**!!!AOC THE MOVIE!!!!**
>WP picks handubby merchant AOC when she reveals she's jewish
I'm not sure what to feel here.
She’s not Jewish.
I want to make ugly mutt babies with her
Same, she's so fucking hot yet approachable. I want a puerto rican gf
the brave story of how some bartender tested well through a casting call and won a primary with historically low turnout nobody gave a shit about.
>22nd amendment prevented FDR‘s re-election
>0-57 on GND
>banks are responsible for the actions of borrowers
>25K jobs lost
>$27 billion tax revenue lost
>eliminate farting cows
>outlaw hamburgers
>give money to people unwilling to work
>eliminate air travel
>build trains to Hawaii
>didn’t know the three branches of government
>print money to pay for social programs
>doesn’t understand tax policy
>doesn’t understand basic economic theory
>working longer hours or multiple jobs lowers the unemployment rate
>thought she got “inaugurated” into office and would sign bills into law
>being morally right trumps being factually correct
>less than 16K votes (700,000 eligible voters)
>brags about having an economics degree when she only has a minor
>leveraged a $300,000 education into a bartending job
>dangerously unqualified
>pudgy ankles
Yeah that’s way worse than how trump won
Whoa you mean photoshop can be used to make people look weird wow how did you discover this??
>22nd amendment prevented FDR‘s re-election
it was written during FDRs last term before he died as a republican response to him and his policies.
>0-57 on GND
That doesn’t mean shit, McConnell was just playing games, everyone knows it
>banks are responsible for the actions of borrowers
Do you really think predatory lending is good for the economy?
>25K jobs lost
My city didn’t want Amazon either, they were trying to make a big contest out of it, but nobody wanted the extra traffic and unemployment is low, there isn’t the same demand for jobs.
Why can’t Amazon go to a red state where people obviously would love to have them?
>$27 billion tax revenue lost
How much would they have to spend to accommodate those people?
>eliminate farting cows
>outlaw hamburgers
>give money to people unwilling to work
>eliminate air travel
>build trains to Hawaii
Stupid republican talking points that no one is seriously advocating for. But if everyone did eat one vegetarian meal a day, our society would fundamentally change. From health to pollution, it would be a revolution in itself
>didn’t know the three branches of government
>print money to pay for social programs
>doesn’t understand tax policy
Yeah she does
>doesn’t understand basic economic theory
She has a bachelors in it
>working longer hours or multiple jobs lowers the unemployment rate
Obvious misstatement
>thought she got “inaugurated” into office and would sign bills into law
You’ve said she wants to ban hamburgers
>being morally right trumps being factually correct
She is factually correct on scientific proposals.
>less than 16K votes (700,000 eligible voters)
Trump lost the popular vote
>brags about having an economics degree when she only has a minor
That’s kind of elitist of you
>leveraged a $300,000 education into a bartending job
Bartenders make good money starting out
>dangerously unqualified
Good intentions and a good team go a long way
What through getting legitimately voted in by the American people without Russian collusion?
She admitted to being a jew
To be completely honest this isn't changed much from the original
>We ran our campaign on a shoestring budget... apart from all the money we spent filming a studio-grade documentary about it.
Was she on the ballot under Alexandra, Ocasio, or Cortez?
She might have won the primary because the incumbent was unpopular and she was before all the challengers alphabetically.
Cenk is rly putting all his money on her i see
This is so uncanny to look at, so many feelings but the one that stands out the most is hate and how badly you just want to hate fuck her.
>it was written during FDRs last term before he died as a republican response to him and his policies
and was ratified 6 years after his death and FDR would have been exempt if he hadn't died since the bill didn't include the current president
>McConnell was just playing games, everyone knows it
How is doing your job and bringing a bill up for a vote "playing games"?
Me gusta tacos y burritos mucho.
Hot, you must be sexually attracted to mules.