It's time we talked about the emcel epidemic

Men aren't the only ones that this clown world has been screwing over. These poor women just can't seem to find a good guy to settle down with! We need to spread awareness of the emcel problem.

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Other urls found in this thread:

All the good guys got friendzoned.
You think Chad wants to hear about how stacy is a bitch?
Sorry about your luck roasties, hahaha!

Fuck women.

>If you're under 6ft or inches you can fuck off m8.
>Where are all the good men ?

what does emcal stand for?

>let's fuck random dudes and have fun every day!
>gee, I wonder why don't I care about any men?
Why work towards anything meaningful when men give you free attention and money all day? If these women had any direction to their lives they would find meaningful relationships, but the men have no direction either and enable their infancy.

This is a great psyop. Bump

read nigger read

Emotionally celibate. Read the fucking pic

We need to do something about emotionless, robotic women.

I get rejected pretty often. There are women who are intersted but there are also many who are only intersted in 7feet tall Chads. Best to avoid those

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Opening up emotionally to a women is a mistake most men won't make more than once.

as long as stupid women want to be with bad boys, this is what will happen. It's their own fault.

a good guy is a guy with money.

Spread it on Twitter in Feminist circles, but do it subtly.

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I wasn't expecting the last one to get deleted, anyone saved the pics?

This isn't about that. This is about saving Western civilization. We need to make women way more emotional than they currently are.

Females are mentally and emotionally equivalent to children

this has something into it, a grain of truth

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>I get rejected pretty often. There are women who are intersted but there are also many who are only intersted in 7feet tall Chads. Best to avoid those
i think the problem is they expect love at first sight like the movies
that shit is rare, especially as you get older.
and it only means your facial aesthetics are similar.

op of that thread here, which pics you want. i did a nice wojak

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Archive to the rescue:

The trick to opening up to women is to do it in a way that shows you still have control of the situation. They will bitch at you for never showing emotion saying how they want you to show more, but lose respect for you when you do, unless you open up in a way that shows you're not phased by whatever is actually bothering you and that you have a solution in mind or are confident in finding one.

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no it isn’t. how are incels even more retarded than women?

So they are emotionally celibate but not physically huh? Yeah. No sympathy from me

Promiscuity and the pill are two separate causes, it's important to make clear the brain changes that happen after 10 years of telling your body it's pregnant when it's not. (Who could have known?)

Thanks man, upvoted

i like this meme a lot. we should spread it.
Diversity + Feminism, 2 pronged attack against the liberals.

Ohh, my bad thought this thread was something else. Good plan anyway, reminding women what they've lost.

they gave me a warning for that thread. was it because i didn't wrap it into politics enough?

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Is that true about the pill? It would explain a lot.

> Fuck Chads to death
> Feel emotionally empty

>So they are emotionally celibate but not physically huh? Yeah. No sympathy from me
Women find it easy to get SEX
Men find it difficult to get SEX
but Women find it difficult to find LOVE

For them no love = no sex for men'
Problem is feminists are telling women to get sex instead of love.

Where is the "visit Jow Forums for more information"? You had it on the first version of that photo, in the deleted thread.

I thought it's calles roastie.

The point isn't sympathy friend, the point is to redpill normies very very slowly, and this is a foot in the door to discussing the roastie problem. I honestly believe it's not completely women's fault. For one it's on men for falling for the giant shit test that feminism was, and two, the jews brainwashed them to be whores with social media.

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Elliot Rodger did nothing wrong.

>world's smallest violin

Idiot roasties are disgusted by any man who shows concern for them and then complain about "emotional celibacy?"

>but Women find it difficult to find LOVE
this is peak incel cope

So you're trying to trend this
"Women who have plenty os sex are victims of men and their own lust, they are used by it, and end up unhappy because meaningless sex leads to nothing but despair and selfharm"
And by that make women jump on the bandwagon so they all can spam on f@cebook and tw|tter how lonely they are despite having sex constantly, in hope women will see it as "cool" and trendy to actually withstand from meaningless sex in order to find romantic feelings?

>Is that true about the pill? It would explain a lot.
Pill + Vegan diets
You need high fat, low carb diet to synthesize hormones.

Feminism is a huge political issue aka Sexism
I don't understand why the mods keep removing topics on feminism/family/dating. These are all social issues.

I'm act not bad looking. I've been told I am 7/10 but bcs I'm smart and funny and cute I get to date top tier women. However there are some who only expect 10/10 super Chads. Some even a manage to ge tone to date them. But I have learned to only pay attention to women who are into me

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Where did the emcel term come from, anons?

