Does a loss of privacy make people more productive?
Does a loss of privacy make people more productive?
Not an ounce of testosterone in that entire office space
the Gulags had basicly no privacy and thay build the most of the Russion Infrostruction
pure fucking cancer
Yes, being constantly watched puts people under psychological pressure to perform.
It's way worse. I had to go NEET because of workspaces like this.
How can one actually THINK in an environment like this?
>Jow Forums dweebs and NEETs can't imagine browsing in public because of their many paraphilias and perversions
>protip: if your general browsing habits would cause disgust in people passing you by, they're not the weirdos, you are
t. low test soïboi
I used to be a part of that fucking rat race. Never again. I do my best work at 04:00 AM at home in the dark, not when I'm surrounded by bugmen and Leftists.
>Black Lives Matter poster
>not a single black person in the office
PR is important.
bloody developer s o i manchildren and their stupid workspaces
Yes, you can't hide from the overseer that way
>not when I'm surrounded by bugmen and Leftists.
why are (((techies))) such fags? remember when 90s nerds were genuine and inventive?
>working together with people constantly on mundane projects
Holy fucking waste of time batman. Give me 10 projects, and fuck off and let me do them. If I can't, fucking fire me. If I need fucking Paul to pipe in every 10 minutes then I'll be packing my shit and heading somewhere that is not a cesspit of corporate over reach.
>tfw no personal space to browse Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
>protip: the overseers in those companies don't know what you do or how you do it
Tfw my browser history is 90% pol and 10% youtube.
Forgot the pic
Feer of death
Open floor office plans had to happen, to remind people of why cubicles were invented in the first place.
The true senior ranks are still primarily held by grade A autists. Don't let the titles fool you, whenever you enter an organization you'll find out quite soon everyone's
>go-to guy
I've been to a half a dozen organizations now, and the guy who actually knows his shit is always an autist.
It all depends on if you value the work you are performing. I tend to do my best work in front of others, because their presence compels me to work harder so I don't look like a jackass in front of them. But if you're the type who doesn't care about looking retarded, then a lack of privacy might only prove to be a nuisance.
Yea, until they develop literal paranoid schizophrenia
I browse Jow Forums at the office, nobody cares. I do disable images though.
Imagine being around that amount of technology all the time, all the waves and radiation n sheit
>open office plan with decent-sized desks > cubicles > open office plans > mobile workstations
Cubicles disincentivize impromptu conversations about tech and just chit-chatting with coworkers. Cubicles highlight the fact that you're there to be individually drained of your life force and that's it.
>I tend to do my best work in front of others, because their presence compels me to work harder so I don't look like a jackass in front of them.
So you're an insecure little bitch.
This is the type of office a 15 year old girl would design.
actually there's one guy talking to a chick in the left foreground. However, considering the screen it's probably just the local computer tech explaining how she needs to remember her password.
yeah, torch this place
That's where people who don't grow up work so it checks out
No, loss of privacy doesn't make people more productive.
In reality, it turns them against those who do not respect their privacy ...
> productive
Until they leave, to find somewhere sane.
You know there aren't many people with real life experience ITT from the fact that nobody points out that reasonable noise policies make a huge difference.
>no phone calls
>no meetings or review sessions
at the desk help a lot. Headphones with active noise cancellation help a lot too.
I honestly have no idea. My uncle is a basedboy because hes a vegan. I know some OG IT guys from the 50s and 60s, those guys are geniuses. Those days were the peak of our civilization. Back then you couldnt even turn a computer on without having an extensive knowledge of computer architecture, cpu design, electrical engineering and assembly programming at a bare minimum. Programmers today are absolute brainlets compared to the guys of the past. Were so screwed.
>8 posts by this ID
>b-b-but you p-p-p-post too much
How new are you?
No. It just makes them hate other people more. And turns some people into serial tattle tales.
That 'Black Lives Matter poster on the pinboard on the bottom right looks contrived. Not a single darky in that whole "office".