a deliberate and public campaign of bombing civilian targets. Hitler repeatedly, publicly and diplomatically asked them to stop the illegal targeting of civilians.

After nearly four months of unceasing civilian targeting by the Brits, Hitler promised to drop 1,000 bombs on British civilian targets for every bomb dropped on german targets, but after 9 months he quit because he hated the idea of killing fellow Germanics.
>Hitler quit the bombings due to superior RAF defenses
No, most of the German bombing raids were during the day and by moving the bombings to night time they could have kept up the bombings for at least another year.

Unlike cowardly Brits, the Germans typically dropped flyers before bombing cities to give civilians a chance to evacuate. This is the basis for books like "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"

And for a little dose of Jewish subversion, Jews would often deliberately leave their lights on during bombing raids so British bombers could target better. The next day they would be rounded up and sent to Concentration Camps for the duration of the war so it wouldn't happen again. Is it any wonder the Concentration Camps had an unusually large number of Jews?

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6,000,000% true

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bombed the british? wtf i love germany.

wehraboo as fuck

Overy traces the origins of the bombing war back to 10 May 1940, the same day that Germany began its attack on the West and Churchill replaced Chamberlain as British prime minister. ‘Chamberlain had always opposed the use of bombing against urban targets,’ writes Overy, ‘but Churchill had no conscientious or legal objections.’ Indeed, already as Minister of Munitions in 1917, Churchill had been in favour of an independent air force and a policy of long-range bombing against German industrial targets.

Up until Churchill’s appointment as prime minister both Germany and Britain had stuck to a pledge not to attack targets in each other’s cities where civilians were at risk. Overy dismisses the long-held belief ‘firmly rooted in the British public mind’ that Hitler initiated the trend for indiscriminate bombings. Instead, he says, the decision to take the gloves off was Churchill’s, ‘because of the crisis in the Battle of France, not because of German air raids [over Britain].’

Ethical restraints which had been imposed at the start of the war became slowly eroded as a result of Britain’s decision to initiate ‘unrestricted’ bombing of targets located in Germany’s urban areas. In a fascinating chapter entitled ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’ Overy suggests that Britain’s Bomber Command developed its tactics for concentrated ‘area bombing’ and the wide use of incendiary bombs by observing the destruction Germany wrought on London during the Blitz.

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Hitler was humane. He bombed only military targets and at the day ONLY. But then Churchill started bombing german cities at night, and Hitler had to retaliate. now jews and anglos scream MUH BLITZ when reality they are the worst of them all


You deserve worse, Ivan.

They're in a better place than we are

actually based and redpilled

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The bombing of London killed about 28,000 in 8 months. The bombing of Dresden killed almost that many (possibly more) in three days. Then there was Hamburg (40,000 in one raid), Berlin (between 20,000 and 50,000), etc etc - between 350,000 and 600,000 in total. It isn't the same at all.

And yet we destroyed and raped through your dream reich. Germans got what they deserved, the downfall of their culture.

>bombing city to terroize population
>herd refugees into city and liquidate them with firebombing

i suppose the difference is a slim margin of sportsmanship

I really hate the british, they're the ones that brought these niggers and faggots to our society and rejected Hitler's peacufel treaty. Fucking faggots, I'm sad that not more faggot brits didn't die in the bombing of the Blitz. Good Riddance!

Your facts are incorrect. Hitler targeted London because it contained non-combatant workers (white workers btw).
The Brits and US bombed Dresden for the same reason. (Also killing white people).

You forgot how built all factories for Stalin after Holodomor American fake?

You know how I can tell you're a Jew.

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Jews btfoed the reich even better. Literally cannot criticize Jews in Germany, the former reich also has to pay reparations and endlessly apologize for being German.

I lived in Dresden in 1990 and about a fourth of the city was still in ruins. Dresden's population was more than double it's peacetime population due to refugees from Silesia and Czech - both German and Slavs. The original count under East German control was 250,000 to 300,000. Only in the last 20 years have the kike-controlled western government lowered the figure, which is laughable. The city was housing an estimated 1.5 million people and it was completely destroyed - completely. The last day of bombing targeted the roads jammed full of fleeing civilians. The atom bomb on Nagasaki was a more moral action than bombing of civilians fleeing on foot.

Inexcusable - every Brit (and worse yet German) who denies this is going to burn in Hell for all of eternity.

