Percentage of irreligious people in Europe

If your country is above 10% you are a godless cuck.

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Agnosticism is the wave.

>Lithuanians are religious
top meme

This proves that a Turkroach genocide is justified. Let's remove kebab again, my Serb friend.

russia is only 15% i am surprised

Suprised about the high percentage in my country
I know almost exclusively non religious people.

Germany is surprisingly low to me.

It's a known fact that people lie and hide their religiousness in your countries because you guys bully them for it and act like it would be retarded to believe in God.

Well they may be memed a lot and have some problems but they are quite down the earth people with strong traditions and a very conservative mind.
That is far better than their western counterparts

62% may be accurate for the total population but among anyone below 40 I would be very surprised if even 5% of ethnic Norwegians are religious.

Bullshit, I know like two idiots who are stupid enough to believe in religion.


Your forgot about the mudslimes Henk.

They should be bullied.

It is retarded in my opinion to believe in an omnipotent being that created this universe.

Based Estonia. Is it worth to visit your country for a couple of weeks?

Do what? You will see all in a day and its not authentic

Look at the czechcuks lmao! I'm Serbian Orthodox, disregard the flag.

here if u celebrate christmas or easter ure considered religious

The EU is fixing this you dunce. Those numbers will grow because Muslims are considered religious too.

Never mind the social turmoil that'll ensue.

Czech Republic 72%
Could that be why they hold the number 3 spot of amount of pornstars worldwide despite the size of their country.


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>The EU is fixing this

We sure are. It won't take that long anymore before we start the holocaust on mudslimes.

You can't avoid it. They also happen to be the most scientifically advanced countries. It's not necessarily a good thing, and we should cling on to cultural aspects of Christianity, but you simply won't get white Europeans to believe the Bible is the word of God while living in the modern world.


How many of religious people are Christians?

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Visit the coastal area visit some historic attractions.

Why isnt it authentic?

you are a nonwhite cuck, sad desu

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Because its all swedish-german stuff. Theres nothing to see here, our tourism is low as fuck but if you want to come then come dont get your hopes up

What qualifies as religious?

I don't know anyone who attends church.

That is why your country is a nihilistic shithole and your peoples are dying. You have no anchoring belief, no common felt experiences, you're not brothers and sisters you're automatons.

But you know, it can be changed, I would ask you, to try this out of intellectual curiosity. If god is real he could show himself to you, so if you want to know, why not ask him to do it? Like with sincerity of course, it can't be some sarcasm like in earnest.

What about the other two baltic states?

saying yes to some bullshit poll, thats what it takes these days to go to heaven acording to 4cuck Jow Forums

What the fuck is happening to Pepe?

So what percent of Christian whitebois should pay us reparations for crusades?

>and your peoples are dying
How, in what way?

God could also be real if he did not show himself.

How can you not see that the bible is just a book written by people. Believing in the bible is on the same level as believing in the scientology books

Nobody bullies retards here. It doesn't matter if you believe in magic wizards or santa claus. That being said, I strongly believe that we should shut some christian sects out of politics etc. Some fundie groups get most of their material straight from Israel.

That number will increase because of the youth is this country. Not many young person goes to church willingly.

The number will probably decrease again when we have shariah law though. :P

Christcuck says what?

Never forget that all it takes is one election to go from having leftists governments who like and protect you to something else entirely.....

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Its not like italy or france with big beautiful unique stuff

how is it even measured?

i hope for italy is not % of baptised because i can assure you that a lot of people have been baptised and they don't believe in god.

I will protect you. You must go down the stairs.

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I wasn't speaking of the Bible at all, the Bible is merely an intellectual framework through which a great many people to include a huge number of your very ancestors became spiritual. But specifically I am asking you to consider that there is a God and maybe you can know him.

The two issues I laid out about how your don't have a shared belief structure and your peoples are dying and the fact that you could maybe know God were different.

Also maybe surrendering yourself to some sort of structure that is "written by people," is the sort of sacrifice necessary to understand what it is to sacrifice yourself to your people, and I mean that very literally.

But I would add, what do you really KNOW about the Bible besides that it is a book which is admittedly by the Book written by people? Like have you read it, studied it, anything like that or are you just asserting what you think about it?

I wouldn't judge you I mean that totally rhetorically you don't have to answer, I'm just asking you to kind of consider that.

We are brothers and sisters,our common is sharing same blood and living in same place. You need religion because your shithole has no national identity,everyone are rootless. You have nothing in common with others except religion

>I am asking you to consider that there is a God
I already do, sort of.
Im an agnostic atheist. I dont believe there is a god, but i cant prove that there isnt a god either.

I rather believe in scientific theories than in theistic theories. Science has gotten us a way better quality of life than religion

Our sweet land of indifferentism

Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that.
Religion helped a lot with science, some of the earliest 'natural philosophers' hinged their arguments on some scripture that said that you can know God thru his creation.

Based Czechs.

How can this be turned around?

People believe we have moved past religion. They are content with modern conveniences and a material living. They might not be happy but they now see religion as something archaic, incompatible with the modern world. Since most people know about Christianity, instead of treating it with curiosity as those of the past may have, they will avoid talking about anything spiritual.

Perhaps it will take great suffering for people to realise they need God...or maybe people's hearts are already too hardened.

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Greece is always giving an exemplary performance in these maps, I hope they can free themselves and reclaim their glory someday.

Funny how the higher average IQ correlates with the higher percentage of irreligious people.

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Nah, far higher. They must be including people who tick 'Christian'/whatever because 'they were baptised as a babby, innit', and the aging population must account for a significant portion of that. I haven't met another Christian outside of our aging churches in well over a year.

That said, if Brexit fails, I'm seeing sime places to try and find a wife and maybe move to in the next couple of decades.

A new plague and a few catastrophic wars under incapable leadership will do the trick.

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>Even by the standards of the rapidly declining Western Empire, Honorius's reign was precarious and chaotic

top kek, cool paint map

religiosity = religious practices

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>The year 410 also saw Honorius reply to a British plea for assistance against local barbarian incursions, called the Rescript of Honorius. Preoccupied with the Visigoths, Honorius lacked any military capability to assist the distant province. According to the sixth century Byzantine scholar Zosimus, "Honorius wrote letters to the cities in Britain, bidding them to guard themselves."

based uk

I'm pretty sure that map shows the percentage of people who are not members of church or other registered religious organization, not irreligious people.