This is how you treat foreigners visiting your country?
LaNd oF tHe FrEe
>A foreigner, wears a MAGA hat. >Asks few questions to citizens of murica >Few questions about their current president >TheDucKMan >Murican citizens rage and start screaming >the foreigner asking question, gets punched in the face by white niggers. >absolute state of MUTTLAND
Dude the usa is dead The abomination we see today is the zombie corpse walking around thanks to jewdoo magic. Spiritually, the Yanks are dead Mentally too Same politically The greatest nation ever has been so corrupted to its very core that even Americans themselves are rotten. The only thing good about the usa is the ease of wich you can buy goods and products. They are dead.
This video is a meme, bro. The redhead is another youtuber from the "GINGERS DO HAVE SOULS" video of ancient internet meme days.
Julian Ramirez
lmfao omg all the beta males crying in the comments hahahahah
Luke Parker
>downtown atlanta
I think i know where he fucked up.
Alexander Hall
JAY BOLO KEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jonathan Carter
This. Just head over to the comment section, of the video link The viewers think its not funny?! WTF
These npc don't even know how much of a hole they are in, and still asking for quality content.
Nicholas Russell
Well, the vídeo might be a meme, but after living in the usa 10 years, hearing my father and grandfather talk about how it used to be over there in America, my point still stands The modern usa is a parody of itself, a bleak one at that Poo in the loo
It's close But Yanks are far worse off, well most of them in the cities and heavly populated areas Macri is pretty gay desu
Ryan Bennett
Jackson Green
Charles Miller
All poos have extreme inferiority complexes that stems from being brown skinned but also intelligent enough to be ashamed of their brown skin so they develop huge egos to deal with their self hate
You know exactly what I’m talking about. Every pajeet I’ve ever met or interacted with thinks they’re the greatest gift to earth while they all smell like shit, very pungent stench, and are jealous of tall white men. >muh mutt You and mutts have a lot in common too, both half breed retards
>Every pajeet I’ve ever met or interacted with thinks they’re the greatest gift to earth
I am guessing you have met Indians, who work in US? IT jobs and shit like that? Well, they were brought up in that fashion. Coming 1st in every class, being the topper. clearing college entrance exams (its really fucking tough). Every education hurdle the aced, the get prizes handed over to them. It diminished their social skills. In their whole life they were always been compared with students scoring less marks than them, they feel entitled to that position in their later life.
>You and mutts have a lot in common too, both half breed retards ((YOU)) a JEW?
Matthew Bennett
>Fagfrancisco who's that?
Andrew Bailey
Holy shit, the official return of C O P P E R C A B
Asher Ramirez
Okay you make a good point, and I apologize for making that mutt comment but I’m not a mutt and it seems like a lowball bant so I swung it back. But yes they are all working IT and act holier than thou and it’s flabberghasting how common it is
>But yes they are all working IT and act holier than thou and it’s flabberghasting how common it is
I know man, average scorer here in India would always get compared, like, look how good Raj has scored in his exam, he came first, why the fuck you can't study like him.?! Not like once or twice! but our entire fucking student life, till we get a job and get settled.
And fucking toppers feel entitled to this shit, like they have achieve some great shit. It boosts their ego. We over here have much more hate towards those egoistic bitches than you can imagine.