Do you realize your honk meme failed like all other memes?
Do you realize your honk meme failed like all other memes?
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left truly can't meme
You can't fail if you have no goals
That was a forced leftypol meme calling Jow Forums a bunch of clowns, it was embraced and repurposed as normal
Do you realize your dick is mutilated like all other goyim slaves?
But it was a psyOP and completely inorganic.
There are only two genders. Wanting to cut off your dick is a symptom of mental illness.
It was a biz meme you faggot
>(((your))) meme failed
That wasn't her first tender. I'm sure the camera guy noticed her doing that, wtf'd, and decided he had to film it.
whose what did what now?
it was always jewish shilling trying to force nihilism after their garbage yang memes crashed
>Forced meme failed.
Jesus you people are fucking retarded.
based vietnam gets it
>I am reasonable
The left can not meme.
not a viet but thanks anyways
This! Holy hell that wan painful to read!
>american """cuisine"""
This place is just shills and fedposters ffs get off my board faggot
This comic is like a fantasy argument you have under the shower
If we make everything racist, then people will wake up to pc culture
>europoors will never know the taste of a delicious chicken tendie dunked in Coca-Cola
i hope you're joking and not actually mentally retarded.
No. You failed.
The same people who don’t get the Honkler meme are the same folks who though Abby Hoffman was making sense back in the day. Or if they’re younger, they probably think The Daily Show is accurate news
pure words of wisdom
You really want to keep the rainbow.
Remember that using it now might be seen as racist in two or even five years. Thats the power of being autistically commited to this stuff.
Wait, so I didn't laugh at them? Thanks for the heads up.
Transgenders should be killed or put in an asylum. They are less than human
I forced you to waste your time and feel fear
you wasted more resources than me and in this war of attition I come out with more and more yet to gain. You have nothing but your hallowed assumptions and wet paper bag of security.
I am racist and I don’t care. I cannot wait for the inevitable global race war so that I can impale and crucify shitskins and subhuman sympathisers such as yourself enmasse. I hope you are prepared.
So do they just have special keyboards for hebrew letters or what?
Don't need to make any meme, liberals, commies, fags, multiculturalist, Globohomo, it's all CLOWN WORLD.
That's yiddish from Google translate now this is Hebrew from my Google keyboard כללךדחדמשא-ךךםלגש it gets people going. Try to translate it shouldn't say anything.
Nah, this shit gave me some a e s t h e t i c shit
If that were true you wouldn't need to keep posting this shill thread.
how is it a fail if it actually becomes racist?
mine isn't
Nope. Its only evolving
i like this comic