Where have all the serial killers gone ?

where have all the serial killers gone ?

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They run the governments

she's still on the lose

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>not posting the Iceman
Jersey strong.

This, and they've gotten much better at going unnoticed.
Their victims are more likely "missing persons" rather than found dissected in an open area.
The era of the "taunting killer" is far behind us.

It's harder to pass by unnoticed. Everyone's being watched 24/7


They cut their penises off and call themselves Shirley

its a lot harder to be a serial killer due to cctv and other things tracking you. the modern equivalent are the school shooters.

I don't recogniZe all those, but for example, why is Jim Jones a serial killer? He committed a massacre if anything, serial killers are the ones that kill people over time with some related motive or method. Zodiac killer is a serial killer. Manson might not really be a serial killer either if we're being pedantic, unless by your definition Hillary Clinton is really a serial killer (so having people killed for you is the same as being the killer)

Serial killers were just made up bullshit to scare the populace.

Prison. GPA surveillance, webcams everywhere, DNA testing that can catch you through your third-cousin, etc. The only way you can get away with being a serial killer these days is if you're a nog in a nog neighborhood where nobody cares, but nogs aren't smart enough to go full Bundy.

This is wrong. We have such an abundance of homeless people and other people that no one notices missing, that being a killer is easier than ever.

Into witness protection.

You guys are also forgetting police. Where I'm from, the police kill an innocent person at least once a week.

They became lone wolf mass murdering shooters.

Attached: mass-shooters3.jpg (846x571, 107K)

Why should they return?

They were all cowards that killed women and children.

A lot of serial killers may be fake. I know the Manson murders weren't actually real. When the media controls your reality, the media can do whatever it wants.

>cowards that killed women and children.
killing the innocents makes more of a political statement than killing criminals

Sounds a lot like police officers

Serial killers were caused by a series of contemporary factors that are no longer problems. Apparently there is a strong correlation between serial killers with fathers of WW2 servicemen with PTSD.

because he was a larping lying faggot who killed maybe 2 or 3 people related to his porn business. The mob has straight up said he was never involved with them

I'm right here

23andMe is now asking members about their favorite meals and what type of music they listen to in "research" surveys.

NEXT: Do you prefer to kill your victims
*gunshot to the head
*slice a main artery, slow bleed out
*death by a million paper cuts

also, while you butcher people do you listen to
*Fleet Foxes
*Ariana Grande

Modern tech has made it more difficult to be one, the one's who are still getting away with it are incredibly skillful.

whatss your number

>being this assmad
Yeah you can trust the mob and what they say.

people lost interest so the cia stopped making them

they're all actors btw

The leftist j*w media hyped the Zodiac killer and as aresult there were HUNDREDS of serial killers in the 60s-90s. Then they stopped glorifying them and the number of serial killers plummeted.
After Columbine, the leftist j*w media hyped school shooters and as a result you have copycats to this day.

Attached: randy stair mass shooter.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

What's wrong with killing women?

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