Why are so many people leaving the church? From the start of the Christendom up to i would say 1940, 100% of the population belonged to church, today it's decreasing rabidly. It's not like are becoming smarter, people from 100 years ago were vastly superior to modern basedboys.
Why are so many people leaving the church? From the start of the Christendom up to i would say 1940...
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*s-o-y boys
Who has the most authoritative creation myth right now?
>*puts on chastity cage*
>*defends muslims*
>*defends jews*
>*tips fedora*
Because nothing should be between a man and god.
Post WW2 destruction of the church (and all other western institutions) from within by jews. Hence modern pro-LGBT, pro-open borders, pro-globalism, pro-race-mixing etc. (((churches))).
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there.
Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
(((what a coincidence)))
Islam. It's the same Jew God and everything, but it's okay to beat your wife.
a must watch
diversity kills communities. plus churches are often lead by globalist cucks who want the offering plate filled by any means necessary
>jew god
hey rabbi, cool gaslighting
I stopped going to church because it’s boring. They can’t seem to jazz it up without making it cringey. I’ve had one great pastor in 31 years of life. He’d give the best lectures about the history and culture of the region. He made the Bible seem lived in. Too bad pastor Tom died like 10 years ago. I think more people would be receptive if it was taught like a history class.
Thanks, saved
>From the start of the Christendom up to i would say 1940, 100% of the population belonged to church,
lolno, look up "French anti-clericalism". Even in England in Victorian times less than half the population went to church on Sunday, though they would get married and buried there. The rot set in with the "Enlightenment", long before 1940.
If anything WWII was the straw that broke the camels back.
because it’s all obviously corrupt and everyone is busy being materialist kikes. we’re all kikes now, except only blood-kikes live like kings.
All the retards i know left the church long time ago, the most intelligent i know are dropping agnosticism to go back to Christianity, leaning towards the Eastern tradition.
The intelligent people sees evil unveiling in every aspect of society, and reacts accordingly. Cheer up.
Yes, and WW1 before it. WW1 in particular marked the end of a particular European civilisation. The consequences of that are still playing out.
Both Christian confessions in Germany are in a competition who is more cucked and more rapefugee welcoming. They are both sacrificing their own herd to appeal to the dominating leftist media and establishment.
Because women use it to emasuculate their sons. Because it has been infiltrated and subverted by Jews Satanists and Sodomites. The church is done . It is the whore of Babylon. It needs to burn. That being said, Christ is the most powerful egregore. Christ will conquer the world. Only a new church can save us. The church is dead, long live the church.
The Latin Masses are packed, they're filled with mellinneals.
Schools are anti religion. That’s literally it. If you teach evolution as settled science you will turn a lot of young people away from Christianity.
Thenyou have to look to the state for your beliefs. They want you to rely on them for protection. Infrastructure, education, retirement accounts, basically everything.