My relationships don't last

I have never have a girlfriend for more than a month. Why? I'm cursed?

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As long as you are saying "Yes" to her ideas how can you not get past a month?

Just say yes more.

I dunno OP. I wish I could help give more in depth answers to some threads but in the end Im not observing details you may be missing. What are your dates like? How does your date feel about them?

More than a month exactly? Sounds like she might be losing interest out of boredom. Does she sound interested in what you do?

Tell us about the sex problem already, OP. We are waiting

Yes to everything she say? Can you explain?

I always invite them and pay for everything and i think i always fucked up while talking to them, she either gets bored or lose interest with time.

Look, I'm attractive, really attractive seriously like Pitt. And everytime i found a new girl they lose interest because my personality doesn't match my looks, they can't believe i'm virgin and that ain't in a relationship.

It's becase when i was young i was ugly, puberty change a lot of my facial structure and sports and fitness change my body too, but the needy weird guy is still inside. When i was ugly i get in a lot of fights with a guy in school because we never get along and that traumatized me when i was a teenager, i lose trust with everybody and i was defensive, i didn't know how to build trust with somebody else, i was lonely in my teenage years i didn't want friends or anything and that fuck up my social skills in the future. This is probably a reason why i fuck up with girls.

When i start dating girls they get jeolous and trust issues appear, they think i'm cheating or something and don't believe me in a lot of things.

Those girls aren't comunicative, only one told me that she didn't want to be "the girlfriend of college" assuming i was cheating with her outside of college, while i don't.

I didn't fuck them. I think a month is too fast for that.

>yes i'm virgin

Just say yes more.

I've never had a girlfriend. And I don't think I want one. Fuck man, I can't even imagine the grating pain of having to be close to another human being. Everybody should fuck off before I rip your head off.

>I didn't fuck them. I think a month is too fast for that.
>>yes i'm virgin

Oh okay. Are they the same re sex? Because these days most people don't wait that long and sex is something you do before even getting serious with someone. If you aren't having sex maybe they think there is no spark

Sometimes it's worth it. If it's the right girl, a beautiful one.

You lose your freedom but the rest it's worth it. Just don't lose control of your life.

99% of girls are worthless. just be yourself man, that way if a girl that is worth a damn comes around she'll be attracted to you and not whatever game you're spitting

The problem it's that i don't know how they will react if i offer them sex.

I'm 20, my last girlfriend was 18 and virgin, the one before her was 16 virgin too. I haven't date a mature girl. I don't know how they will react, or if they will leave because i see them as a "hole to fuck".

I see. I'm kind of the same user. When I was a young kid I was pretty good looking then I turned into an ugly mofo up until my twenties and then I started maturing more physically in a good way but as of right now I still look like what I should've been as an 18 year old. I think I look ok but I have some serious hindering features that I got from one side of my family so I'm not as good as I could've been unfortunately. I think I got some of the best traits not present in my parents or grandparents so I should be grateful really and not looking into what I don't have.

Some of the things you mentioned socially are part of my problem too, so believe me I can understand where you come from.

I'm nearing 30 and haven't dated though I'm pretty sure I could if I had enough self esteem, but in your case it sounds like your past could be part of the reason you can't form a stable relationship with someone but it also sounds like you haven't met the right person. Keep trying user, and be careful when dating in college I know the dating pool can vary so try to filter out women that may have insecurity issues themselves.

Remember, if you feel your past experiences are hurting your dating life try getting some therapy.

And now that i'm older i understand the situation with the guy who bully me in high school, his dad was abusive with him, he fight a lot with his dad and while he was at school he fight with me, he had the support of his friends, i was alone, i was a kid it was easy to hurt me emotionally but i stand up, i didn't cry or any bullshit like that, but i did see him crying, when we graduated i see him crying with his friends while i don't; then i understand who was the stronger, Me. I wasn't as emotionally weak as he was, i stand up while i was alone.

I didn't have a emotional reaction to every bad thing that happen in my life as he did, i think with logic not with emotions. But i was a kid and the trauma is still there, the fights, the humilliation, the loneliness, the anxiety, the past experience. What can i do now? I don't trust anybody since then.

Next time try talking to them. Your relationships probably fail because you have zero communication.

Like I said if you feel your past is keeping you from connecting with people try getting therapy user. These people know how to get in your mind and help you see your past from a different perspective. If you have traumas they'll try cognitive therapy to help you overcome them.

I have the same problem. Everyone breaks up with me after not too long. My longest one is 5 months, funny enough that im the one who broke that one off. Only time ive ever broken up with someone. God, i miss my girlfriend from last year so much. Three months of the greatest time of my life, and then shes gone.

Why did she go?

Are you me?


Ya u will stay a virgin thinking like that

Guys who don’t know how to keep a woman tend to be the same guys women throw themselves at, they smell females on you and their instinct is to go with what’s in demand. You’re never going to have a long term relationship because your instinct will be to find new pussy. Until you sort out who’s in charge of your life, your dick or your brain you’ll be stuck in this situation man.