Should I double major in mathematics and philosophy? I really enjoy both subjects...

Should I double major in mathematics and philosophy? I really enjoy both subjects, but I’m just worried I’ll be wasting my time and money.

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A philosophy degree is just expensive suicide fuel


Op lol. I was thinking about doing the same. Social work and Philosophy. Ima get my masters in social work first for I can get a decent job to be secure. Once im done and secure like an apartment, care and insurance then ima go back for a phd in philosophy. I recommend you to do the same. Who cares if you get your phil degree when your 40? Knowledge is eternal. You should never stop being a student.

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It's not a bad combo if you plan to go to gradschool but anything less than that won't help you get a job.

Have you met a single philosophy graduate?

No, usually philosophy (and other humanities courses for that matter) are relatively small

Math is import and useful, philosophy not so much. Learning real math makes you smarter than everyone else. Notice how no mathematicians are egomaniacs? They're literally too smart for that juvenile bullshit. Learn math, then do whatever the fuck you want.

You should talk to a few before wasting the effort. Philosophy is a hobby of sorts, one that often drives people into depression and surrounds them with insufferable people. And let's not forget the drug abuse on top of it. The lack of career prospects is just a part of the whole here. It is a bad idea

Okay, coolio

Cool story babe, now make me a sandwich

I did philosophy in college, it was expensive but I actually got a lot out of it and I'm grateful I didn't just go for a business degree like a lot of other people.

Philosophy majors do really well in law and any field that requires you to compose and relate complex thoughts.
Math is probably a better career though.

Education is not a waste and those are legitimate, difficult subjects. Go for it.

Only about 25% of grads end up working in the field they majored in. (Look it up) Put another way, that means that no major guarantees employment and none is unemployable.

Since you will very probably end up working at something else entirely, pick the major or majors you'll most enjoy immersing yourself in for four years.

I'll be doing philosophy. Yes, no job prospects that relate to philosophy itself. But if you view it as a tool to help you think, you can be useful in any field. I personally will probably be going for a master's. I'm thinking architecture at the moment but we'll see.
Do both if you can, op, but either one is fine by itself

>I really enjoy both subjects

What more is there to ask? Fucking go for it.

Are you 18, going to college?

>that pic

They should bring back public drownings

>young guy that looks happy with no other context
Sorry you feel self concious about being an old fuck

That sounds interesting. And maybe it's not a waste of time and money:

I know in my country (in Europe) it's not a valuable degree so if you lived here I would propose economics because there's a lot of math but also something to read and discuss about.


Not really. My mom promised to house me if I can't find a job. She wanted me to go to college and I wouldn't have gone otherwise. i don't really give a shit either way. I'm fine being homeless. Done it before, I'll do it again, just this time with a degree

>philosophy major
>'I'm fine being homeless'
Checks out

Yes, and? My dad has one and is in real-estate. He married a Jew and she hooked him up with her dad's business. I don't want to follow that path nor do I plan on it, but homelessness is the outcome whenever my mom stops housing me.

>my dad got a degree, went into a field that doesn't require a degree and got support from his father-in-law
What I said still stands

fuck off, stem elitist

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>still struggles to distinguish between sex and gender
Kek, got me good

You're right and I already said it before you did, so I'm not sure what the point of this is

Basically . It doesn't matter what you study. What matters is your plan. Unless you want to be an engineer, or nurse, or something else that specifically requires certain education requirements, just study what you like. For most employers, a college degree is just a sign that you'll jump through a bunch of dumb hoops for authority figures for a prolonged period of time.

Mathematics will get you a job, philosophy won't.

>binges rick and morty
>implying gender gap is bad
I hate R*ddit so goddamn much
Kill yourself, humanitiescuck.

Philosophy major


Nothing triggers people more than saying you major in philosophy. People got mad when I said I I voted for drumpf, but saying I'm a philosophy major? That got people heated

They're essentially the same topic.

Major in math, it's more marketable (important so you can earn a living and pay down any student debt you accrued) and also far more difficult to learn by yourself.

You can be a philosopher without studying the work of other philosophers in great detail, because you can develop your own moral/ethical systems independently.
Math on the other hand necessarily builds on the work of other mathematicians. So there's a lot more you MUST learn to advance the field.

If you get into shit like nihilism, determinism, extreme subjectivism and shit It can really mess with you. All philosophy teachers I've met were fucked, awkward or known for binge drinking. Also you'll most likely become a teacher afterwards and nothing else. Same goes for sociology and shit.

Rather stick to math. I studied it for a semester and it's really hard. You'll need to stay focused and you'll end up being miserable too since 60% of the people i studied with were spastics too.

t. 1980s paki FOB


How much does it cost extra? In my country the second master is free if you do a double program.

I dont think anyone’s mad but you hahahahahahaha

>Only about 25% of grads end up working in the field they majored in. (Look it up)

Now look up the percentage for philosophy majors

The reason that fucking number is so low is because if majors like philosophy you dumbass liberal arts major

I called you Doomed but if you're down for crust punk lifestyle and majoring in philosophy you're probably cool. OP and less experienced kids should not be getting any kind of lib arts major unless they've got rich parents and family connections

>but saying I'm a philosophy major? That got people heated
Because anyone who has met more than a few philosophy major knows personality wise as a group it is the absolute bottom of the barrel

>double major in mathematics and philosophy?
What job are you going to get with either?

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You are a fucking idiot

Instead of getting mad people use to just publicly drown people like you. Take it for what its worth bud. Btw fuck your hitler cock sucking president

>this much salt over an allegedly useless degree
There’s no way you can believe that elitist fags are mentally well

>fuck your hitler cock sucking president
How retards believe this with the amount of Jews in his administration, I will never understand.
I wish he were a tenth the man hysterical leftists pretend he is.

what do you do now?
do CS of some kind for your career's sake

Fuck off, gandhi

Better shut up before I go nuclear holocaust on you.
Also I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.