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Stalin was humane. He didn`t kill 3mln captured Germans in concentration camps like Hitler.

Why are amerimutts so obsessed with whiteness. Russians are white, poles are white, germans are white, french are white, but they're all very different people with different cultures,food,songs,history. It really pisses me off when some amerimutts start talking because only literal shit comes out of their mouth, like MUH WHITES and MUH CHRISTIANS. Fucking losers, no wonder every country behind your back thinks of you as inbred farmers with no brain.

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it was actually the Basque town of Guernica in the Spanish Civil War that was probably the genesis of strategic bombing. Only got a couple of hundred casualties ( estimates vary ) A joint effort by the Italian & German airforces supporting Franco

Just proves we were better at it then the germs, it’s war and people die they kill us we kill them.

He killed even more, and he killed your people as well. I kinda support Stalin for that, even though he was a psycho you can't blame a man for wanting to kill more retarded russians. Good riddance fucking TIBLA!

>I lived in Dresden in 1990 and about a fourth of the city was still in ruins
this is why nobody likes americans

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Your just wrong my dude

You couldn't have done it without foreign help. And yet they got up on their feet and turned into a dominant power within less than 50 years. You on the other hand are still a complete failed state, 95% of the nation being some shithole nobody ever heard of.

The important thing is they aren't Germans anymore, but a bunch of feminine soibois. We broke their spirit.

And this is good because?

I have many German friends and have to completely agree with you. Hitler totally underestimated the control Jews have over Aryans. If he could have watched The Matix before beginning the war he would have understood that he needed to wage total war against Britain and he would have created a war economy starting in 1933, instead of 1943.

Dunkirk was the first of many mistakes underestimating the bloodlust of Churchill's England.

The Soviet invasion was inevitable, but England could have been solved before the Soviet invasion if Hitler was not so weak-kneed toward the Anglo-Saxons in control of Britain.

It is fucked up and must lead to the complete extinction of one or the other.

Well, if I am a Jew as you have claimed, then it must be pretty good for me.

BS. 1955 germans werent soiboys.

>He killed even more
give example of mass murder of Germans by Stalin

Dude, tht's not an argument. Contradict a fact if you believe I am mistaken. Happy to have a conversation and learn something if you have something to contribute, but you don't so you hide behind blanket attacks. You must be a fucking kike.

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Actually you're just mentally ill. Good luck with that, hope it gets better.

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>Slavs are white
Wow. Impressive blue pill.
>unable to address the substance of the argument
But I repeat myself.

I know some russia germans, they said their ancestors were killed in gulag because of muh trotzkyite spy.

>Very different
We still share a general respect for decency that brown people literally cannot comprehend

Its not 1955 anymore

Notice how the only replies are insults

it`s very small amount of people. Hitler killed 3mln captured Russian solgiers

Well it's difficult to argue with reason when you're wrong.

> he needed to wage total war against Britain

I never knew why he didn't?
would have wiped us out pretty easy.


Probably should've killed more. Most redpilled people on JQ shit and that constantly wonder why he killed and hated slavs so much. Believe me, by living right beside them, I understand completely why Hitler did what he did. And he was right.

This is good how?

>I never knew why he didn't?
Because he liked Germanics and thought you all would eventually come around to reason through pure hereditary reasons.
He just didn't understand how controlled by kikes you (and America) were.

Bodycount comparison is false equivalence.

This is good because with the state they are in right now they'll never be able to try something like that again.

When the reverse happened

your opinion has zero value

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But problem is everyone wants then too except 2 people and we know who those are. Do you honestly believe what happens now is good?

thats bullshit but i beleive it

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It's not my opinion. Literally anyone who has lived with slavs understands me. They're all drunks and retards whose only source of joy they have is their national pride. I like the saying of Schopenhauer:
“The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.”

of what?

rare based anglo

Honestly, I do not believe wiping out an entire culture is a good thing. The Germans had something unique, something they've been developing for centuries, but decades of propaganda broke their back. They are still a wealthy nation with some traditions remaining, but with the direction the world is heading, its going to slip away piece by piece. And that's the trend for the whole world, not just them.

>quotes this
>praises hitler
t. mentally retarded



yeah Hitler dindu nuffin, he was a good boi

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Poles see it different.

