So I went out with this girl from work a few weeks ago (we both got promoted alongside each other for the same position...

So I went out with this girl from work a few weeks ago (we both got promoted alongside each other for the same position and went out to celebrate) and we got really drunk and made out.

Everything is cool, no problem. Sent her home in an Uber cause she blacked out and life goes on. Fast forward a couple weeks (she was on vacation then had minimester finals) to two nights ago. We went out, same spot, hung out but didn’t get as drunk (still drunk tho). Didn’t make out or anything and we decided we’d go to the beach the next day (both of our families have houses there) so I crashed at her house and we left in the morning. She put me in her guest room and then went to her room.

Yesterday we got to the beach and went our separate ways with our families for a bit (I did meet her uncle on arrival though, hit it off he’s cool)

Eventually I asked her if she wanted to go out again and she was down. We met and started at this little dive place, she told me I looked cute when she saw me which was a confidence boost.

Dive bar was lame so we walked a few streets over to a club. After a few drinks and some 1 on 1 we end up grinding on the dance floor, like aggressively then we went and made out again for a bit.

We left the club and walked across the street to chill on the beach at night for a bit. Nothing happened but she ended up puking then we were covered in sand so we left. Went to her senpai’s house and met her younger brother and we play some of the same video games and have other common interests so we got along great too, I think he said something along the lines of “I like this one” in reference to me but I don’t remember if that’s exactly how it was said.

We all chilled til like 3:30am and I was kinda thinking I was gonna get lucky so I stuck around. Eventually she started nodding off and her brother offered to carry her to her room and then they offered me another guest room.

I opted to just Uber back to my family’s place. (1/2)

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Other urls found in this thread:

I’m just confused about what’s going on. Like am I dating this girl? Cause we’ve gone out a few times in the last few weeks and we get along great. She also said “bye love!” When I left last night? Do I just suck at closing? And she also mentioned last night she’s just “enjoying her single life” and said she’s “an emotionless piece of shit” in reference to like loving someone.

So idk what to think guys. Curious what y’all think. Any other questions about any circumstances or details for clarification I’ll be glad to answer.


just hit it raw
fuck labels

it's interesting how a woman could simply fall into the lap of someone so oblivious and beta, yet this shithole is still 90% full of incels.

Literally how? When was the last time you saw anyone who could even resemble a beta essentially fucking with clothes on in the middle of a dance floor at a beachside club?
I mean that’s the plan but I kinda like her so I’m just tryna see what’s up

She likes you and has set boundaries. This is a good thing.

Spending time with her is a good idea, and at some point when it's the right time, you need to buy her some flowers, take her out to a nice dinner and afterwards, ask her if she's looking for a long-term relationship. If she isn't, walk away.

Why would she set boundaries? Why not just tell me she likes me?

Since you are a rich kid I suggest you read The Rules of Attraction it will explain everything you need to know

I’m not a rich kid lol but I’ll check it out

Women set boundaries with guys they like.

Women know men disappear the moment they get sex. So a woman is going to try and withhold sex aslong as possible with a guy she likes because she doesn't want to get hurt. Listen to what the girl says in this video. It is very revealing to the female psyche

Not if she’s a slut and just doesn’t like OP as much as Chad

All that video is really saying is to not give attention to people you actually like. I've actually kinda already been doing this with her, so I guess I'm on the right track.



> and withhold sex aslong as possible with a guy she likes because she doesn't want to get hurt

LOL What the fuck am I reading?
Totally fucking beta just get out of this board right now.

That actually true, though. Women are retarded and will fuck people they don't care about, but hold sex over the heads of someone they do.

It's the most ridiculous shit women do, I think.

Meh I don't buy it. Tell that to thousand of guys who have just been friendzoned.

Also my experience with my 5 ex girlfriends tell otherwise to what you are saying.

The answer is No you’re not dating, yes you do suck at closing, she clearly wants to fuck, and you could have made it happen multiple times by now if you were more proactive, luckily for you you at least haven’t fucked it up and she’s very comfortable w u by this point, so you can probably still make it happen.

That being said, just fuck, don’t even consider her for a relationship as the whole “love being single” and “emotionless bitch” mindset is cancerous and a HUGE RED FLAG I promise, take it from someone who is very experienced in the dating marketplace and who has learned a lot of things the hard way

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Yes this OP listen to this guy.

But don't fret yourself it happens even to me as well before.

Lmao retard he’s right it’s a real thing, girls will fuck a chad who lives in his grandmas basement first night, then make a successful rich guy wait a month because she wants to keep him around so she wants to make him work for it and not appear to be a slut.

But also the guy telling u to ask if she’s interested in a relationship is also totally fucking beta whatever you do doNOT fucking do that Jesus Christ. This is probably the worst place you could ask for advice w women it’s fucking Jow Forums full of uncles, you’re lucky I pop in once in a blue moon.

I’m the guy who suggest u just smash n dash, I promise you ur in for a world of hurt if you get into a relationship w a girl like this or if you catch feelings.

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Women someone doesn't matter you can do what you want to them, but in a relationship everything matters so you need to fix things. That's the reasoning at least.

for every girl like in your pic, there's an incel left out there

All I’ve learned reading this thread is that women are retarded.