Guess so. Whats your point?

show me a single woman without kids that isnt a complete roastie and ill take her on a date... cant even go for the younger ones anymore because they have kids also

sorry i want my own family

From wine aunts that didn't succeed in killing themselfs.

i made it up a couple days ago

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>this is peak incel cope
No. Talk to women
Men approach women
Women don't have the option to seek out love/emotional support/
Problem is women don't realize they are looking for a good relationship partner and instead are focusing on getting the hottest looking guy.
But genetic selection is both looks AND personality.
So they aren't properly evaluating men.

>Idiot roasties are disgusted by any man who shows concern for them and then complain about "emotional celibacy?"
low self esteem will do that to people.


low iq person here.

That part I'm not sure of, but it may be true, the problem I have with the pill is twofold.
1) it enables women to be whores without any consequences (besides the psychological)
2) this one is more tinfoil hat, but small amounts of estrogen that is peed out by women on the pill end up in the water supply. Even if it's minute amount, over many years we don't know the effects. Testosterone in men has been declining since the 1900s. This is part of why we have the basedboy epidemic as well

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>I'm act not bad looking. I've been told I am 7/10 but bcs I'm smart and funny and cute I get to date top tier women. However there are some who only expect 10/10 super Chads. Some even a manage to ge tone to date them. But I have learned to only pay attention to women who are into me
you are lucky.
most of our women in America are at the 10/10 stage.
It's not until late 20s that they get realistic standard
and learn a person is both looks + personality.

>wine aunt

We've already hijacked this from that lame feminist pic, how can we put it to good use here? It seems like a good fit.

>what does emcal stand for?

>In this functional magnetic resonance imaging study involving 40 pair-bonded women, 21 of whom were using HC, we investigated whether a 24-IU nasal dose of OXT would modulate brain reward responses evoked by the romantic partner’s face relative to the faces of familiar and unfamiliar people. Treatment with OXT increased the perceived attractiveness of the partner relative to other men, which was paralleled by elevated responses in reward-associated regions, including the nucleus accumbens. These effects of OXT were absent in women using HC.

They complained when they had to settle down, now they're complaining they cant because its not chad. Stop listening to women, they have no fucking clue.

What is the female obesity rate

there was a thread about it today

>For one it's on men for falling for the giant shit test that feminism was, and two, the jews brainwashed them to be whores with social media.
It's also on men for praising male promiscuity!!! If you retards wanted to live up to your own convictions, you'd treat PUAs and most of the manosphere the same way you treat thots. But nooo, instead you act like lapdogs of Roosh V and his ilk. And blame it on feminism and media of course. No male accountability.

>Talk to women
I do (unfortunately) which is how I know you’re an idiot. Women don’t have trouble finding relationships. The ones that don’t have them just don’t want them.


Emotionally Run Out, Has Wine

>b-but Stacey isn't being being loved by Chad, (mouthbreathes) she's emotionally celibate
Stay mad virgins

Blaming society for choosing to be a whore then regretting the lifestyle haha.

Yup sounds about right. Idk if blaming men is the goal, but you're right in that they'll most likely interpret it that way instead of taking responsibility. Either way the goal is accomplished, helping to fix the whore epidemic plaguing the west.

Bad folks search for sex
Good folks search for commitment

Smart women know looks is only a minimum and personality matters
Bad women ignore personality and only go for 10/10 looks.


Don't speak on my behalf. I regularly call out man whore behavior. It's just as disgusting as roastie behavior.

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I have started research, this is interesting.
Only dated one girl who didn't take the pill (gave migraines) and she was suspiciously a lot more loyal and trad than other girls. Says a lot.

>2) this one is more tinfoil hat, but small amounts of estrogen that is peed out by women on the pill end up in the water supply. Even if it's minute amount, over many years we don't know the effects. Testosterone in men has been declining since the 1900s. This is part of why we have the basedboy epidemic as well
read >You need high fat, low carb diet to synthesize hormones.
Carnivore diet is required to maintain optimum health in most people.

you could do a stage by stage, growth thing with arrows.
x goes to emcel goes to cool wine aunt goes to x

like pic related

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Actually, I'm going to be the assistant manager soon.

>Women don’t have trouble finding relationships. The ones that don’t have them just don’t want them.
That is the problem.
>omg it's complicated. I don't want anything serious
is the women having problems with relationships. But there retarded lord of the flies peer group rewards them for this fucked up behavior.

Like I said in the other thread, we need to ban k-12 schools.

Also perhaps explains how women become total cunts at about 20 years old.