>>I lived in Dresden in 1990 and about a fourth of the city was still in ruins
>this is why nobody likes americans
whats the problem?

you are not Estonian,you should be deported from Estonia

why do people forget that his cronies literally went to houses and took everyone they deemed of a "lower subspecies" ( e.g. dwarfism, mentally retarded, too short ) and shot them, do they think this is propaganda?
I suppose the countless letters from the church and outcries of priests begging him to stop this are from the juden!


>meme flag
Kill all midgets.

bar on a car?

Image search is your friend.

Both sides wanted to rip each other's heads off. Happens all the time.

>double the amount of Dresden's casualties?
Dresden was 3x that of London. Also it wasn't only Dresden, it was almost every German civilian city and jew camp that the British bombed. Then they went after everything that moved on the roads, kids going to school, people leaving the destruction of the burning cities, cows, ambulances, fire trucks. You name it they shot it.

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This idolization of one side over the other will get you nowhere you delusional faggots.
It was a shitshow and everyone was a fucked up lunatic ( and they call the ancient world barbaric.. )
Literally churchill and hitler had the same idea but the kraut beat him to it
and america began sterilization before hitler even dreamed of it

google doesnt answer the riddle for me, idk what you are on about.

Only after you butchered your royal family and slaughtered half your own countrymen during the Bolshevik Revolution.
>At Odessa the Cheka tied White officers to planks and slowly fed them into furnaces or tanks of boiling water; in Kharkiv, scalpings and hand-flayings were commonplace: the skin was peeled off victims' hands to produce "gloves"; the Voronezh Cheka rolled naked people around in barrels studded internally with nails; victims were crucified or stoned to death at Dnipropetrovsk; the Cheka at Kremenchuk impaled members of the clergy and buried alive rebelling peasants; in Oryol, water was poured on naked prisoners bound in the winter streets until they became living ice statues; in Kiev, Chinese Cheka detachments placed rats in iron tubes sealed at one end with wire netting and the other placed against the body of a prisoner, with the tubes being heated until the rats gnawed through the victim's body in an effort to escape.

You had it coming Ivan.

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Dorian on a Delorean.

Yiddisch for "animal slaughterer".

The Germans helped bolsheviks to take the power in the first place.

Berlin was attacked first, Britain claimed the attack on Berlin was a (((accident)))....Germans retaliated with attack on London.
Wouldn't expect and american to know that though.

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dresden was totally unnecessary. churchill was just being an asshole. like the war was basically already over.

Why would Germans help fund communist Jews?

Even if they did, this doesn’t prove that all Germans approved. Hitler would have been disgusted by the idea.

Dorian in the Delorean

I only blame those who larp as nobles and their blood relatives the banking familes, because both are related and both are responsible for all the deaths in every war

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FYI: They wanted to close eastern front in ww1, so they helped bolsheviks to dostroy Russian empire from inside. After taking power bolsheviks signet peace treaty with Germans and gave up quite a lot of clay, but Germans lost it when they lost the war year later.

It just shows that he was retarded. Its whole history Britain tried to prevent a European superpower to emerge on continent and helped destroy every state that got too powerful.

>Why does every go on high cruel and evil muh Dresden
I have never heard anyone ever make this claim.

The sad part is that if King George V hadn’t died in 1936 none of this would have happened. There is no conceivable way he would have waged war against the Germans (his own family) if he had survived to 1939. It was the death of King George that led to the constitutional crisis with Edward VIII which destabilised the royal family and allowed the Jews to weasel their way into power and control British politics from behind the scenes through the “brain trust”. This simply wouldn’t have been possible if George V remained on the throne.

>not in citation given
>During the Uprising, on September 5, 1944 the Zaluski Library ... was burned down.
>Those libraries had already suffered in September 1939, when they were bombed and burned
War is hell. The cities and towns that did not carry out Partisan attacks were not bombed, burned, etc. Germans abided by the Geneva Conventions to a fault. Virtually all of Polish history regarding WWII was Soviet propoganda. Warsaw was destroyed to the extent it was because it was the front line of the war twice. Notice how Paris was completely saved from destruction - because they surrendered early.

And - an image of a random, uncited web page is not a citation. Please give link to this propaganda.

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>They wanted to close eastern front in ww1, so they helped bolsheviks to dostroy Russian empire from inside

I’m not disagreeing with you. I’m also vaguely familiar with this story. My point is most honest German’s would have vehemently disagreed with those methods and perceived the negative long term consequences of Russia falling into the hands of the communists.