The Corruption Of The American Woman

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The Corruption Of The American Woman
February 2, 2016 by CH

Through a series of photographs, you are about to witness the corruption of the American Woman unfold over the course of three years. It’s not for the faint of heart.

Do you agree/disagree, what are your thoughts, observations.

Attached: whatever.jpg (500x608, 73K)

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She has a sex video on pornhub. Her name is alison

>white women

i respect how heartiste highlights the issues that mainstream wants to exacerbate, but many people know these are symptoms of a much greater issue

whenever we highlight the individual roastie, it’s to redpill the masses. how do we stop something like this? it starts with the father

fathers need to step up their game and receive more positive encouragement from these pockets of “wrongthink”, rather than the constant nagging and gaslighting they get from all forms of mass media

>men prefer debt-free virgins without tattoos

Attached: image.jpg (616x405, 327K)

I couldn't care less. She's not kin, nor do I have any power to help her even if I did care. It also is apparent she was picked as an example because there are signs of her being a coalburner. Had she been your typical white thot we wouldn't be having this thread.

Typical white thots are coalburners

This shit will subside we are just living in another hippie decade. Once 2028 things are will be back to normal.

Here is the problem.

There are more men than women.
Women rate 80% of men(18-30 years) below fuckable level
Men in the above age bracket have sex 3x less than women(the frequency did not change for them) that means that the top 20% of men are fucking 80% of women and the rest of the 80% is becoming desperate beta-orbiters.

This is an endless circle and it started from the birth pill+hypergamy -> weak men -> slutty women + weak men -> more weak men etc.

cant find it

White whores who fuck blacks are rare, and many who do don't go broadcasting it by adopting nigger culture or standards of beauty.

>Women rate 80% of men(18-30 years) below fuckable level
80% of men are not virgins

>photo 3 says she's unviable for marriage but still fuckable
Haha ok big guy sure

Good luck getting cucked.

>>men prefer debt-free virgins without tattoos
The problem is most modern men don't
They want girls that put out

>shit colored eyes
into the garbage..

Attached: IntheGarbagePlebbit.gif (237x240, 1.95M)

This isn't close to typical

I find the moral decline of the VIRTVOUS TRVE ROMAN WOMENHOOD to be a bigger concern.

Attached: B1203AAD-6F49-4511-81E9-7CBD04796D81.jpg (1529x2209, 1.74M)

You mean they want a cheap thot who puts out because they are so desperate for sex, which is a diesel fire added to by all the twisted shit in society currently. If intimacy and marriage wasn’t completely fubar, the common theme would still be for men to participate in the pursuit of tattoo free debtless virgins because they could have as many kids as they want and fuck them as much as they want, without everything which has ruined that sanctity.

This but vnironically

>The problem is most modern men

Decline of women started with the decline of men.

"Women are a reflection of societies men".

Attached: unwin2.jpg (638x426, 184K)

>they are so desperate for sex
Then they should get married

1) Give it time.

2) A meaningful relationship is far more important than sex. If simply having sex is on the decline, there's a far more catastrophic implication when it comes to men's ability to form a psychologically and emotionally fulfilling partnership.

Attached: stats.jpg (805x606, 46K)

Yeah for sex
Marry a slut and see what happens. I bet you the men she considers have a lot more sexual options due to the 80/20 rule in the sexual market thus they won't marry, the 80% that would wait and marry her, she probably considers not dateable

kek wew lad

>1) Give it time.
28% in the past year is far from 80% all of their lives
> men's ability to form a psychologically and emotionally fulfilling partnership.
whoremongering does not help with that

Roissy is a very smart guy

Women only care about sexy stupid fool, relationships are a meme. A girl could be dating a Chad who barely even talks to her and still say its a "great relationship".

If the rollo is a scholar then Roissy is a natural.

You do know that marriage rape is a concept now, and wives are no longer socially obligated to fuck their hushands? Many men follow your advice, only to end up in sexless marriages where they mudt resort to porn or escorts for sexual release. Knowing you you'd just blame them for picking poorly, or not maintaining frame, or some other tradcon argument used to absolve women of any responsibility.

>Marry a slut and see what happens
where did I say you should?
>80% that would wait and marry her
80% of men are not waiting to get married
Stop posting this reddit nonsense

>There are more men than women
What? There are more women than men. You could have just googled it.

>Knowing you you'd just blame them for picking poorly
I would

wtf do you know about american women, you slav trash? heck, wtf do you know about any woman, god damn virgin?

I did not say that 80% of men want to get married. Fuck I don't.

I meant 80% of the men in her dating pool that consider marriage(along with the 20% of "Chads").
Obviously marriage is for women, not men.

Attached: mongrel.jpg (248x203, 11K)

>whoremongering does not help with that

Never said it did.

Hypergamy is a genocidal force that has never been unleashed before since it was suppressed with draconian patriarchal laws all throughout history.

Women starve 80% of men to death by denying them love when men give women love as if it were nothing. That's why women value careers over relationships until they're over 30. They think men always act like dedicated slaves when it's really about their youth and beauty. By then it's too late.

Populations all over the world are being wiped out because of this.

Attached: un-russia-population-forecast-600x407.jpg (600x407, 41K)

ding ding ding
Women Are The Devil's Gateway

That's pretty heartbreaking to witness this transition. I blame Kim Kardashian and other female celebrities who are a bad influence on young girls.

Where does this 80% number come from?

>I blame Kim Kardashian and other female celebrities
I blame their worthless fathers.

>she had straight hair before, that means she was pure.

incel please, put down the fedora

>The Pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few, or the principle of factor sparsity) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

I mean it's pretty obvious that women manifesting negro culture through their wardrobe and body are probably sloots. Doesen't mean you can't fuck them m8.

You mean mothers?

Post sex tape and there will be an end to the horror

So reddit
And what evidence do you have 80% of men cant get a woman?

No because mothers are not the head of the household.

Check the img you stupid cunt.

So the same retarded shit about how men are rated on dating sites for losers

The stats that "30% of men in the age range 18-30 are virgins" is not highlighting the problem very well.

I would love to see a chart of sex frequency in men and women in that age group.

>The stats that "30% of men in the age range 18-30 are virgins
citation needed

"Virgigns", sexless for at least a year.

>for at least a year.
That does not make you a virgin

Fathers sure as hell aren't. Men haven't had authority over women for the latter half of the 20th century to today.

It's a good thing they made disciplining your kids properly illegal.

Look, children learn culture from their peers, not their parents. We need a culture where boys and girls have an arranged marriage around 16-18 years old. It's the only way. The culture has to change, and this starts at home.

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The 3D vaginal Jew will be replaced by 2D wifus

Attached: __graf_zeppelin_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kyougoku_shin__f3ad19a68b546f296c35badaa3f498d8.jpg (558x900, 185K)

"The culture has to change" yup
Real 2D to replace the 3D vaginal jew

Attached: downloadfile (1).jpg (723x1023, 713K)

>american woman

this is happening everywhere

>men are driving it

>the shorter men are driving it

lol I suppose they believe the reason white children are getting taller and taller is "better nutrition".