Good fucking find m8 saved, my laptop died so I can only phone post. Anyway someone would turn this study into one of the emcel memes?

Noice. I have to get up for work tomorrow so I'll be fucking off shortly!

Modern "women" are just FUCKING AWFUL.

Bad attitudes. Smeared in literal dirt that fucking stinks. You cant hug them because this fucking dirt smears all over your clothes. Women have WORSE hygiene than men. They are used to having everyone jump when they demand.

Start a family in literally ANY other country than a western one with western laws and western media influence. With a white woman if you want, just get them away from western media


Congratulations, femtards. Every fucking roastie I've met on hormonal birth control is also on anti-depressants. And then there is the inevitable low-grade alcoholism and toxoplasmosis from being the drunk old cat lady.
Bicycles capcha lol

emotionless cunts?

okay so you’re larping, fine
>there retarded lord of the flies peer group
>we need to ban k-12 schools
seems like they would’ve done you some good if you’d attended

I saved the version without it, it's fucking retarded. Branding it with Jow Forums kills it in its tracks. It's best left unbranded

If you haven't realized that this Jow Forums was lost years ago, you may be a smoothbrain brainlet. The mods here love the dumb reactionary threads that don't deeply focus on REAL problems and are just there for bait (and the bait is often succesfull thus meaning more visitors and more revenue. I would say 5% of threads on this site are worth reading, many of those are quickly removed though. The other site with Jow Forums is much better worth your time.

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Hmmm I wonder how this happened

not like the last several years have put men into a situation where emotional distance is preferable

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These, also this

It will work only if you make it
1. Popular. # and instagram "worthy"
2. Seem like it's 100% supporting women
3. Seem like it's a men's fault (guys who pump and dump "Chad")
4. Be delicate but still mention they need to control themselves and not put out so easily their bodies, without slutshaming
5. Ultimately you will have to make slutshaming cool and enabling slut behaviour seem like something that will leave them "used" by men and their own urges without any emotions or romantic feelings.

>still chasing women


baka, time to convert to islam #PolygamyGang

A good post from a leaf, it’s a rarity on the chans

You're saying women have low self-esteem?

You didn't call it out in this very comment to which I responded. So you obviously consider it less important of all the factors. If you actively call out both PUAs and thots, on one hand you make more men aware on ways in which they contribute to slut epidemic, and on the other hand, with women, you leave them without the "double standard" argument (which means they might actually even listen to what you say - which, at thispoint, is making progress). It's literally unproductive at best, or straight out counterproductive, to not call out male promiscuity when discussing the slut problem.

nah don't be silly
what were we talking about again?

My name is Charlize Theron and I've been an emcel for 10 years

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My girlfriend is based but on the pill, please tell me it's not so bad

>seems like they would’ve done you some good if you’d attended
are you dumb?
women are supposed to seek our relationships with men.
it's what they have been doing for 1000s of years
it's why they are programmed for all the gossip and hate politics

problem is they are being blasted by the same degenerate propaganda as men
telling them to get casual sex, only go for looks. no mention of personallity
all this gets normalized by the schools
schools create a lord of the files mentality where the children raise themselves
Women are reward for sleeping with hottest guy they find through peer approval.
There is no reward for having a meaningful relationship and hell you'll prob be pressured into degeneracy.
that's why it takes women their mid 20s to HOPEFULLY come to their senses.

The problem is 2 fold
1) Hollywood blasting shit into kids minds
2) K-12 schools acting as a fermentation chamber

Wanna hear something ironic? I've had a history of being able to get just about any pussy I've wanted. (decent looking...maybe a 7.5...ish).
Now I'm a tad overweight (6 feet tall @220lbs) and even though I weigh more than I ever have, I'm better looking now than I was years ago.
In other words, I can still get top shelf pussy (gift of gab).
The irony is, I lack the patience to deal with the bullshit.
2 whore ex wives that take your kids, your house, and your money tends to do that.
Now, instead of being a kind, generous, and loyal man to women, I just treat them like dumb whores. (most)
They (women) have completely ruined my trust and generosity. I would rather swallow a bullet than to trust another woman with my life.
So, in short, I'm far from a virgin or incel. Women are just not worth the effort any longer.

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Women are only good for 1 thing.

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This roastie's meme and how men need to fix themselves.

You seem ok, memeflag. I don't really do social media, for obvious reasons, so I don't think I can do this, but I whole heartily suppose the cause. I just don't want this degenerate lifestyle to go on any long.

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most of this Jow Forums is circle-jerk, I agree
avg IQ on here is too low