Red Flag Laws Are My Red Line

I live in Pennsylvania, home of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting. These niggers are talking about passing a red flag law and I just want them to know that is the last straw.

I AM a dangerous person AND I have the right to bear arms, just like my forefathers. If you pass these blatantly unconstitutional laws, I will hunt you and your family down in the streets and in your homes. Cops, prosecutors, judges, legislators and their families will all become targets. Anyone involved with passing or enforcing unconstitutional laws is a traitor and deserves death. I will not be a slave in my own country. It is everyone's right and duty to kill tyrants.

So, I beg you to please pass the law, because I'm so fucking bored of life and I've had about as much of this kike BS that I'm gonna take before I start killing.

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Sloppy job mossad

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Won't stop me from killing Jews and traitors you kike faggot.

>Won't stop me from killing Jews and traitors you kike faggot.

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No, it would be a real action taken by a real person who refuses to be a slave to kike puppets. Your schtick is tired.

sloppy job mossad

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I better just give up and surrender to the KIKES then right? Kek. Neck yourself faggot.

EVERY TIME Trump is winning you shills come back pushing civil war faggotry and calls to violence then a false flag takes place.




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Trump is a kike puppet who fucking supports Red Flag laws you retarded fucking shill.

Sloppy job mossad

Attached: Trump hilariously giving two thumbs.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

Do you have an actual argument you nigger?

you won't do anything faggot.

Try me kike.

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If you were going to do anything, you already would have. Now go to yinz family and cry about the big bad faggots holding you back, when it is really you that are the absolutely massive faggot.

>If you were going to do anything, you already would have.
What kind of retarded logic is that?

2 JIDF shills talking to each other

Hello samefag
ID = nbXsdy

It isn't retarded logic. If you actually paid attention you would have done shit long ago, so you must either be a fucking newfag, or a massive larp, desu

>Complaining on Jow Forums
>Talking shit
Always some representtive of the LGBT+ community starting threads lately... getting tired of this trend desu

totally JDIF here mate.

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you wont do anything you nigger

Maybe I'm just a poor fag with a lack of resources and mobility and I've been working hard and saving and soon I'll be able to travel the country killing my enemies.

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No one is talking shit you no-guns faggot


me: ok

so why are you telling this to a completely unrelated group of people?

stfu larper

How are you completely unrelated?

because im not a pennsylvania lawmaker, none of us are

go to a townhall, track em if you know so much and make these threats in person, you wont cause youre a L A R P e r

This. OP is a little bitch boy.

Cleetus sounds pretty butt hurt today...

yeah, real good they did you m8. Keep us posted with the tyrant killcount lol

Insert navy seal copy pasta. Internet tough guy extraordinare

I hope OP is a real guy and I hope he does it. What else can stop unconditional gun laws other than the traitors being shot at?